Dear Ones,

Happy Weekend to you! Hope you have time to relax and get renewed.   We had strong winds and some snow yesterday and hoping spring weather is back today so we can walk the trail.

Devotions from Judy’s heart

Do we travel light through life or are we weighed down and feel heavy? When I look out my window as I write there are often birds at my eye level that flit around from one branch to another, unencumbered and enjoying the day. Jesus said in Matt. 6:26, “Look at the birds, free and unfettered, not tied down to a job description, careless in the care of God. And you count far more to Him than birds.” When we think back of our parents and grandparents, most seemed to live life being satisfied with the necessities but not weighed down with what was not needful. They enjoyed what they had and trusted the Lord to provide. In our day, so many have such abundance and yet find it difficult to trust God.
There are those who don’t realize they are enslaved to the culture that is always wanting more and miss the freedom of living light and freely. We can ask ourselves the question, what do we feel we need to be happy? It could be a tangible item, or something to happen in the life of a loved one before we can have peace etc. But that is a lie of the enemy for we have a big God who loves us and when we know Him, we have found the Pearl of great price, the One who is peace.

When we are pre-occupied and feel out of sorts, we need to ask ourselves what is it we are hanging onto rather than trusting the Lord? What is God trying to show us about our motives and possible idols in our life” If we want to live freely, we need to address those things so we can let go of all that holds us back and weighs us down. It is a gift to be able to see what things hinder our walk with the Lord so we can release them  and change. This should be a continuous desire and action on our part that we begin each day as a new beginning and walk lightly and freely.

Challenge for today: Ask the Lord to show you what things to let go of and His grace to begin.

Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy