Dear Ones,
Hope you are enjoying the weekend. I was busy this morning cleaning the apartment and doing food prep. This afternoon I may go shopping and for our walk. You will hear about yesterday’s walk in the devotion today ( with David’s permission)
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Yesterday Al and I were walking on the trail and sharing about how God often works in ways that are unknown to us and hidden to our minds. We were sharing words from St. John of the Cross and remarking how we have to trust God in the darkness, even though we don’t know what God is doing in the deep parts of our hearts.
As we turned to go towards home we bumped into our friends on the trail, and David shared how he had written a poem called Allow, all about how God works in the darkness and stillness of our hearts. God was speaking many of the same things to him as He had been to us and showing us how we can’t figure it all out with our minds but have the need to allow ourselves to go deeper with Him.
David writes about letting ourselves go into stillness and ask God to reveal our negative attachments and things that are hiding in the core of our being. Al and I had just talked about how we need to continue to get rid of our attachments so there is more room in our hearts for what God wants to do in us and through us and draw us closer.
David had written in his poem how at the core of his being he became aware of unforgiveness, fear and anger and selfishness, which is present in all of us. In the stillness and darkness of intellectual knowing, God poured out his mercy and His grace and he experienced peace, light, freedom and love. He wrote,“His love, like a river, flowed when I asked forgiveness and gave Jesus control. I spent a lifetime in a cathedral of the mind. God said, ‘I will sing again in His light.’”
When we allow God to do His work in us and surrender those hidden things in the darkness, something deep and beautiful happens to us. As it says in Psalm 97:11 (Message), “Light seeds are planted in the souls of God’s people; Joy-seeds are planted in good heart soil.”
Let each of us say yes to the Lord and open our hearts wide to Him as we ask Him to show us what attachments need to go. And let us surrender it all and know that we will sing again in His light.
Challenge for today: Spend some time in quietness and allow Him to do His work in you.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy
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