Dear Ones, Hope you have a day of feasting on soul food! The worst did happen yesterday, and my computer was sent in to be fixed and won’t be back for 2 or 3 weeks. Al is sharing his with me in the meantime. PTL! When I went to the Computer Dr. he suggested sending it in as I am still under my warranty. He remarked that they see so many having the same trouble and my screen may be damaged too. Today I am going to Aldi’s and to Women’s Bible study . Devotions from Judy’s heart I will confess I love to eat! After waking and spending time with the Lord, my next thought is what am I going to make for Al and myself to eat today? Or what might I choose to bake? I love the aromas that fills our apartment and look forward to dinner time. But daily, there is more important food that we should be partaking of and that is food for our soul. There are many things that will help us to feed richly, and we should pay attention to the hunger of our souls. I am reading, “Crossing the Desert” and Robert Wick writes how we can feed our souls.
Being thankful is like a door that opens the doors of our souls and softens us, even when things are not going as we would like. The more we recognize God’s grace in our lives, the more gratitude fills our souls, and we can be thankful for all things. Wick also mentions internal simplicity that helps us relax and see everything as a gift and not concerned about things beyond our control. Our souls can be fed if we have a listening spirit that is open and eager to learn and not have a preconceived view. Even our own vulnerabilities can teach us if we are willing and will give us new perspectives. Our greatest vulnerability of course is death, and we must remember that we are all in the process of dying and as we face that, it should help us know how to live. Of course, good soul feeding is the Word and as we hear and read and store the Word in our hearts, it has power to change us. Meditating on the Bible in a prayerful way and memorizing scriptures can bring radical change to us. It is good to always be asking what it is saying to us so we can live it. Prayerfulness is vitally important for our souls and will leave us to be spiritually hungry always for more.
I am reminded of a hymn by William Williams in 1745 who wrote:
“Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah, pilgrim through this barren land. I am weak but Thou are mighty; hold me with thy powerful hand. Bread of heaven, bread of heaven, feed me til I want no more; feed me til I want no more.”
Challenge for today: Be open to the new ways to satisfy the hunger of your soul.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy
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