Canaan’s Rest represents a quiet place “set apart” for the purpose of hearing God's voice, growing in intimacy with the Lord, and being renewed in soul and spirit.

Month: September 2023 (Page 3 of 3)

September 11, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope you had a great weekend. We had a good Rally Sunday with a banquet of food and then seeing our pastor and others getting dunked in the dunk tank. His own father got to dunk him! Emoji
I am making smothered pork chops and soon we are going to a Dr. appointment to meet our new doctor as our other one moved. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  Do we seek man’s favor or do we desire God’s favor more? It makes a big difference for if we put man’s favor over God’s we are in for a lot of work as it never quits needing to be earned. Maybe doing certain things will give us acceptance for a while, but there is not an end to it as we have to keep doing them to maintain it. How much better to seek God’s favor which is supernatural and a gift of grace.
  I was reading today what Moses said about God”s favor, for it is nothing we have to expend  much energy to earn but is rather a wonderful gift that the Lord wants us to trust Him for. It is all about grace! When we open ourselves to receive from Him what we cannot earn, He pours out blessings on us and doors of opportunity open up. As Moses wrote in Psalm 90:17, “And let the beauty and delightfulness and favor of the Lord our God be upon us; confirm and establish the work of our hands yes, the work of our hands confirm and establish it.” But we can’t just receive His favor and then go live anyway we please. He wants us to listen to Him, to be watchful to obey Him, and He wants our love.
  I hope we have all experienced being loved for who we are and not for doing everything to please someone so that they would think well of us. When we are with family or friends who accept us as we are, it is an awesome feeling and we can just rest in the comfort of their love. Of course, God’s love is perfect and His favor is the most wonderful gift.
   I don’t know about you, but I am left with an awesome sense of His grace and we can enjoy His gifts to us, not being afraid we will lose them for we never earned them in the first place. Since we are His children, we are heirs to all that He has, which is limitless. In fact, we are very rich!
Challenge for today: Receive and thank God for how His favor has touched your life.
Blessings on your week and prayers and love, Judy


September 9, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope you are having a relaxing weekend. It has cooled off now and nice to have our door to the balcony open again. Today I am cleaning and doing food prep and Ann may come later. Tomorrow is Rally Sunday, so we are all eating dinner at church and having games and a dunk tank in which Pastor is the lucky one! 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  We are to be reflectors of the glory of God and letting His light shine through us. While at the lake a one Sunday morning I was sitting on the bed meditating and looking out the French doors on the lake. I saw the shimmering waves that were reflecting the boat resting on the lift that was held just a bit above the water. I thought of how the image in the water was the exact replica of reflection to what was above it. In this case it was the boat.
   But what about our lives? Is it not what is in our hearts what gets reflected to others? It says in Proverbs 27:19, “As in water face reflects face; so the heart of man reflects man.” We may try to put on a good outward front but what shows up in the reflection of the water is what is real and in our hearts. A loon may be swimming out from the dock but only the boats imagine will be reflected as it is right beneath the lift. Likewise, we can be reflectors of His glory in our lives the more we let Him transform us. We have been given the Holy Spirit to help us change and it is an ongoing experience of daily saying yes to the Spirit and no to our own selfish ways. As it says in the Message translation in II Cor. 3:18, “Nothing between us and God, our faces shining with the brightness of His face. And so we are transfigured much like the Messiah, our lives gradually becoming brighter and more beautiful as God enters our lives and we become like him.”
  It is most beautiful to see others who are not giving in to the culture, but want to seek to know the Lord in deeper ways. Rather than settling for shallowness they go on to know the depths of God. Let us lay aside all those things that hinder our relationship with Him, and like the song that Albert Osborn wrote be true of our desire. “Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me/ All His wondrous compassion and purity;/ O thou Spirit Divine, All my nature refine/ ‘Till the beauty of Jesus be seen in me.”
Challenge for today: Ask the Lord to make you a beautiful reflector of His glory by your very life.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy


September 8, 2023

Dear Ones,
Happy weekend to you! Hope you can have time to get refreshed. I just finished making cookies on a stick, and Al is the bowl-licker and the cookie taster! Although you will read I look terrible I feel fine! Emoji
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  Are we people of the heart? Do we look past the outward to sense what is going on within? We must be more than people of head knowledge and seek also to have heart knowledge, not only concerning the Lord, but others and ourselves.                                                                            Right now, if you looked only at my outward, it is not a pretty sight. I have scabs on my lips and some of my face from an ointment I had to put on for a month for precancer as I spent much of my life in the sun. Then there are my teeth; I have two empty spaces where my future implants will be going but are not in yet. To add to it, I suddenly have a stye in my eye which I have not had since a child. So, I am counting on people to look past my outward and see my heart instead! 
 We should not judge others by their outward looks and even behavior because there is often a reason behind how they look and act. One man who is severely deformed is that way from saving someone from a burning car. Those scars are beauty scars in the Lord’s eyes and should be in our eyes too. Or the screaming child who refuses to go in the shallow end of the pool. He is not being obstinate but fearful because he nearly drowned while at the lake. He needs the reassuring voice of love to take away his fear. Or the weeping woman whose cries we want to have silence, but she weeps because the child within her is no more.                                                                                                 Let us not be surface people who only deal with the superficial, but heart people that see in depth and sense the hurts of others. When we learn to see as Jesus sees, our hearts will be broken for others also, and they will sense it.                                                                                                  Most important we need to open our hearts wide to the Lord and let Him show us what we may be trying to hide. Only then can we sincerely pray as David in Psalm 139:23-24, “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my concerns. See if there is any offensive way in me; lead me in the everlasting way.”  If we dare pray this daily and mean it, our lives will be changed from the inside out, for He will take away that things in our lives that cause distance from the Lord and help us to also open wide our hearts to others.
Challenge for today: Make Psalm 139:23-24 your prayer today!
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy

September 7, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope you have a wonderful day full of His surprises. Al is off to men’s group and before long I will go downstairs to get donuts for us to have with coffee when he returns. I am making his favorite cookies and a zucchini dish and  this afternoon we have Bible Study.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
   The Lord loves us and has so much to teach us, and often in unexpected ways. We need to be alert and receptive to learn from what He is showing us, for He may surprise us and use those we come in contact with throughout our day. I get excited when He uses people we least expect or places us in unusual circumstances and we just know it is Him… He has a message for us we need to be open to learn and be blessed.
  In response to what I wrote some days ago about our friend Vickie who has Alzheimer’s and yet she blesses others by her smile and hugs as God’s love flows through her, I got a response from someone who knows God speaks as she reaches out to others around her.
  Our friend Carol had a chance meeting with Jamie and her 25 year-old daughter, Tanner, while out for a walk one day. Tanner has some form of brain cancer and was in a wheelchair when Carol’s cat jumped into her lap’ That began a friendship for the three of them and they began visiting on Carol’s patio and also went occasionally to her church. Carol always wanted to go to the Steam Threshers in Rollag so on Sunday the three of them got there around 6:30 am. They were able to see things and get breakfast, take the train around the grounds and go to the church service which was very good. By noon they had seen lots and watched the tractor parade and went on the carousel, which Jamie wanted to do with Tanner before they headed home. While Carol was getting them ice cream, Jamie came across a worker who knew how to get a “people mover”, which was basically a tractor with a hay wagon on the back that had a wheelchair ramp, to come and pick them up so they didn’t have to walk back through the entire place to get to the front gate where they were parked. Jamie had been pushing the wheelchair plus had a heavy “medical bag” that that she and Carol were taking turns toting around in the 90 degree weather. They were all tired but had a fun morning time. Carol shared how blessed Tanner was to have such a great mom who gets her out and about and loves her the ways she does, rather than putting her away. Later Jamie shared how she appreciated the fact that she lives where people are so close and welcoming, and she can feel comfortable taking Tanner to events.
   I suspect Jamie doesn’t realize what a beautiful message she is giving to others by her loving servant heart. Let us remember every person we meet has a gift for us from above, because they are made in the image of God. We may have to look harder to find it at times, but it is there.
  Now our friend Carol could have gone to the Steam Threshers alone or with others who wouldn’t take up so much time and care, but she came home blessed, seeing firsthand, the example of unconditional love of a selfless mom to her daughter.
  Some lessons God teaches us are not easy to learn but let us open our hearts with the faith that He knows when we are ready for whatever it is we are to learn and then grow and become more like Him.
Challenge for today: Ask the Lord for a teachable heart to receive and learn the lessons He has for you.   
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy 

September 6, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope you have a day of joy. Today is our grandson’s 14th birthday!! I am soon off to Aldi’s and Exercise class and doing some food prep. Bible Study tonight.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  Isn’t it comforting when someone goes before us when we are walking through difficult times and prepares the way for us? Who better than the Lord for then we don’t have to fear but know that He has gone ahead and has everything laid out even before we get there.

   I was reading today about Moses who was about ready to die and gave some encouraging words to Joshua who was to take his place and lead the Israelites into the Promised land. He said in Deut. 31:7-8 (Amplified), “Be strong, courageous, and firm, for you shall go with this people into the land which the Lord has sworn to their fathers to give them, and you shall cause them to possess it. It is the Lord Who goes before you; He will not fail you or let you go or forsake you. ( let there be no more cowardice or flinching, but) fear not, neither become broken (in spirit-depressed, dismayed, and unnerved with alarm).”

  I find it reassuring to know that the Lord sees the whole situation and He goes before us and prepares the way, so that we don’t have to fear. Sometimes I give a knowing smile as it is obvious to me that God has been there ahead of time… like when I went somewhere to speak and I note He already had everything arranged perfectly.
  I am reminded of a song by a Jesuit priest in1975 who was a composer of liturgical music. A few of his words are:

   “Be not afraid. I go before you always.
   Come, follow me, and I will give you rest.
   If you pass through raging waters in the sea, you shall not drown.
   If you walk amid the burning flames, you shall not be harmed.”
He goes on to say that even when death is at our side, He is with us through it all. Let us be strong in the Lord and courageous and not waver for He is with us always! Always!
Challenge for today: The next time you are fearful, stop and pray and ask the Lord to go before you.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy



September 5, 2023

Dear Ones,
May you have a day full of His peace. I will be off before 8 to the dentist who is going to put in 2 temporary implants this morning. Emoji I didn’t realize when my tooth abscessed on the way to N.C. in May that it would be so involved! Over the weekend my cousin’s husband suddenly died in his sleep and I would ask you to please pray for Barb and her family. My thoughts have been much on eternity and what awaits each of us. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
   One day there will not be any more pain or death but eternal joy and peace for it says in Rev. 21:4 (God’s Word), “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There won’t be any more death. There won’t be any grief, crying, or pain, because the first things have disappeared.” Doesn’t that sound like a dream? But it is reality for those who know the Lord and it helps us endure whatever difficulties come to us today, for we know we have an eternity that is indescribably beautiful and without pain. 
  We can live today with that glorious future in mind and know that our loving Father will not withhold anything that is not ultimately best for us. When our 3 kids were growing up, they wondered why other kids got by with things, but they always got caught if they were doing something wrong. I said it was because God loved them and wanted what was best for them. I didn’t pray that they would get out of the painful predicament they were in but rather that they learn what God was trying to teach them. So it is with us, that we would seek to know what God is teaching us even in the hard circumstances we may have to walk through. It comes from His hand of love as He prepares us for an eternity with Him.
  Today I read Jesus words recorded in John 15:9-10, “I love each of you with the same love that the Father loves me. You must continually let my love nourish your hearts. If you keep my commands, you will live in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands, for I continually live nourished and empowered by His love.” Can we even imagine the greatness of His love that is same as He is loved by His Father? The book of John is one of my favorites as he was the closest to Jesus and writes from the perspective of things he saw and heard as his disciple, but also as a friend who was loved by Jesus. Let us not doubt His love for us but be nourished in His love each day.
   Challenge for today: Thank the Lord for your present circumstances as He prepares you for a life eternally with Him.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

Tale of Two Cities

Isaiah 47 and 48 give us a picture of two cities: Babylon and Jerusalem.  In his commentary on Isaiah, John Oswalt writes, “Isaiah 47-48 should be considered together as two sides of the final conclusion of Chapters 40-48.  If God is to keep his promises, two things must happen.  Babylon must fall (chp. 47) and the exiled people must listen to God and believe him so that when Babylon does fall and they have the opportunity to return home, they will dare to act on the opportunity (chp. 48).” 

Babylon is a portrait of worldly power and arrogance.  She is called the queen of kingdoms (47:5), believing she will last forever (47:7).  She has a false sense of security, thinking she is self-sufficient, “lounging in your security and saying, ‘I am, and there is none besides me” (47:8).  In her arrogance she defies God.  “You trusted in your wickedness and have said, ‘No one sees me.’  Your wisdom and knowledge mislead you when you say to yourself, ‘I am, and there is none besides me'” (47:10).  Declaring “I am” is an expression of self-deification.  Years ago, I wrote in the margin of my Bible, “USA today.”  Culture seems only to be getting worse in our day. 

But the message of chapter 47 is that Babylon will soon suffer great disaster.  “So disaster will overtake you and you won’t be able to charm it away.  Calamity will fall upon you, and you won’t be able to buy your way out.  A catastrophe will strike you suddenly, one for which you are not prepared” (47:11).  “Her sense of impregnability is a complete illusion.  She is like the man who built his house upon the sand… Babylon is the city of destruction… Babylon represents humankind organized in defiance of God… Babylon is still with us, and still stands under judgment of God.  The historical Babylon of the sixth century BC was merely one manifestation of it” (Webb – Isaiah). Can we see the marks of Babylon in our own culture?

In Chapter 48 God speaks to his exiled people and urges them to pay attention to his message.  God points out their unfaithfulness.  “You don’t keep your promises, even though you call yourselves the holy city” ( 48:1-2).  But God knows about their waywardness. “Long ago I told you what was going to happen” (48:3).  “One reason He made predictive  promises in the Bible was to prevent us from crediting our idols with power and success” (Ortlund – Isaiah). 

God plans to do something new.  “Yes, I will tell you of things that are entirely new, things you never heard of before” (48:8).  But the people needed to be disciplined.  “I have refined you in the furnace of suffering” (48:10).  For the sake of his own glory and in his mercy God will rescue his people.  “I will rescue you for my sake – yes, for my own sake! I will not let my reputation be tarnished and I will not share my glory with idols” (48:11). 

We need to know that God in our day will bring about his purposes in new ways.  We will not be able take credit for what will happen in the days to come.  We will discover the hand of God even in our day.  “God is never be defeated.  He has a purpose even in the painful upheavals of history… He has rescued not to punish us as we deserve, but to bring his glory to triumph finally in human history” (Ortlund – Isaiah).   

Men, our call is to keep our eyes on the Lord of history, knowing that we will leave Babylon.  “Yet even now, be free from your captivity!  Leave Babylon and the Babylonians.  Sing out this message!  Shout it to the ends of the earth! (48:20). 


September 4, 2023

Dear Ones,
Happy Labor Day! Hope you take time to celebrate. We are home now after a fun time at the lake. We enjoyed a wiener roast with about 20 relatives one evening, went to our former church and dinner at Ann’s afterwards, and then headed home when the thermometer reached 100 degrees! 
I am making egg dishes and cookies and then we are going for our walk on the trail early before it heats up again. Emoji
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Happy Labor Day to you! Perhaps today each of us will give some thought to the work we do and also rest on this national Holiday from our work. This morning I read about what Mark Roberts of Fuller Seminary writes about work beginning with how God was the first worker in creating the heavens and the earth and all that is in it, including us…and it was all good! God worked 6 days but then on the seventh day He rested from His work. He left us a great rhythm for us to follow also.

Work is good but like my mom use to say, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy!’ We need balance in our lives or we will actually get exhausted, bored, and less sharp when we work continuously. We can thank the Lord for the ways we experience His goodness in our work but then also take some time off from the constant pressures and to relax and play.

I thought I would share with you the prayer that Roberts gave for today:

“Gracious God, thank you for what we learn about work from Genesis. Thank you for being the first worker. Thank you for doing good work. Thank you for creating us in your image. Thank you for creating us to be workers and for giving us good work to do. Thank you for resting on the seventh day, giving us the gift of sabbath.

Help me, I pray, to see how I experience goodness in my work. Teach me to take delight in this and to give you thanks.

Help me also, Lord, to see where my work falls short of what you intended from the beginning. May I be committed to doing all I can to help those with whom I work to be treated as beings created in your image, starting with my colleagues and direct reports. 

In the classic words of St. Ignatius, when it comes to my work, ‘Grant, Lord, that all my intentions, actions, and operations be directed purely to your praise and your service.’ Amen.”

Challenge for today: Thank the Lord for the gift of work and find a new way to relax and rest. 

September 2, 2023

Dear Ones,
Happy Labor Day weekend! Hope you have time to join with others in celebrating. I am packing as we are going to the cabin and stay overnight and go to church at the Lighthouse tomorrow. Al is going to a Fantasy football Draft party and then we will head north. I plan to visit a friend on the way and then this evening we are having a picnic at the Point. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  When I was a child, my siblings and I spent summers at the lake, 200 miles from our busy city life. It was quite different for there was no electricity or running water and the cabin itself rested on pillars. We had many storms and my folks always told us if it got bad, we would all rush outside to the well and go down deep inside. It was comforting words but I doubt we could all fit down in the well, and never once in bad stormy weather was it ever mentioned to do that. While reading a great book by Gem and Alan Fadling, “What Does Your Soul Love”, I just finished a chapter on truth. It spoke to me as I think most of us would say we want to know truth but do we really want to go down deep into the well, to find it?  Maybe we want just want relief from pain we may be experiencing.
  I’m sure we have all believed many lies; it could be about who we are and our worth, about God loving us or seemingly forgetting us, what we imagine people think of us etc. It is easier to hide from the truth but until we face up to it, we will live in pain. But if we fully embrace the truth of God’s love for us and accept ourselves as He does, even with our flaws, we would be forever changed. Instead of protecting ourselves, if we go down into the deep well of truth, we will begin to see things as actually they are and not how we wish them to be. Jesus is the truth and offers to help us live from the inside out. That means no more focusing just on our outward behavior like the Pharisees but living the truth from the inside. They cared most of all how they appeared to others and desired the applause of the people more than devotion to God.
   We also can focus on things about God like Bible studies, mission trips, and spiritual disciplines, and yet neglect our focus on God Himself and letting Him transform us.  We may give the appearance of being close to the Lord and yet not trust Him and experience His grace. It is the Truth that sets us free. (John 8:32) and we must believe the truth of who Jesus is and welcome Him into the deepest parts of our lives. He invites us to discover the truth about ourselves and bring healing if we are willing and not simply wanting quick relief.
  Challenge for today: Ask God to show you ways you are settling for relief rather than going deeper to know truth.
Blessings on your long weekend and prayers and love, Judy

September 1, 2023

Dear Ones,
Happy Labor Day weekend! It looks to be a hot one too and we plan to go to the cabin tomorrow and will dip in the lake when we get too hot. This morning I am cleaning the apt and then going to the Audiologist again and praying more can be done for my hearing. Emoji
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  Haven’t we all had times when we sensed God’s love and presence in tangible ways and knew He is right there in the midst of our conversations and even in spontaneous fun times?  Recently we had a birthday party with the friends who we walk the trail with. We were celebrating David’s birthday and mine, and yet perhaps we were really celebrating Vickie. You have read of Vickie often in my devotions as she is the OB/GYN Doctor. who has had Alzheimer’s for the past 8 years and is declining. But yet her spirit is still awake and I sense God’s love flowing through her, even though she is not verbal now.  She came with an open heart and gave tight hugs and beautiful smiles. She can’t entirely hide what is going on inside as the expressions on her face often says it all. We had birthday cupcakes with trick candles and moose track frozen yogurt and balloons and gifts. Perhaps Vickie enjoyed it most of all as she quickly started eating her chocolate cake and candy and noticing things about her.  
 Her husband e-mailed later that he could feel love in the air at the party!  He also said about Vickie, “Her love impacts the people around her more as she is decreasing a little each day. As I observed this, I thought when John the Baptist said, ‘We must decrease, and He must increase.’ It may shed some light on what love is all about. It seems the intangibles in life are more important than the tangibles.”
   Like Vickie, there are people around us in our lives that may not be able to speak, or work, or carry on a conversation, but they still have something to give. It may be only a smile or a hug, along with their presence that was created in the image of God. They can be carriers of God’s love in special ways and God uses them to bless us all. But are we open vessels to receive God’s love coming through them? They have something to say, even without words. Can we hear His voice through them?  The Lord sings over them, just as He sings over us. It says in Zeph 3:17, “The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you, in His love He will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.”
Let us open our hearts to God coming to us in so many varied ways and not discount any gift He sends no matter how it is wrapped.
Challenge for today: Ask God to open your eyes to discover the special ways He is reaching out in His love to you through others. 
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy
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