Canaan’s Rest represents a quiet place “set apart” for the purpose of hearing God's voice, growing in intimacy with the Lord, and being renewed in soul and spirit.

Month: August 2023 (Page 3 of 4)

August 11, 2023

Dear Ones,
Happy Weekend! Another lovely day and our son and daughter-in-law and another couple just stopped in on their way to the lake for the weekend. I have been busy in the kitchen this morning freezing beans etc. and taking care of all that I received last night. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  I woke up early and occasionally there is a song playing over in my mind and this day it was the doxology that is often sung in many churches. I silently sang it back to the Lord and thought of all the ways the Lord has blessed me. “Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.” This song was written way back in 1674 by an English cleric but it expressed what was in my heart today.
  The Lord is so worthy of our praise as He is the source of all our blessings, the biggest being his death on the cross for our sin, down to the smallest blessings of each day. Just last night a friend brought over 2 big bags full of fresh produce from her sister’s garden and also salmon and halibut her husband caught in Canada. It has been quite some time since I have been able to have a garden and to pick fresh produce as we live in an apartment now; and I can’t remember the last time I had that kind of fish all cleaned and ready for the pan. I couldn’t wait to get to my kitchen this morning to begin cooking! I also felt I wanted to share some of what I was blessed with to an elderly widow who I know appreciates fresh garden produce; I crept down the hall and left it outside her door and when I knocked, I quickly disappeared. Her gift is also from the Lord who prompted someone to give to me! Think of how the chain of blessings can go on and on when our hearts are moved! We don’t receive the credit but simply the Giver! I only gave what was never mine in the first place. That’s the way it is with God’s blessings!
   Let us all experience the joy of receiving His blessings with thanksgiving in our hearts. as we name them and express gratitude back to Him. But let’s not stop there but be stirred to also share with others… I think we will find our joy will be multiplied and the other persons blessed!
  Challenge for today: As you have freely received thank Him and then freely give to others.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy.


August 10, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope you have a wonderful day! It is Al’s birthday today and there is a banner on our door and more cards it seems, every time we open the door. Al is at men’s group, and I just made Gluten free cookies for church and meatloaf for us. We have Bible study this afternoon so will wait to go out for dinner another day. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart 
  It is likely all of us have been hurt by someone close to us and we felt the wounds and at times let them fester. We all had to make a choice if we wanted to let the pain eat away our joy or if we would forgive the hurt that we may not have deserved, and let our heart heal. I am reading a book by a professor who was at Fuller seminary, Lewis Smedes on “Forgive and Forget, and it is causing me to go to a deeper level in how I deal with hurts. Whenever we open ourselves up to others, we are vulnerable to hurts and they are healed by forgiving the one who wounded us.
  Some may choose to deny the pain as we don’t want others to have that much power over us to hurt us. Or we may not admit the pain out of fear that we may end up hating the people that are to love us rightly, like a parent. Sometimes people hurt us believing they are just being fair or because they may feel we deserve it. Some hurt is caused unintentionally or a spill-over of the chaos in the other person’s own life. Or maybe a doctor makes an error that severely changes our life even though it wasn’t purposeful, and we are left to forgive.
  Smedes writes how annoyances and slights are superficial and we just need to shrug them off and go on with our lives. That is different from serious hurts like disloyalty when a husband leaves his wife for another woman, or betrayal when a friend treats us like the enemy, or brutality when a woman is raped by a stranger.  Those things that cause us deep pain we will need to practice forgiveness. As it says in Col. 3:13, “if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive.”
  If we refuse to forgive, we end up with passive hate that does not wish the offender well; in fact, we may wish them harm as in aggressive hate which becomes like a malignant growth in our body until we deal with it and go on to be healed. When we deny those hateful feelings, it leaves us cold, and we feel sick inside. Hate will only grow, and we need to instead forgive the one who has hurt us. Smedes describes it as spiritual surgery inside our own soul for we cut away the wrong done to us so we can see the enemy in a new light and detach the person from our hurt. We let it go like a trapped butterfly set free. Through the eyes of forgiveness, we see their own hurt and release them. One day when we notice that we actually wish them well, we realize that we have begun to forgive. Even if the other person does not respond, we are free and healing! Let us not hold on to hurt, anger and hate, but forgive and be set free.
Challenge for today: Check your heart to see if you can wish someone well that has hurt you in the past; If not, ask the Holy Spirit to help you let them go and to forgive.
  Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy


August 9, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope your day is full of sunshine! Al will be giving a communion service this morning at Assisted Living, and I will be going to Aldi’s and to my exercise class.  And tonight, we have a missionary speaker at our Bible Study class at church.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
   All of us at times have probably questioned why God doesn’t prevent some of the troubles we go through in life. It seems like some Christians go through life with seemingly few problems and yet others experience one hard experience after another. Does God love one more than the other? I think not! In fact, the one who goes through trials may be reaping the best good that only comes through times of suffering.
   Haven’t we all been through agonizing times that tested our perseverance but later said, “I never would have gotten through this without the Lord’s help. He was right there for me in ways I never experienced before.” Or God may use us as a living example to others of endurance through suffering and it encourages them to hang on in faith and perseverance in what they are going through.
   God has a calling on each our lives, and with that calling may be hard things we must walk through. We can’t compare it with anyone else for their calling is unique to them. We can think of those people in scripture who God gave a specific call that would mean suffering in order to obey and yet they did not resist or run from it. I doubt I would have volunteered for Jeremiah’s calling as a prophet to warn God’s people of the coming devastation and exile to Babylon, knowing they wouldn’t listen and repent. Nor would I have traded lives with the apostle Paul to be shipwrecked, whipped, often hungry and cold, writing his letters from prison etc. and yet he didn’t flinch from his call to teach and preach the good news.
  May we embrace the life God has assigned for each of us, whether it means we have to endure more trials than someone else. Let us remember that one day, as the song goes, “ It will be worth it all when we see Jesus! Life’s trials will seem so small when we see Christ. One glimpse of His dear face, all sorrow will erase. So, bravely run the race till we see Christ.”
  Challenge for today: Be at peace with the calling God has on your life, and refrain from complaining, knowing God is doing a good work in you.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

August 8, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope you have a joy-filled day! I am baking cookies and aroma is tempting us to sample them soon! Emoji I am washing everything on our bed down to the bed-skirt since I will be home all day.   
Devotions from Judy’s heart
   Have we not all had times when we feel dry and withering spiritually? We lack zeal for the Lord and feel we are stuck and not moving forward? More than likely, we have been busy and not had much time to spend with Him; we then realize our need to be still and take time with the Lord and not just come to Him with our busy agendas. 
  Lana Vowser Aclelaide writes about how she sensed God calling her to spend time soaking in HIs presence and that He was saying to her, “I have treasures in stillness waiting for you.”  Rather than rushing about, she felt led to be quiet and enjoy His presence and listen to how He was directing her. That takes surrender and the enemy would rather that we get super busy or that he could lull us to sleep. But the Lord has so much to speak to all of us and we must reject the enemy’s tactics. How much better to slow down, be quiet and listen to the Lord as He has so much to tell us and wants to show us our hearts and our need for Him. I have to be reminded of that often. 
  One night I was tired after a busy day with company etc. and I thought I would love to just play a game of scrabble online before getting ready for bed. But I was reminded of something the Lord was calling me to do that was more important and afterwards I felt such joy that I listened and did it in His timing. I wish I could say I always respond right away but I fail and disappoint Him and miss His best.
   I read today Deut. 28:1-2 Moses words to God’s people and He said, “If you will listen diligently to the voice of the Lord your God, being watchful to do all His commandments which I command you this day, the Lord your God will set you high above the nations of the earth. And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you if you heed the voice of the Lord your God.” Over and over again we are told to listen and to obey, and we must be still so we can discern His voice.
Challenge for today: Spend 10 minutes in silence, not talking, but just quiet in His presence and listening. 
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

Men’s Grief

Ronald Rolheiser has a chapter on Honest Anger in his book, The Fire Within.  In my opinion, this chapter speaks to a deep issue in the lives of men.  “We live and breathe within a culture and a church that are growing daily in sophistication, adultness, and criticalness,” writes Rolheiser.  “This is not always a bad thing, but it is helping  to spawn a polarization, anger, and despondency that is making it almost unfashionable to be happy.”  He then makes this insightful observation: “Much of this despondency has constellated around two centers: women’s anger and men’s grief.”  

When women face gender issues, anger usually follows, producing the image of “the angry feminist.”  As men face gender issues they tend to get sad and begin to grieve,  producing “the grieving male.”  However, Rolheiser points out that anger and grief are not that different. When love has been wounded there is opportunity for reconciliation.  Rolheiser suggests the opposite of love is not anger but hate.  Hatred breeds “frozen anger.” You become angry and hate when the soul is wounded. .

Anger and hatred in the beginning are a sure sign of love.  “The deeper the love, the deeper will be the anger and hatred if love is wounded and betrayed.”  Anger and hatred are “love’s grief.”  Most anger is a form of grief, while most grief is a form of anger. 

But Rolheiser gives this caution: “There is honest anger and there is dishonest anger, there is honest grief and there is dishonest grief.”  He lists three cautions:

  1. Anger and grief do not distort.  “Honest anger is real anger, it feels and points out what is wrong, but it doesn’t… lie about what is and what was good.  It lets the good remain good.” 
  2. Anger does not rage.  “Honest anger… seeks to build up, to bring to a new wholeness, to reconcile something that is felt as fractured or broken… Rage wants only to bring down, to break apart, to utterly destroy.  Its wound is so deep that there is no more desire for unity and reconciliation. 
  3. Honest anger has a time limit… [it] never sees itself as an end, a substitute for the lost love.” 

Andrew Comiskey believes most men live with an “ancient, deep well of grief and regret. It rumbles with the ache of unexpressed suffering.  And in our silence and isolation, the pain fuels our striving and addiction.  We thus live in the darkness of unexpressed affliction.  Rather than driving us toward relationships, the pain drives us back unto the wheel of striving.”  

It was during my midlife crisis that I could begin to admit that I had a  deep well of grief in my soul.  It was a cover for anger and resentment.  I kept it all inside, while it spilled out in relationship with those closest to me.  With my personality type, I continually found myself on the treadmill of people pleasing.  It exhausted me spiritually, so that my life became a “performance.”  Of course, as a pastor I had to be “good.”  But inside  I was grieving.

My testimony is this: I accepted my anger and resentment, learning over the years to cry out, “Lord, be merciful to me a sinner!” I continue to experience my own well of grief.  But I am learning: 1) to accept the reality of imperfect relationships, 2) to seek continued inner healing for my soul  and 3) to keep my heart open to love others, no matter what the cost. 

Remember, men: “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit (Ps. 34:18).






August 7, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope you had a great weekend! We enjoyed our relaxing time at the lake and wonderful weather. This morning I am going to the dermatologist and if I get back in time, I plan to go to my exercise class. The apt is filled with aroma as I just took egg dishes out of the oven. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
   When we know the Lord, we become part of the family of God, and bring with us our differing gifts, personalities, weaknesses and strengths. We are all unique for there is not another one in the Body of Christ that is exactly like us, and care needs to be given that we don’t expect others to view life through our lenses. Paul said in I Cor. 12: 12 “For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.”

 For example, there are many personality type classifications that we have studied to show we all have strengths but also weaknesses. When we see others from their different vantage point, it gives us more compassion and openness to receive them and the gifts God has put into them. A very old personality theory Hippocrates made popular was on the 4 temperaments, of which all of them are present in our family. Briefly the Sanguine is described as cheerful and manic, the choleric rather angry and irritable, the melancholic as depressive, and the phlegmatic as rather calm. You may also know the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator as it is often used in the work world and has 16 categories. But each personality type gives us a peek into the inner lives of others that may be quite different from ours. Each type also has sin patterns that we struggle with, but might not be quite the same as another type personalities. We were never intended to be just like someone else but rather to become just who the Lord had in mind when we were created.

   Our commonality between all of us is the Lord for He is our Creator, our Father, and the One who unites us with Him and one another. I like what Michael Mangis wrote about A.W. Tozer who said, “Has it ever occurred to you that one hundred pianos all tuned to the same fork are automatically tuned to each other?” That is a great visual picture of the Body of Christ for it doesn’t matter if we are an beatup upright piano or a beautiful grand piano, for our common Tuning Fork forms us into His body, the church. We have been given the right temperament and gifts for what the Lord has called us to do.
Challenge for today: Be open to the different gifts in the Body of Christ and welcome and encourage them.
Blessings on your week and prayers and love, Judy

August 5, 2023

Dear Ones,
  Hope you are having a wonderful weekend. We are home from the Lake and had a perfect time. You can read about it following. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  This morning I read from the book of Galatians. Paul says in chapter 5, “Christ has set you free and to live a free life…use your freedom to serve one another in love; that’s how freedom grows…for everything we know about God’s Word is summed up in a single sentence: Love others as you love yourself. That’s an act of freedom…Live freely animated and motivated by God’s Spirit.

 I felt like we experienced a time at the cabin of freedom in the Spirit. When I went to bed last night, I thanked the lord for a perfect day from start to finish. When Al and I first woke early yesterday morning we had time for personal devotions with the Lord and then prayer together to start the day. We began our trip to Hackensack by stopping to visit a friend from our former church who lives in Assisted Living. When I arrived, she was not dressed, had not eaten etc. and ordinarily she would be at breakfast. But since the help neglected her that morning, we were able to have a time of sharing and prayer. Her hands are gnarled with arthritis so the cookies on a stick that I made for her were the perfect answer since she could hold the stick and eat every morsel.
At the cabin I unpacked the food I had prepared for company and our daughter came over to visit while we waited. We had an uninterrupted time to catch up as we sat on the deck with perfect weather and no mosquitoes!

Friends came who we have known for many years and value their friendship and prayers. We weren’t rushed and could share our hearts together, catching up and praying together. The night before we left, a package that I ordered was hand delivered right to our door and in it was the gift I planned to give my friend that was perfect for her present circumstance. God’s timing is perfect!

  We had time to relax, nap and play scrabble before we had a birthday supper for Al on Ann’s Deck. Perfect weather, not too warm or cold, and my uncle brought his new girlfriend who we enjoyed getting to know. We had a wonderful meal and decadent chocolate cake for dessert that was almost 400 calories a piece!
  Al and I ended the evening sitting on the cabin’s deck, sharing our thoughts together as the sun went down. A lone loon swam in the water right out from our dock and gradually we were enveloped in quite darkness of night. As my head hit the pillow, my heart was full of thanks and praise. The day was perfect in every way; lived in freedom from schedules and received gifts from others even as we served one another.

Challenge for today: In your busy schedule, carve out time with the Lord to just be, even if it is only an hour.
Blessings on your evening and prayers and love, Judy

August 4, 2023

Dear Ones,
Happy weekend to you! We are headed to the lake this morning and I plan to visit a friend on the way and then have friends over for lunch.  Ann and Leif are having us for supper to celebrate Al’s birthday early. This is the first time all summer that we have stayed overnight so it is a treat. I will e-mail again later tomorrow night when we return. 
 Devotions from Judy’s heart
Peace is something most everyone longs for and wants to experience each day, yet many lack the wonderful peace that surpasses all understanding. So many people are stressed and lonely today and peace seems illusive and out of reach. But the good news is that if we trust the One who holds everything together in His hands, we come to know true peace.

  Paul says in Phil. 4 that we shouldn’t be anxious but go to the Lord in prayer and ask our petitions. It follows in verse 7 (New Living Translation) as he says, “Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”

  When we look around us today, there is so much unrest and anxiety which seems to only push people to strive more. But Jesus offers us a better way of placing our hope and trust in Him. There is a world out there that needs to know that, and we are sent to share the news and help show the way to peace. When we spend time in quietness before the Lord and let His Spirit fill us anew, His peace seems to flood our whole being and hope arises. Striving doesn’t work but simply trusting Him does. We come to Him with no agenda but simply to soak in His love. Even through our trials we can rest assured that He can work them for His good purpose.

  We don’t always understand His ways as they are not necessarily what we would choose; but let us not run from Him but rather to Him, knowing that He is holy, and He is love. May we remember He may be working His deepest good in us as we experience tough times. He will direct our lives in ways to draw us closer to Him in trusting faith as we wait for the final day when we are escorted into eternity for a glorious life that lacks words to describe.

 Challenge for today: When you feel anxious, seek Him in prayer and quietness, and let His peace wash over you!
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy

August 3, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope you have a good day and see others through His lens! Al has already gone to the Men’s group, and I plan to clean and do some food prep for going to the lake tomorrow. Today is Donut Day here Emojiand we have Bible study this afternoon. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  As I was reading the love chapter in the Bible from the Message translation, I noted how Paul says in I Cor. 13:7, that love, “puts up with anything, trusts God always, always looks for the best.” Author Ajith Fernando quotes the NIV version that says, “Love…always trusts, always hopes.” He goes on to say that we are to think the best about others and give them the benefit of a doubt, even though we realize they are not perfect. Don’t we all like friends that view us that way? 
   When we know the Lord, we are to be grace-filled and look to the Lord in hope of what He can do in the lives of us all. No one is hopeless because of God’s grace to change us! Sometimes it is astounding when we see a radical change in someone who is now free of drugs and a responsible loving person. God has the power to change anyone as His grace is greater than our sin and weaknesses. Fernando gives the example of Barnabas who was a leader in the early church; he took a risk and brought Paul into the inner circle of Jesus followers when others did not trust Paul because he had been persecuting Christians. He also gave John Mark a second chance, after he had left Paul and him on a prior missionary journey to go home. The risk paid off as John Mark went with Barnabas and later wrote the gospel of Mark and became a bishop. 
  Today we may be in position to offer others second chances. Perhaps the hardest one is to give an unfaithful repentant spouse a second chance. But people can and do change because of God’s grace, and our belief in God’s power to do that may influence them as well. We must never underestimate what God can do in anyone who has been viewed as hopeless.               
  Recently a friend wrote about a guidance counselor who told her she would never finish college, let alone grad school and thus forget about being a librarian, which was her heart’s desire! But thankfully she didn’t let that detour her and she went on to get her degree and became a librarian on several mission fields and now is in a pre-retirement job as a librarian in a small town that she loves. Good thing she did not let the negative words detour her but gives God the glory.                   
Let us not let our negative culture today, keep us from believing that God does change people and we can all be transformed by His grace.                                                                    
  Challenge for today: View yourself and others through the eyes of the One who has power to bring change.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy


August 2, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope you are enjoying a beautiful day. The sun is shining and everything is fresh after our rain. This morning I am going to Aldi’s and to my exercise class and then plan to do some cooking this afternoon to take to the Lake this weekend. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  Haven’t we all experienced times in our walk with the Lord when we lacked compassion, and felt rather apathetic?  We notice our zeal for the Lord and others is lacking and we don’t feel very compassionate for others. I read about Acedia today from a pastor who said many others, including pastors, may go through a time of spiritual apathy or Acedia and some call it Compassion Fatigue. But it can happen to any of us. I paid special attention as Acedia or sloth is the chief sin of someone with my particular personality type.         
   It may begin when we seem to grow cold to the things of the Lord, and we just go through the motions, but our heart is not in what we are doing. Our prayer life may also suffer, and we are not as responsive to the Holy Spirit and feel almost numb. Pastor Harold Senkbeil describes it as a demonic attack for the enemy loves to attack those walking in the light. If he can’t get us to fall, he will try to snag our loved ones. But we need to recognize that it is a spiritual battle and call on the Lord to fight for us. It goes beyond our own will power and we must use our spiritual armor and put ourselves in His power and not let the enemy win.  We need God’s Word, prayer, truth, righteousness, peace, faith and salvation. It is also helpful to share what we are going through with another Christian soldier so we can have prayer protection also. As we humble ourselves and receive help, the enemy of our soul can get defeated.                                                     
 Today I read from James 4:7-8 in the Message and he said, “So let God work his will in you. Yell a loud no to the devil and watch him scamper. Say a quiet yes to God and He’ll be there in no time. Quite dabbling in sin. Purify your inner life.”                                                                           
Let us be alert to the enemy’s tactic and quick to call on the Lord!
Challenge for today: When you notice yourself getting apathetic and uncaring, cry out to the Lord and put on your armor!  
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy               
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