Canaan’s Rest represents a quiet place “set apart” for the purpose of hearing God's voice, growing in intimacy with the Lord, and being renewed in soul and spirit.

Month: December 2022 (Page 3 of 4)

December 12, 2022

Dear Ones,
  Hope you had a good weekend and also time to be refreshed. We enjoyed time with our retreatant as we shared and prayed and ate together. Our hearts were blessed. This morning is Exercise class and  baking, and later this afternoon we have a Holiday happy hour party here that is really more of a dinner with casseroles etc. 
Sad loss for the Vikings yesterday!! . 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
   Joy is an obvious mark of a Christian, at least it should be, for we personally know the Joy Giver. When we know the One who loves us unconditionally and gave His life for us, our joy comes from a deep place. We are containers of His joy and the joy of the Lord is our strength.
  Recently several people in different groups I have been in have shared how happy they are and that they have everything they need. One shared how wonderful each day is as she starts her day with a cup of coffee as she looks out at God’s creation and enjoys the birds and all that He has made. Life is simple and rich. Another one who always seems to wear a smile said how blessed she was and had everything she could possibly need in her life of 90 years. In the same week another related how she finds joy in closeness to the Lord as she talks aloud to Him when going about her day. Her husband has asked at times, who she is talking to! Her heart overflows with joy.  I read today from Genesis 33:11 when Jacob tells his brother who he hasn’t seen for 20 years, “God has dealt graciously with me and I have everything.” He didn’t need anything more for his container was full.
   How about us? Are our hearts full of the joy of the Lord or are we downcast because we want more like someone else has, or we think we need ideal circumstances for joy to bubble up. Joy is found in the person of Jesus and as we know Him intimately, we can live joyously in His presence and spread His joy to others. No one can steal our joy, not negative comments, not stresses or difficult circumstances. Our joy comes from the deep well of knowing the Joy Giver.
  Challenge for today: Ask the Lord to make you a good carrier of His joy.  
Blessings on your week and prayers and love, Judy

December 10, 2022

Dear Ones,
Hope you are enjoying the weekend as you make preparations for Christmas. Our retreatant friend came yesterday and wonderful to have time to listen and share together how God is moving. Many of you have prayed for him when he had his kidney transplant and it is such a miracle to see how well he is doing now. A big PTL of His healing power! What an awesome God we have!
Devotions from Judy’s heart
   Do we enjoy life and seek to delight in the Lord each day? I mean really enjoy life and are contented and more than satisfied?  Like David said in Psalm 16:11 (ESV), “You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”  The Lord wants to keep pouring more and more of His love and joy and peace into us, and the more space we make for Him, the more He can pour of Himself into us.
  Perhaps we need to ask the Lord to show us what things we no longer need in our lives so that we have a larger capacity for Him. We often crowd Him out with the clutter and busyness of our lives. I have only to think of my packed closet and how there are many things I need to get rid of. Maybe some items were those that I gravitated toward at a younger age but not appropriate for my mature years!; or some that were never the right color and made me look pale and tired. Time to get them out of my cluttered closet and make room to enjoy the ones that befit me now and make room for the new!
   True contentment comes with knowing the Lord in an intimate way. The enemy tries to circumvent that and whispers what we lack.  Just like Adam and Eve in the perfect Garden of Eden…Satan tempted them to believe that God was holding out on them and that they needed to taste the forbidden fruit. But that was not so and he tells us lies that we need this or that in our lives in order to be satisfied and fully content. But that too is a lie for the Lord Himself satisfies the desires of our hearts, and not a bigger house, glitzy wardrobe, or an impressive job. He satisfies the desires of our hearts if we give Him room. Rather than ruminate over what we think we need, let us trust that the Lord will give us all that will satisfy the longings of our heart.
Challenge for today: Ask the Lord to remove those things from you that take up space that He desires to fill.
Blessings on  your weekend and prayers and love, Judy

Dcmber 9, 2022

Dear Ones,
Happy weekend to you! We are preparing for a retreatant to come today and that it would be a time of refreshment and a time of hearing the Lord. It’s a good way for all of us to experience Advent, to just quiet down and spend time with the Lord. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
   How much room has the Lord in our lives? Do we squeeze Him into the periphery among the many things pressing in on us, especially at Christmas; or do we prioritize our time to be with Him and to let Him fill our hearts to overflowing?
  I was struck by something my cousin put on Facebook recently, “Each of us is an innkeeper who decides if there is room for Jesus.” How true that is and we have to make a decision each day, if our life is going to revolve around Him or if He is going to just have the left-over pieces.
    Perhaps you know the old song that asks that question that is good for us to ask ourselves:
          “ Haveyou any room for Jesus,
            He who bore your load of sin?
            As He knocks and asks admission
            Sinner, will you let Him in?

        Room for Jesus, King of Glory!
        Hasten now His Word obey;
        Swing the heart’s door widely open,
        Bid Him enter while you may.”

  Then song goes on to say that we have room for pleasure and business, but do we have room for the one who died for us. Today is a time of grace as He calls us but if we keep ignoring Him, our heart gets cold and the time of grace will pass. Jesus warned his disciples that in the last days, most people’s love will grow cold. (Matt. 24:12)
   Every day we are to open our hearts to Him and as David prayed, let it be our prayer from Psalm 27:8 (God’s Word), “When you said, ‘Seek my face,’ my heart said to you, ‘O Lord, I will seek your face.’” David goes on to ask the Lord to teach him His ways and to lead him, as he waits in hope.
  Let us swing open our heart door to the Lord who wants to be the center or our lives and fills us with so much love and joy that other things fade away.
  Challenge for today: Put the Lord first in your life and let everything else revolve around Him.
Blessings on our weekend and prayers and love, Judy

December 8, 2022

Dear Ones,
Hope your day is full of good uplifting thoughts! Al is at Men’s group and I have been doing lots  of food prep.  I plan to go to Aldi’s when Al gets home and then we have Bible Study this afternoon. Tomorrow morning we have a retreatant coming and will spend the night and Saturday. It’s not the same as he retreated when we lived by the Lake, but perhaps he can make use of the Paul Bunyan trail.  
 Devotions from Judy’s heart
  How important it is what we focus on during our day. It can make or break our day! If we wake up and thinking of negative possibilities, we will most likely have a poor day. But if we focus on the Lord and thank Him for His presence and power with us, we will likely have a great day.
  We’ve all been around people that complain and see the half empty glass rather than the half full glass. As they expound on what is wrong, the problem only seems to get bigger and causes more anxiety. But if we seek Him in His Word and in fellowship with others, and acknowledge Him throughout our day, our problems diminish and God’s power and wisdom is seen greater. 
   Our thoughts are important and we need to be aware of negative thinking that leads to discouragement and anxiety. I read today what Paul said in II Cor 10:4-5 (ESV), “For our weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.” How important it is to take every thought captive so that it Is obedient to Christ. The enemy wants to set up strongholds of thinking in our minds that is not in alignment with God’s thoughts. We need to cast down our own thoughts that don’t agree with God’s Word, even though our culture may endorse such thoughts.
  One night I was getting frustrated as I called in for help in making our Christmas card and everything I tried ended up as a dead end. I went to bed and told the Lord that I was giving it all to Him and I was not going to think about it anymore but simply pray. The next morning when I called in I got a designer that spoke English clearly, and she understood what I wanted. It took her quite some time and I simply prayed as she worked and was pleased with the result. I didn’t have to stress or waste emotional energy on negative thoughts but rather had a heart of gratitude to the Lord for how He answered. It is good when we can catch our worrisome thinking right away and take those thoughts captive to obey the Lord.
  Challenge for today: Notice when you get negative thoughts and give your concerns to the Lord.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy


December 7, 2022

Dear Ones,
Hope you have a glorious day! More snow out my window this morning and looking more like Christmas. This morning  Al is getting his crown and if he is back in time, I will get to my exercise class. This afternoon is crafts and then tonight Bible Study. In between I hope to get some baking. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  We are an impatient culture and want things right now. We don’t like to wait in long checkout lines or if we are not served right away, we are quick to complain and give a smaller tip. Our busy lives and over-stimulation by the world around us, often result in us being impatient and robs us of hearing the Lord.
  We all need to quiet down our minds, and dismiss the distractions so we can hear the Lord and experience His love, It takes patience to be still and then wait in quietness for the Lord to speak to our hearts. King David knew how to do that as he says in Psalm 131:2 (God’s Word), “Instead, I have kept my soul calm and quiet. My soul is content as a weaned child is content in its mother’s arms.” David shows humility and says he isn’t concerned with things too profound for him but only to quiet his soul before the Lord.
  We have to keep reminding ourselves that we are not in charge, the Lord is, and if so, then we have to be quiet enough to hear His instructions to us each day. Lately, I have been verbally saying that to the Lord as I awaken, “You are in charge, not me, and I will follow!”  As we do this, we don’t have to become anxious and impatient but more like the contented weaned child. The Lord will direct us and teach us and give us the knowledge we need at the time we need. Our part is to quiet ourselves and to listen with the intent to obey.
  Let us not rush through our days going in our own strength and trying to make things happen, but let us relax and enjoy the journey as we patiently listen for His voice.
  Challenge for today: Spend some quiet moments upon waking and wait expectantly to hear Him speak.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy



December 6, 2022

Dear Ones,
May your day be filled with good things from above! Today is especially good as we have friends coming over this afternoon for fellowship and prayer. Al and I will also be going over to the home of Jen and Tim later at meal time, as Jen is home now after her brain surgery. We would ask for continued prayers for her as she has 2 children and is pregnant and in a battle for healing physically. Pray for her husband and children too as all need prayers. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
   We have a good Father who created us, and He has meant for us to enjoy all that is good. During my devotions today I read from James 1:17, “Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above; it comes down from the Father of lights (the Creator and Sustainer of the heavens), in whom there is no variation (no rising or setting) or shadow cast by His turning (for He is perfect and never changes).” If our Father created every good thing, I think He is pleased when we live in enjoyment of all that He has given us.
   I woke early one morning to the sight of the beautiful moon shining beams into my window, after sleeping in a warm bed and then eating a meal of delicious nutritious food our Father provided; I enjoyed it all and was thankful. I had gone to bed the night before with gratitude to the Lord for His goodness to me as I had been to the Christmas Tea at our former church. I had heard more of God’s wonderful gifts through several speakers who shared and afterwards came an added blessing. Since we have some family members that need to be on specialized diets, I went to the tea, thinking that our daughter would probably not be able to eat the sweets that would be served; so, I brought starch-free cookies for her and another friend who is on a similar diet. But much to our surprise, the Pastor’s 16 year-old daughter who had prepared much of the beautiful tea delights, had made a platter full of delicious fancy goodies that she could eat. My daughter could hardly believe her eyes and I almost cried to think that concern was given for every person there to experience God’s goodness. Wow! Did my daughter enjoy it? You bet and so did some others who often have to go without.
   God means for us to enjoy all that He has made for us. Of course, we think first of the spiritual gifts of salvation, forgiveness, love, peace, joy etc. but He also wants us to live life to the fullest by enjoying His bountiful gifts that He loves to surprise us with. Let us enter in to all that He puts before us each day with hearts that are truly grateful!
Challenge for today: Ask God to make you more aware of His good gifts to you and remember to give thanks. 
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy



December 5,, 2022

Dear Ones,
  Hope you had a wonderful weekend! Ours was full of good things! This morning I made cookies and blueberry muffins and lots of food prep and went to Aldi’s. Now I am soon off to my exercise class and this afternoon I think Al may have his eye on Culvers before our walk.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
   Isn’t it wonderful when we get together with a close friend and can unburden our hearts together? We can rejoice as we share those unexpected blessings and other times weep with one another. Of course, friends cannot be there all the time, nor can anyone for that matter; only the Lord who is closer than our very breath.
   It’s hard to comprehend why a holy God desires to be with us 24/7 and especially in those times we are certainly not at our best, maybe downright beastly! But He is our creator and a God of love that calls us to know Him in a deep way. He doesn’t want a superficial relationship but all the pieces of our lives, the good and the bad. He is always near and won’t leave us or ever forsake us, even when we really blow it. In fact, His desire is to restore us and to make us more like Him. He knows what we can become if we give ourselves to Him.
  I read this morning the verse from Psalm 63:1(ESV), “O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints as for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.” I don’t drink enough water and often I am not aware of my need for it even though my body knows I am thirsty. We can get dehydrated if we wait too long and some end up at the hospital and need IV’s. Our spiritual thirst is very real and until we come to the Lord and let Him quench that thirsty feeling in our souls, we go around feeling faint. But all the time the Lord is offering us water free of charge from the spring of the water of life. (Rev 21:6)
   May we seek to run to the Lord to fill us and to satisfy the longing we all have. Let us drink deeply and let our thirst be quenched.
  Challenge for today: Like the following verse goes from Psalm 63 (The Message) say as with David: ”So here I am in the place of worship eyes open, drinking in your strength and glory. In your generous love I am really living at last!”
Blessings on your week and prayers and love, Judy


The Good Life

In an article found in Newsmax, Lynn Allison reported on a study that concluded: “The good life is built with good relationships.”  “A rare study that tracked the lives of 724 men for nearly 80 years revealed the most powerful indicator of success and happiness doesn’t lie in our genes, wealth, social class, or IQ.  The Harvard Study of Adult Development, the longest study of adult behavior, found that strong social connections make people happier and physically healthier.” 

This study began in l938.  For the next 79 years, participants were asked “about their work, their lives, and their health. Results showed that flourishing in life is linked to having close ties with family, friends and community.”  Robert Waldinger (one of the study’s authors, as well as a psychiatrist at Massachusetts General Hospital) observed, “The surprising finding is that our relationships and how happy we are in our relationships has a powerful influence on our health…Taking care of your body is important, but tending to your relationships is a form of self-care, too. That, I think, is the revelation.”  

“The sad fact is that at any given time, more than one in five Americans will report that they’re lonely,” Dr. Waldinger noted.  In his opinion, rather than “focusing on the quantity of friendships, it is important to focus on the quality.” The author of the article noted, “the study found that conflict adversely affects our health so, for example, a bad marriage is less healthy than getting a divorce.  And having a warm, wholehearted relationship is protective.”  

Numerous reports speak to the epidemic of loneliness among men in our society. For example, David French noted, “Between 1990 and 2021, the percentage of men who reported having no close friends quintupled, from 3 percent to 15 percent.  The percentage who reported ten or more close friends shrank from 40 percent to 15 percent.”  In French’s opinion, the answer to our culture’s crisis in masculinity is found, “in distinct, virtuous masculine relationships.”

This leads to the question each man needs to ask: “Am I intentionally building soulful friendships with other men?”  Since moving to Baxter almost four years ago, I have prayed to be in a soul care group with other men.  I found Dan and Bruce in my church.  What have I learned from this experience?

First, be intentional.  I have waited for almost four years. I have gotten to know men both in my church and in the community who are followers of Jesus.  But I was looking for men with an “open spirit.”  Men, take it from me; you need to be with other men who want to go beyond the head stuff.

Second, know that you have a need to be known by other men.  Approach your encounters with a humble and contrite heart.  Let your needs be known, while seeking to invest in other men as well.

Third, start slowly.  Men are not used to sharing at the “heart” level. I find myself being careful and measured in my sharing. The soul is shy and needs a safe place to be known.

Fourth, confess that you may fear being known by other men. I must confess that I am still fearful of allowing others to know my real self.  “Will these two men still accept me for who I am?”  

Here is some counsel based on advice from Larry Crabb on building a soulful group: Try starting with: 1) We accept you, 2) We believe in you, 3) We see you and are glad to stay involved – and in your confidence, and 4) We give to you.    


December 3, 2022

Dear Ones,
Hope you wake to a wonderful weekend. Today Al and I are going to Hackensack early this morning where I will visit a friend in Assisted Living; then go on to a Christmas Tea at the church we went to while living on the lake. Ann will be joining me there also, and  Al is going to have lunch with a friend. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
   Our bodies are sacred and they are fearfully and wonderfully made by our Creator God. We can spend lots of time trying to look gorgeous, physically fit, and to perform well but that is not why they are important; rather it is because our bodies house our souls.
   I read James Smith new book, The Good and Beautiful You,” and he shares how the world’s narrative that our bodies are disconnected from our souls and that they hinder us in our spiritual formation is so false. Actually it is the opposite for we use our bodies to worship, serve others, pray, love , study, and connect with others. He writes how our bodies need our souls in order to live and move and souls need our bodies to be known; together they make us who we are. 
    Of course, we often sin with our bodies and the Apostle Paul tells us to not use our bodies as instruments of wickedness but to present ourselves to God as instruments of righteousness. (Romans 6) Smith gives 5 signs that our bodies are sacred and first of all when he created man He said, “It is very good!”. In Greek that is saying magnificent, perfect wonderful. Wow! Secondly When Jesus came to earth, he became human and took on a body, soul and spirit and was like us, experiencing all that we feel. Thirdly the church is the body of Christ and when we know the Lord, we become part of that body and all members of one another. Fourthly, as we take communion we are taking in the body and blood of Jesus and being transformed into the body of Christ. Fifthly, is the glorification and resurrection of our body One day we will have resurrected new bodies and what a glorious day that will be…no more pain or suffering but new wonderful bodies just like Jesus’ resurrected body.
    With our bodies and our souls, we connect with God. Just think God creates our bodies and souls as a place for Him to live in and find pleasure. Let us treat our bodies well and use them to worship and serve the One who made us.
Challenge for today: Go for a walk and thank the Lord for your amazing body!
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy

Dcember 2, 2022

Dear Ones,
Happy weekend to you! The day started out with baking and cleaning here and when I took out a dessert from the oven, our maintenance man came to fix the dishwasher. Everything is all over the floor and so glad the baking got done. I do have a prayer request given to me to share. It is for a pastor who is at Mayo and having surgery right now for Glioblastoma of his brain. It is the same thing my brother died of years ago and please pray for this pastor and his family. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
   The first few minutes of our day are so important on how our day will go. If we grumble to ourselves of things we have to face during the day, how tired we are etc., our negative attitude goes with us and affects our outlook on everything.
  None of us are promised a carefree day without any problems or challenges, but we are promised that as we lean into the Lord, He will be present with us and will support us in whatever happens during our day. With that in mind we don’t have to fear for He will give us strength we need at the time. As it says in Isaiah 41:10 “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
  I awaken early and all is quiet in our whole apartment complex. After thanking the Lord for a new day etc., my prayer is that I can hear His voice to know what to write in my daily devotion to you. Since I have been doing this for many years, I sometimes think that what I get a particular day is a repeat of what I have written previously; but l am learning to just write what I sense He is giving me, no matter what. I don’t always learn my lessons the first time and I need to be reminded again and often again. For all of us it is so important that we take time to listen and then to follow with obedience. My struggle is to just sit there with the Lord, after I have read the Word, and to take time to carefully listen to Him. I often get up too quickly and begin cleaning or whatever and miss what He may want to share with me.
  The Lord wants us all to live deeply in Him and start our day allowing Him to have His way completely in whatever happens. When we confidently trust Him and know that nothing will touch us this day without His knowledge, we can relax and simply enjoy the day.
  Challenge for today: Start your day with surrendering your will to the Lord and acknowledging His presence with you in everything.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy
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