Canaan’s Rest represents a quiet place “set apart” for the purpose of hearing God's voice, growing in intimacy with the Lord, and being renewed in soul and spirit.

Month: January 2022 (Page 3 of 4)

January 11, 2022

Devotions from Judy’s heart
How many miracles have we seen lately, those times we know it can only be the Lord? Or are we like so many skeptics that miss out on seeing God’s supernatural activity in our world, thinking miracles don’t happen today?  But they do!! I am reading a book by J.P. Moreland, a professor of philosophy at Talbot School of Theology. His book, “A simple Guide to Experience Miracles,” is full of faith-building credible stories of miracles that God continues to do today. It says in Psalm 145:11-12 (ESV), “They shall speak of the glory of your kingdom and tell of your power, to make known to the children of man your mighty deeds, and the glorious splendor of your kingdom.”
As I read stories of God answering prayers, miraculous healing, angels, power over the enemy, and near-death experiences, it increases my expectancy of what the Lord is doing in our midst. I will share a few of these experiences with you that have been documented so that we may embrace the supernatural and tell of His mighty deeds to others. I will start with a simple one told to Moreland by his doctor that showed that God is concerned with the “little things” in our lives. Ashley (doctor’s 10 year-old daughter) had two parakeets and after one of them died, her mom said that they weren’t going to get another now as she hand enough of pets. But Ashley responded by saying she was going to pray and ask God for another. The very next day while she was outside playing, her friends noticed a bird in the tree that was the same color as the one that had died. They asked around and no one had seen a parakeet around the area before. So Ashley happily brought the bird into the house on her finger and told everyone that God had answered her prayer! Some people could say this was a coincidence but not a likely one, and it certainly strengthened the daughter’s belief of God’s love for her and that He hears her prayers.
I can’t resist another miracle story. A professor, Dr. Issler, prayed each day before class for Jason who was in his doctoral studies and needed money for his tuition bill if he was to continue his schooling. Jason and his wife, along with classmates, prayed for provision for the $2117.60 bill due but were confused when no funding arrived. But the next day while Jason’s wife was cleaning her grandmother’s house, she found piles of old letters that her grandma had never sent out. She discovered there were several bank bonds made out in her name which amounted to $2,000. When the bank added the interest, it came to $2117.60, the exact amount needed for tuition. That meant Jason could stay in school and God had answered their prayers to the penny. Jason wept at the miracle God had performed.
God still works miracles today!
Challenge for today: Give attention to miracles that happen around you and give Him praise.
Blessings on your day and prayers and keep warm.  love, Judy

January 10, 2022

Dear Ones,
Hope you had a great weekend and kept warm.  With -13 yesterday we had less people in church. We also walked in the underground rather than outside. This morning I made choc chip cookies and a birthday cake (with 1 dozen eggs!) and going to my exercise class in a few minutes.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
 We have a loving Heavenly Father who finds so many varied ways to show just how much He cares for us. He often sends people into our lives that meet a specific concern we have, just at the exact time of our need, and we know it is Him. We may even call them an angel for our hearts are filled with so much gratitude.
My husband calls Robert our Archangel for the Lord sent him just at the time we were building our retreat house and needed the lower level finished. We didn’t have the know-how and very limited money at the time, but he came most every weekend, sometimes bringing others, and worked until it was ready for Pastors and wives and other pilgrims to come for times of retreat. He was an angel to us!
As I wrote recently, the Lord sometimes sends an actual angel from above to help us and encourage us at various times. Some of you responded with stories and I would like to share what a dear friend who is now a pastor wrote: 
“I do have an angel story. In May 1985 I was making my usual trip to the laundromat as we had no washer/dryer in our duplex! I asked the Lord to show me if there was someone to share Jesus with.  I met this kind older man and we visited and shared our mutual love for the Lord. We walked out together and he asked if I had kids and we didn’t and he asked if we hoped to and I said yes! Then he told me to put my hand over my womb and he then prayed for me. He gave me his card with his name and phone number on it and his organization he worked for. The very next month I got pregnant and Luke was born 9 months later. I decided to call the gentleman and thank him for praying for me and tell him the good news! When I called the number, they were the organization on the card but they said they have never had an employee there with that name or description!! I am convinced it was an angel!!!  Sometimes when I was teaching classes I would have special evenings where we would spend the time sharing our experiences with angels. It was always such an uplifting time of fellowship!! And so great to hear other people’s encounters!  Truly faith building!”
The Lord comes to us in so many ways, and often in the Bible angels were sent. But whatever way He shows Himself to us, let us remember the words from Zeph. 3:17 (Amplified), “The Lord, your God, is in your midst, a warrior who gives victory; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will renew you in His love; He will exult over you with loud singing.” No one loves us more!
Challenge for today: Memorize Zeph.3:17 and let the words speak to your heart.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

Society & Families in Trouble

The prophet Micah lived in a time when both Israel and Judah were “characterized by moral and religious corruption, social oppression, political intrigue, economic injustice, personal vice, deception and treachery’ (NLT Study Bible).  During his lifetime, the northern kingdom of Israel fell to the Assyrian Empire (722 BC) and the southern kingdom of Judah came close to the same (701 BC).  God allowed this because of the ungodliness of people who presumed upon the Lord’s goodness: “Yet they claim to trust the Lord and say, ‘The Lord is among us. Disaster will not overtake us!” (2:11 NET).   

Micah “paints a terrible picture of the decay of ordinary justice, the abuse of power by the courts’ judges, and the prevalence of bribery…lust for money has invaded the religious sphere and priest and prophet have grown accustomed to favoring the rich and brow-beating the poor…He sees the evils of society not only as the heartless exploitation of the weak by the strong, but a failure to grasp the meaning of true religion” ( J.B. Phillips). 

In Chapter 7, Micah grieves over society’s decadence.  Looking for the godly was like looking for fruit after the harvest had already ended: “…There is no grape cluster to eat and no fresh figs that my stomach craves” (7:1 NET).  As he walked through the city, he grieved that he could not find an honest person anywhere: “What misery is mine” (7:1).  Wickedness had become widespread, with the whole fabric of life seeming to unravel. The people were without law, justice, and righteousness. 

People took advantage of each other, creating an adversarial culture that lacked trust. “Faithful men have disappeared from the land; there are no godly men left.  They all wait in ambush to shed blood; they hunt their own brother with a net” (7:2 NET).  With the lack of faithful men, the vacuum left in society invited violence.

Government had become corrupt, to the point where those in authority plotted and maneuvered to satisfy their personal ambitions. “They are experts at doing evil; government officials and judges take bribes, prominent men announce what they wish, and then they plan it out” (7:3 NET).  They were basically crooked: “The best of them is like a thorn; their godly are like a thorn bush” (7:4 NET). 

Micah is fully aware that God was now bringing punishment on the people. “But your judgement day is coming swiftly now. Your time of punishment is here, a time of confusion” (7:4b NLT). In the midst of all this, Micah gives fair warning concerning relationships. “Do not rely on a friend; do not trust a companion!” (7:5 NET).    

Even worse was the mistrust and conflict in the family. “For a son thinks his father is a fool, a daughter challenges her mother, and a daughter-in-law her mother-in-law; a man’s enemies are his own family” (7:6).  Men, can you see how relevant Micah’s words are today, as we witness the decline and fragmentation of civil order and family life? “Where there is no trust or confidence, and when occurrences are multiplied throughout a city and nation, the general situation deteriorates to a frightening degree” (Bible Speaks Today).

In this confusing time, Micah encourages us keep our eyes on the Lord: “But as for me, my eyes look for the Lord.  I will wait for the God who will save me; Yes, my God will deliver me?” (7:7 Phillips).  Men don’t allow the political voices of our day to get your eyes off Jesus. Lead your family daily in discussions of scriptural truth as it relates to the here and now. 


January 8, 2022

Dear Ones,
Happy weekend and hope you are keeping warm. So glad it is not as cold as yesterday and is warmin up. I did food prep this morning and went to our Women’s Bible study at church. This afternoon grandson Joe is coming and Ann will take in the Rock show.  
Devotions from Judy’s heart
God Sees! I woke in the night with that simple phrase, God sees! He knows everything and His eye is always on us. He doesn’t miss a thing! When going through times of testing, which happens to us every day, it is a comfort to know that He is watching us and encouraging us to keep on and not to give up.
I’m sure we have all had instances when a close friend or family member knew we were going through a hard time and gave us that knowing look. No words were even necessary but the look told us they understood and were standing with us; it told us everything. Especially when going through sorrow, it is often the look of compassion that ministers most deeply to us.
One mom wrote how of how she was aware that God was looking at her, and often through the day, she just lifts her head upward and smiles at the Lord. You might want to do that too.
Each one of us is given a unique set of circumstances and challenges in life, and we need others to cheer us on. Knowing Jesus is always there to do that, helps us embrace our trials and give us endurance.  Jesus’ brother, James, writes that we should consider it a gift when tests come to us. He says in James 1:3-4 (Message), “You know under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.”
When testing comes, we may get angry or feel sorry for ourselves at first; but rather than complain, we can seek to know what He is trying to teach us through it. We must remember that the Lord sees and knows how much we can take and won’t give us any more than we can handle with His grace. So let us look for His words of encouragement and His look of compassion, and not ever, ever give up!
Challenge for today: Periodically through the day, thank the Lord that He sees you!
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy


January 7, 2022

Dear Ones,
Happy weekend to you!! Burr it is cold as it is -33 here and so glad we don’t have to go out today. I just finished cleaning the apartment and cleaned the pantry too. I love to cook  when it is cold out and I made pumpkin pancakes for us to have later!Emoji This afternoon I have a hair appointment this but only have to go to the building next door that connects to ours.  
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Today we hear so much bad news of terrible things that are happening throughout the world, and also fearful things that could happen in the future. Many people live with anxiety and lack peace as they look ahead to the future.
But when we have a Heavenly Father who cares for us, we don’t have to live on edge, but rather be secure in our Father’s love and keeping power. He tells us to just be at peace and “Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10) He is always with us and we can have the joy of His presence, no matter what is happening around us.
We can see the very signs of His hand with us if we pay attention and are alert. We might want to make it a habit to pause during the day and thank Him that He is right there at our side. “Lord, thank you that you are with me, right now, right here and I won’t fear for you are with me.”
The Lord is always speaking to us as well, and we need to quiet our hearts and listen. His promise is found in Proverbs 1:33 (God’s Word), “But whoever listens to me will live without worry and will be free from the dread of disaster.”  The Message puts it this way, “First pay attention to me, and then relax. Now you can take it easy—you’re in good hands.”
None of us know what will happen in 2022 but it is so important where we put our focus. It needs to be on the Lord and feeding on scripture. We can be honest with Him and share our fears but then put everything into His hands. He will quiet us with His love and calm our fears.
 Let us not live as those who don’t know they have a Heavenly Father who loves and cares for them; but rather share with others the Good News that will bring them peace.
 Challenge for today: When you find yourself becoming anxious, give your fears to the Lord and thank Him that He is in control.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy



January y, 2022

Dear Ones,
Hope you are having a good day and keeping warm! This morning I had a dematology appointment at 8 a.m and went to Aldi’s on the way home; got here in time for Donut Day and then this afternoon we are resuming our weekly Bible Study. Very cold out so I am sure we will be walking inside again today.’
Devotions from Judy’s heart
I think we are all a bit curious about angels and maybe some of you reading this have experienced seeing an angel in some form.  Dr Roger Barrier writes how angels appear sometimes in human form as when one appeared to Abraham and Lot. They also appear in dreams and I have read of this is happening frequently today amongst Muslims; God speaks to them in a dream and they receive it as a divine revelation and come to know the Lord. Angels also appear in visions as the Apostle John who wrote of in the book of Revelation.
I have always felt like an angel saved my dad’s life when he was hit by a car on an icy narrow street and flew over the car and landed without a scratch. Angels may work behind the scenes and often protect believers from danger. We all have a guardian angel and perhaps some are kept much busier than others!
Our pastor shared about angels recently and had the children bring angels to decorate the Christmas tree. They were all so beautiful and different.
Dr. Barrier wrote that God created angels before anything else in the universe (Job 38:4-7) and they were created all at once. We know there are huge numbers of angels for it says in Rev 5:11 that they number myriads of myriads and thousands of thousands. Verse 12 says around the thrown they loudly say, “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing.”  Can we even imagine what that is like as they sing and worship and praise the Lord?
Angels also fight Satan and his demons, who were at one time worshipers but rebelled against God and were cast down. Angels will fight until the victory is won at the end of time. One day they will also separate those saved and those lost. 
Angels are powerful and guide the affairs of nations. Each nation also has a demonic spirit that wants to bring destruction.
Every church is assigned an angel to help protect it. In Revelation the seven stars are the angels to the seven churches.
Angels minister to believers and at times provide physical needs and reveal God’s plans. May we recognize what God is trying to tell us.
They also minister to us when we are dying and one day will usher us into glory. So much more on angels and we just never know when we may see one or recognize the evidence that an angel was right beside us.
Challenge for today: Have your eyes open to receive whatever God is saying to you through whatever means He uses.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

January 5, 2022

Dear Ones,
Hope you are having a good day and keeping warm! We got more snow last night! Emoji I love to cook and bake to warm up the house and fill it with aroma. I made a veggie stir fry, egg dishes, and meat loaf and went to my exercise class this morning. I suspect we will have to walk inside today. We have Bible Study tonight and taking down the Christmas decorations at church. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
It is important to listen carefully to how the Lord would direct us each day. The Holy Spirit wants us to quiet down and to listen so we can know the way we are to go under each circumstance that occurs. Otherwise, we can get off and maybe do what God is asking of us, but not in the right timing.
On New Year’s Day I took out a partially opened cream cheese to make a snack dip for Al and I was almost overcome by the terrible odor. I had waited too long to use it and it was no longer good at all. Fortunately, I had a fresh package of cream cheese to use. My timing was off!
Also, that night I had a very vivid dream in which I remembered many details. Our faith was on the line and I had to flee along with some other Christians and go into hiding. We hid in the woods and in the fields and places by a lake. We would at times encounter other church people and we weren’t sure if they would turn us in or not.  In each instance though they helped us and we were able to keep going. But I remember how it took constant listening to know how the Holy Spirit was directing, as our very lives were at stake.
It is important for each of us to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and to wait and listen to His promptings. David says in Psalm 27:14, “Wait for and confidently expect the Lord; be strong and let your heart take courage; yes, wait for and confidently expect the Lord.” On our own we don’t know what is best and we need to dial down, and wait for instructions; this is not passive waiting, but waiting expectantly that we will be shown what we need to know. We are confident that He will answer and show us the way.
Our friend David, who we meet with on the Paul Bunyan trail, wrote in his latest poem that we should treasure how God whispers to us and to be still and quiet so we can hear Him. His last verse goes:
“As the new year begins, each moment is a fresh start.
Let us listen to Jesus’s whispers doing our part.
God helps us live with purpose in the new year, understanding You are my guide.
Help us to find the precious love that you provide.”
Challenge for today: Spend some time in stillness just listening to what the Lord is saying to you.
Blessings on  your day and prayers and love, Judy


January 4, 2022

Dear Ones,
Hope you waken to a fresh outlook on your day! What things do you want to implement into your New Year  of 2022? 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
As we begin a new year, I like to do some deep cleaning projects of things I have put off during busy days preparing for Christmas. I strip the bed down to the mattress pads and wash everything and also clean the blinds which are on each window in the apartment etc. But one thing that surprised me, is why I haven’t noticed the dust and dirt that has accumulated as I open the blinds each day. One friend living here at Northern Lakes told me about the rain that was seeping into the small crevice where the upper and lower windows connect. I didn’t think we had a problem but as I cleaned our blinds and windows this time, I recognized the moisture had also seeped in and left some mold behind. Why hadn’t I seen this before?
As God so often speaks to me through my daily experiences, I was quickly made aware of my own heart and how I can be unaware of certain things in my life that need to change. Others probably have noticed and maybe even shared of their own shortcomings as they are dealing with them, but I did not recognize my problem. Of course, the Lord can’t show us everything all at once or we might get bowed over with discouragement. But He shows us just what we need to know at the time He has prepared for us to deal with things. As we get rid of these things that hinder close fellowship with Him, we experience more freedom and the joy of His pleasure. It’s because He loves us that He exposes those things that causes distance from Him as He desires an intimate relationship with us.
Each day it is good to pray for the Holy Spirit to guide us through the day but also to reveal those things that separate us from the Lord. He is only too happy to show us the smudges on the windows of our hearts and the dirt that has accumulated and will cleanse us if we ask. In I Peter 1:2, Peter is telling the exiles, “who have been chosen and destined by God the Father and sanctified by the Spirit to be obedient to Jesus Christ and to be sprinkled with His blood.” It is the Holy Spirit who sanctifies us, which is to say, makes us holy in a moment-by-moment process. Every day let us welcome Him to do a deep work in us!
Challenge for today: Pray for openness to the Holy Spirit’ promptings with a willingness to change.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

January 3, 2022

Dear Ones,
Hope you had a wonderful New Year’s weekend as many of you celebrated with friends and family. Our son, Kurt, and Brenda made it to the Viking/Packer game at Lambeau Field last night, which was on Kurt’s bucket list. Today I made S.F. Choc chip cookies and went through papers, and then to my exercise class. It’s warming up so hope to get a good walk in today! 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
God’s love for us is never up for question. He is love and that will never change for His love is everlasting. No matter what we encounter in this coming year, we can count on Him to be there for us, pouring out His love to us and giving us strength. 
I was reading from Ann Spangler’s devotional book as she shares about King George VI in his address to the nation in 1939. France and Great Britain had declared war on Germany and the King spoke to the people on Christmas day at a very dark time. A New Year was at hand and they didn’t know what would happen. He told the people, “None of us know what the new year will bring. If it brings safety, healing, prosperity, wholeness, and joy, we will praise and thank the Lord. But if it brings continued struggles, we will remain undaunted, not because we are strong or have it in our own power to remain faithful, but because our God is strong and more than able to keep us in his peace.”
Then he closed with these words to further encourage the people:
“ I said to the man who stood at the Gate of the Year: ‘Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.’ And he replied: ‘Go out into the darkness, and put your hand into the Hand of God. That shall be to you better than light, and safer than a known way.’”
The King then asked that God’s Almighty Hand would guide and uphold them and we know it was six years more of war until peace came to the nation,
We are beginning a new year and living in uncertain times; none of us can predict what 2022 will hold; but we need to put our hand in the One who is love and all powerful and will give us peace. As the song goes, “Precious Lord, take my hand/ lead me on, let me stand/ I am tired, I am weak, I am worn/ Through the storm, through the night/ lead me on to the light/ Take my hand, precious Lord/ lead me home.”
Challenge for today: Put your hand in His and let Him lead you each day until one day you are home.
Blessings on your week and prayers and love, Judy


The Labor Movement & Christmas

During this past Advent season as my wife and I prepared to welcome Jesus anew into our story, I enjoyed reading many inspiring thoughts of Jesus coming to live among us.  But after reading the following tweet, I must say I was disturbed.  I could not get the one sentence out of my mind. 

On Christmas Eve, Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont sent out the following tweet: “It was the labor movement that brought you the holiday weekend.”  The day before, Sanders had tweeted: “The Democratic Party must once again become the party that stands for the working class in this country.”  To me, this is mixing ideology with religion. 

I have intentionally tried to stay out of politics in this blog, instead taking my stand on “Jesus and His kingdom.”  But Senator Sanders’ quote was just too much for me. The message seems intended to change the narrative of Christmas.  Associating the labor movement with any religious “holy day” seems to warrant outcry – if not at least a good bit of clarification.

When looked at through one lens, this sitting senator seems to imply that the Christmas tradition was brought by the labor movement to a culture starving for some “Good News”.  However, it was the angeI of the Lord who told the shepherds, “I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people” (Luke 2:10).  I respect the Senator for his courage to foster positive change in our country.  I do not, however, share the view that “the labor movement” is responsible for Christmas. 

First, the senator seems to be total disregarding history. Christmas, which celebrates the birth of God’s only begotten Son by the Virgin Mary has been celebrated for 2,000 years all over the world.  The early labor movement may have played a role in President Grant’s 1870 declaration of Christmas as a federal holiday, but regardless of Grant’s declaration, the birth of Jesus would still be celebrated.  The light might go dim, but it will never go out. “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it” (John 1:5 NLT).  Certainly not a U.S. Senator’s voice.

Secondly, equating the “labor movement” with Christmas can be perceived as bordering on idolatry.  Could it be that a human construct, which has helped many Americans raise their standard of living, has become a religion for some?  I grew up among iron miners in Northern Michigan.  I see how labor unions have helped struggling families. My people were solidly union.  But Senator Sanders, only the gospel of Jesus Christ can save us.  The elderly Simeon, upon seeing the baby Jesus, proclaimed, “For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all people.” (Luke 2:30-31). 

Thirdly, Christmas (the birth of Christ) really happened. The Creator of the universe sent his Son into the world, to bring all of us together through his death on the cross. Christ’s birth, death and resurrection happened so we could have the peace our world so desperately seeks. “For God was pleased to have his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross” (Col. 1:19).

Finally, our contemporary, secular world will never drown out the music heard throughout the heavens, giving worship and praise to Lord Jesus.  It will go on for all eternity. “To him, who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever” (Rev 4:13).       



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