Canaan’s Rest represents a quiet place “set apart” for the purpose of hearing God's voice, growing in intimacy with the Lord, and being renewed in soul and spirit.

Month: August 2020 (Page 3 of 4)

August 11, 2020

Dear Ones,
We just got home from the lake after a wonderful refreshing time. I got to see a friend on the way and met her in the gazebo and prayed together. Later after a swim and scrabble game, Ann had us for a birthday party on the deck with scrumptious steaks etc for supper. Today I was so happy to go with Ann to the women’s Bible study and saw old friends again. What a blessing! We had a sauna and swim this afternoon with Ann’s and now we are home again and my tank is all filled up!
 Devotions from Judy’s heart
Don’t you love to be with people that have a wonderful sense of humor? They seem to find something to laugh about, even if it would be their own mistakes. I had a second cousin that was like that and we always knew when the family was together, laughter would fill the room. Sometimes we ached from laughing and afterwards we felt a little lighter and our spirits lifted. I just read an article in Just Between Us by Shelly Esser, who speaks of laughter as soul medicine. She said there are 48 references about laughter in the Bible and it is a healing power to ease our stress, pain and conflict. Some health centers even have laughter therapy to help us to relax and bring our bodies back into balance. Shelly wrote that laughter leaves our muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes after and boosts the immune system. It releases endorphins so that we are left with a sense of well-being. Last week Al was sitting down by the lake as I played a game with relatives; he said he loved hearing the laughter spilling out of the cabin and so much joy. Laughter is contagious and a gift from God that helps us also cope with sadness. Job went through so many hardships and losses and his friend Bildad reminds him in Job 8:22 (The Message), “God will let you laugh again; you’ll raise the roof with shouts of joy.”  Sometimes we may need reminding too, that God is in control and as it says in Nehemiah 8:10, “Don’t feel bad. The joy of the Lord is your strength.” I remember one time when we were in our first parsonage and I had some nursing friends over along with a missionary. I’m not sure why we were sitting on the floor but I remembered we laughed until our sides ached. When the missionary left, she said in so many words, “You will never know how much better I feel and the laughter was just what I needed!”  More than ever today. especially as things get darker in our world, we need to be free to have times of laughter and let joy bubble up in our souls to bind us together.
Challenge for today: Develop a sense of humor and take joy and laughter out into the world you live in.
Blessings on your evening and prayers and love, Judy

Male Loneliness

The lack of healthy male relationships is a subject not easily discussed in our culture. If you were to google “loneliness” you would find loneliness among men, especially today, to be a public health crisis. Men tend to live in isolation, while women overall more readily connect with other women. This leaves men alone to suffer in their shame, not knowing how to deal with whatever inner pain there may be.

One counselor who works with men gave the following five reasons why loneliness among men is a worsening epidemic that is “literally killing” men: 1) Men fear appearing weak, 2) Men don’t talk about their feelings, 3) Many aren’t comfortable being vulnerable, 4) Hypermasculine assertiveness, and 5) Few bonding opportunities. I want to address this last point.

In the church, men get mixed messages about what a man is supposed to be. Jesus can be portrayed along a continuum from being super-sensitive and caring to being like the warrior portrayed in Revelation 19. In the age of “toxic masculinity,” men in the church have learned to hide behind their protective emotional shields, afraid to express whatever confusion, sadness, anger, or loneliness there may be. Men have been emotionally wounded by the gender wars and don’t know how to process their pain. The festering wounds spill over into dysfunctional relationships with those who are closest to them, especially within the family.

Some “churched” men have “forfeited their souls” to the feminist rant for a new masculine. They have been shamed into being emasculated men, unable to express any genuine masculine strength – often for fear of being called a bigot. Men are caught in the double bind of being shamed for being a man, while being told they have not been responsible in addressing male patriarchy.

Men need intergenerational male communities of brothers and fathers where soul talk among men is normal conversation. Here, men can be heard as they risk telling their stories of navigating life through the good, the bad, and the ugly. “Celebrate Recovery” (look it up on Google) gives good guidance: “Realize I’m not God; I admit that I am powerless to control my tendency to do the wrong thing and my life is unmanageable.”

Men can learn to “fight for each other’s hearts.” A good watchword would be Proverbs 4:23: “Above all else guard your heart, for it affects everything you do.” Alastair Roberts makes this observation regarding gatherings of men: “Male groups tend to broad and shallow: larger numbers of persons, but typically less intimate and closely bonded… Male groups have a greater tendency to socialize and bond around agency, ritual, action and competition… We principally bond through sharing ideas, activities, arguments, and obsessions, not through sharing feelings, personal narrative or secrets.”

While the church needs to provide opportunities for men to grow spiritually through activities together, there is a real need to provide space for men to process their journey with other men. It will take time and practice to move beyond “agency, ritual, action, and competition.” In the days to come, men will need to find and have brothers who stay with them in the battle.

If you are a man who is caught in the dark web of loneliness, you may feel like a lost sheep. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, knows your need. Tell him your honest need and ask him to direct you to a group. The big step is to reach out and make yourself available to a group of men. He knows your need and will provide the opportunity. But you will need to be vulnerable.

August 10,2020

Dear Ones,
Hope you had a great weekend!  We are going to the lake shortly and spend the night. I am going to stop to see a friend on the way and have coffee in the gazebo, and later we are going to celebrate Al’s birthday with Ann’s family. Tomorrow I hope to go to my old Bible Study group and I have missed that.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
How good are we at serving and putting others above ourselves? I know I so often have to confess at the end of the day that I am selfish and need forgiveness from the Lord. I read today from Phil. 2:3-4 (God’s Word), “Don’t act out of selfish ambition or be conceited. Instead, humbly think of others as being better than yourselves. Don’t be concerned only about your own interests, but also be concerned about the interests of others.” One young man in love, proposed to his girlfriend by washing her feet. What an example of servanthood and thinking of her before himself! Another gal who was engaged kept bragging that she was her daddy’s little darling and he would give her anything she wanted. She said this as she tried on a wedding dress for $16,000 that he would have to pay for. She always got her way and now will have a rude awakening in marriage when she is called on to sacrifice for her husband and possibly children in the future. Life doesn’t revolve around us but the apostle Paul tells us in Colossians 3 to be sympathetic, kind, humble, gentle and patient with others.  We are to put up with each other and to be forgiving. God knows that we are happiest when not focusing on me, me, me, but putting ourselves aside and having our hearts open to serving others. We have many examples today, that sometimes makes the news, of children raising funds to help a cause. It could be to help their family’s sponsored child in a poor country or maybe someone who has lost everything. Their smile tells it all and expresses their joy in doing something beyond themselves. Love is like a beautiful garment we need to put on every day; so let us be directed by the Holy Spirit to serve others.
Challenge for today: Ask the Lord to give you joy in serving someone else today in some way.
Blessings on your week and prayers and love, Judy

August 8, 2020

Dear Ones,
Hope you are enjoying your weekend. The house is full of aroma as I am making soup and a Mexican dish. This morning I cleaned went to Aldi’s and soon we are off again with a couple more places we need to go. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
I am ever amazed at God’s incredible timing and leading as He places people in the right place at the right time. Even if we try to plan that on our own, it doesn’t always work out in a successful way. But God’s way does. Al and I usually go for a walk together at 3:30 each day but the other day we went a little early as there was going to be a party in the courtyard at 4:15. We no more got on the wooded trail and we a met a friend, the director of Transformed by Love Ministries, going for a walk. It’s been so long since we could fellowship together face to face because of COVID19 and both Al and I felt so refreshed spiritually after our visit there on the trail. As we got to the end of our walk, someone called out to Al from the courtyard of the Assisted living. We wouldn’t have even noticed anyone there because of the bushes but we heard him call. It is a friend that use to live downstairs who is now in Hospice and hasn’t long to live. Al skipped most of the party gathering and spent his time with the friend and his wife as they talked about death and he prayed for them. Technically, Al would have had to go through some procedures to talk to him but God worked it out for that time and that way. It reinforced to me the importance of listening to the Holy Spirit as He directs our lives. Maybe we feel like driving another way home today, and all of sudden notice someone along the way is in need of help. Or sharing something you had not intended to say and yet later you discover it met the hidden need of the listener. God has purpose and is involved in every detail of our lives; who knows all that He is accomplishing when we listen and obey Him?  Let us step out in faith and ask Him to direct our lives, for as it says in Prov.16:9 (Amplified), “A man’s mind plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps and makes them sure.” May we follow the path He has set for us, one step at a time, and be in His timing.
Challenge for today: Be sensitive to how the Holy Spirit would lead you and be quick to respond.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy

August 7,2020

Dear Ones,
Happy weekend to you!  We are still waiting for the sun to show it’s face today,  and  so far no rain. This morning I did food prep and made strogonoff and going to bake this afternoon. 
 Devotions from Judy’s heart
As I hear from many of you of your health concerns and trials you are going through, I wish that I could just wave all your struggles away. I pray and if I had my way, I would take you out of your present difficult circumstances and give you a carefree life without pain and all the struggles. But it doesn’t always happen that way and there is purpose and even blessings in our suffering that we may not realize at the time. Paul tells the Philippians that it is a privilege to suffer for Christ and he was speaking from personal experience. He says in Phil. 1: 29-30 (NRSV), “For He has graciously granted you the privilege not only of believing in Christ, but of suffering for Him as well—since you are having the same struggle that you saw I had and now hear I still have.” Have you noticed how suffering weeds out what is superficial in our lives and we see what is truly important? In fact, our faith can grow so much stronger in the midst of what we are going through as we become so dependent on the Lord. The enemy would want to tell us we are going through these trials and pain because we are being punished for doing something wrong and we can start wondering if our faith is enough. But it could be just the opposite as God wants to use us as a demonstration of His grace. Sometimes when others are going through hardships, I want to say, “Do you realize how those around you are observing how you respond and are encouraged by the strength God is giving you! Your life is exemplifying God’s grace in a shining way.” May we learn all that God is teaching us in the midst of our struggles and also to be a Star witness of His grace and power.
Challenge for today: Ask the Lord to help you shine for Him in the times of your greatest struggles.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy

August 6, 2020

Dear Ones,
Hope you are enjoying this day. This morning I made almond cinnamon raisin bread and took a friend to the Dollar Store. We enjoyed our day at the lake yesterday as you will read in the following devotion.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Yesterday I was walking down the hall to the elevator and it was a day we were going to the lake and packing the car full of food and games for company. Suddenly I noticed the plaque on one of the apartment doors, “Enjoy the Moment.”  It stopped me in my tracks and I thought, Yes, just enjoy each moment given us from the Lord this day!  When we arrived at the cabin, our daughter came and we talked about the virus and the unrest in our country and world. We discussed the chaos around us, but we acknowledge we belong to the Lord and He is our anchor. Later when my brother and sister-in-law came, as we ate and played a game, we laughed deep belly laughs, recalling things from our past etc. It felt so freeing to just be in the moment and carefree in God’s care. Even though there is great stress in our world, the Lord is our safe place, our peace. In scripture we can read about bad things happening and then the word is followed with “But God!” We remember how Joseph’s brothers tried to harm him and then Joseph tells them but God meant it for good. It all happened according to His divine will.    Today I read the words of an unknown author and it may be familiar to you also.

“The will of God will never take you, where the grace of God cannot keep you, where the arms of God cannot support you, where the riches of God cannot supply your needs, where the power of God cannot endow you.

The will of God will never take you, where the Spirit of God cannot work through you, where the wisdom of God cannot teach you, where the army of God cannot protect you, where the hands of God cannot mold you.

The will of God will never take you, where the love of God cannot enfold you, where the mercies of God cannot sustain you, where the peace of God cannot calm your fears, where the authority of God cannot overrule for you.

The will of God will never take you, where the comfort of God cannot dry your tears, where the Word of God cannot feed you, where the miracles of God cannot be done for you, where the omnipresence of God cannot find you.”

No matter what happens to us and around us, let us enjoy the moment for we are in His hand.

Challenge for today: Rest in the Lord and enjoy the moment!                                                           Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

August 5, 2020

Dear Ones,
Hope your day is full of sunshine! We are going to the cabin early this morning  and have my brother and sister-in-law from Indiana coming for lunch. We look forward to time with family and being by the lake as we can see the ducks and loons as we sit at the table.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Not one of God’s promises has failed or ever will fail! I’m sure we have all been disappointed by promises made to us and then not being fulfilled. And it’s also quite likely that we have not come through for others in keeping our promises, even though we meant well at the time of making them. But God is totally trustworthy and will not be slow to keep His promises. Recently I ordered a pair of shoes online that I thought not only looked good but would help my foot alignment. I waited and waited some weeks and noticed our credit card had already been charged. I began thinking that perhaps this company was not going to keep their promise and I would be out my money. When we were about to give up, there was a notice on my e-mail that my package was coming and would be there the next day! They weren’t fraudulent after all and they were true to their advertised promise. And when my shoes came, they fit perfect and I was one happy recipient. I thought of how we feel and may even accuse God of not keeping His promises; after all, we have waited so long and nothing appears to have happened—yet! Of course, we don’t see behind the scenes to realize God is at work; and even if we never see in our life time, we can be assured He is faithful. For each of us, the assurance of certain promises, we may hold tighter than someone else. If we are lonely and down, we may hold on to the promise of God being with us in Deut. 1:9 (The Message), “Haven’t I commanded you? Strength, Courage! Don’t be timid; don’t get discouraged. God, your God, is with you every step you take.” Or maybe we are lacking in something that is needful and we call out to God to provide. And it says in Phil.4:19, “You can be sure that God will take care of everything you need, His generosity exceeding even yours in the glory that pours from Jesus.” Or maybe we feel unlovable and we look to I John 4:10(NRSV), “In this is love, not that we loved God but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins.”  Whatever our need is, may we hold on to the promises given to us for God is true to His promises and they will not fail.
Challenge for today: Look to the Word for a promise to meet your need and hang on to it in faith. 
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

August 4, 2020

Dear Ones,
Hope your day holds lots of blessings and that you appreciate the now! Today I’m going to make a big pot of stew to take to the lake tomorrow as my brother and sister-in-law are having dinner with us at the Silver Chateau. I hope to get downstairs this morning for coffee and to catch up. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Do we treasure the gifts God has given us or do we tend to take them for granted? Sometimes we don’t realize what we have until it is taken from us. This past week I went to visit a friend who many of you have prayed for in the past. She is in a wheelchair, has very limited vision and until recently has not been able to have company because of COVID19. It’s been many months since I have actually seen her, but this past week we were allowed to go out to the gazebo and have coffee and goodies and pray together (with masks and social distancing). What a joy that was and I savored it even more than those times before the virus changed things. On Facebook I saw these words, “Maybe when social distancing is a thing of the past, we’ll hug a little harder, hold on a little longer, and remember that nothing matters more than time we spend with people we love.” So many things we can take for granted rather than appreciating the gift they are to us daily. In I Peter 4:7-8 (The Message) Peter says, “Everything in the world is about to be wrapped up, so take nothing for granted. Stay wide awake in prayer. Most of all, love each other as if your life depended on it. Love makes up for practically everything.” There isn’t anyone that knows what lies in the future, except God; so it is important to not take things for granted but appreciate what is right now, this very moment we are actually living in. That doesn’t mean it is all roses but even in the hard circumstances, we can still have joy and appreciate His grace to us. The Apostle Paul is such an example of that as he went through so much and yet he expressed joy and thankfulness in his letters. His life was a demonstration of God’s grace and ours can be too, if we practice His presence and have daily intimacy with Him. Let us not complain or take His gifts for granted but live in thankfulness and gratitude for all He is and has given us.
Challenge for today: List several things you are grateful for and give Him thanks.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

August 3, 2020

Dear Ones,
Hope you had a wonderful weekend. Another beautiful summer day and I cleaned, went to Aldi’s, and to my exercise class this morning. Al and I will enjoy our walk on the trail this afternoon and so many wildflowers keep popping up.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Peace can’t be bought for a price but is a gift of the greatest worth. Imagine a picture in your own mind of peace and what that would look like to you. We recently stayed overnight at the cabin and woke to the most beautiful sunrise. As I looked out on calm waters, loons swimming by, and a cloudless sky it was so magnificent and peaceful–a sight to behold. I thought of the greatness of God who created all of this for us to enjoy. But by contrast, I was reminded of how the enemy wants to rob our peace, distract us, and cause us to live in fear and anxiety. I had just read statistics the day before on the mental health crises in our country. One in three people show signs of anxiety and depression. Emotional distress jumped 1000% from the year before and the suicide rate keeps getting higher and higher.  Only God can replace our anxiety with deep down inner peace that is not dependent on circumstances. Paul knew that for when he wrote to the Ephesians he was under house arrest and writing to a church that had external pressures from false teachers, and problems within the church of people acting selfishly. But Paul said in Phil. 4:6-7 (The Message): ”Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.” Yes, we all have concerns and problems but God is there to help us overcome them and we need to focus on Him rather than our fears. He can use meditation, counseling, exercise, medications etc.  Great help is especially found as we turn to the Word and feed on the promises that He is with us, He will give us strength to overcome, He will hold our hand and carry us through whatever turbulent times that hit us. It is also helpful to join with other Christians so we can be mutually encouraged in our faith and pray together. (Even if it has to be on the phone). Let us not stress but seek the One who is peace!
Challenge for today:  Give your anxieties to the Lord and trust Him to work things out.
Blessings on your week and prayers and love, Judy

The Pagan Public Square

The title of this blog might surprise you.  It is the title of an article by Robert P George,  professor of law at Princeton.  He points out that secular liberals or “progressives” are making little effort to maintain “the pretense of  neutrality.”  “Having gained the advantage” notes George,  “on battle front after battle front in the modern culture war, and having achieved hegemony  in elite sectors of the culture….there is no longer any need to pretend.”

Steven Smith in his book “Pagans and Christians in the City” names this aggressive liberalism as “paganism.”  What he [Smith] perceives,  notes George, “is that contemporary  social liberalism reflects certain core ideas and  beliefs …… that partially defined the traditions of paganism that were dominant in the ancient Mediterranean world……..until the point at which they were defeated….by the Jewish sect  that came to be known as Christianity.”  Christians were like “resident aliens” in the world,  following a God who was transcendent, whereas pagans located the sacred within the world. 

These two worldviews clashed with the spread of the gospel in the first centuries of the church.  No where was the clash greater than in sexuality.  “The Christian view of sexuality was not only radically alien,” notes Smith, “it was close to incomprehensible.”  There was a fear that Christians would “turn the lights out on the party.”  In the West, the Christian sexual ethic prevailed until the present time.   

But now in our day the lights have been turned on once again and the party is going again.  It is “live and let live” when it comes to sexual morality.  The old Christian ethic is “no longer operative.”  We are entering into what George calls a “new Diocletian age,”  similar to the last and most severe persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire. 

“The culture war is over; they lost,  we won…..Taking a hard line is better than trying to accommodate the losers who are defending positions that liberals regard as having no normative pull at all” declares Mark Tushnet.  The neo-pagans are not willing to accommodate Christians in the public square, when they dissent from progressive orthodoxy.  

There are people “who want to ensure that we never again get near the light switch and that we are properly punished for having switched off the lights to the party in the first place.”  So what are believers with a biblical worldview to do in the coming days. 

George give three options.  First that of capitulation and acquiescence.  There are whole denominations that practice a visible evidence of faith but have  no moral substance.  George believes they have made themselves “useful idiots” of neo-paganism. 

The two other options are between “flight or fight.”  Rod Dreher has a strategic retreat in his promotion of the “Benedict Option.”  Christian are to build arks in order to endure the coming flood.  Believers would still be involved in the affairs of the world, while attending to intentional community for the sake of maintaining to faith.   

The third option is that of staying in the public square and fighting.  George opts for fight, saying “the cost of discipleship is a heavy cost……the days of comfortable Christianity are over.”  We are, in his opinion, “back in the position of our forebears in imperial Rome.”  

So men we are at a crossroads.  Accommodation is not an option.  Will it be flight or fight?  I personally lean toward flight ( building an ark through my church) rather than fight.  But I know that I will need to take a stand among the pagans.  God give me grace to stand for Jesus 




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