Devotions from Judy’s heart
When I was floating on the lake on an air mattress I looked peripherally into the water and saw the reflection of the trees and clouds in the water. But it wasn’t until I looked directly into the water that I could see the fish and all the vegetation. As I floated out deeper I couldn’t see the bottom of the lake at all and whatever was under the water was a mystery.. I thought of how we grow in our spiritual lives. As new Christians we often are so impressed by “ floating clouds” and high emotional experiences. Later we see beyond these and become aware of the “fish” and real everyday highs and lows. Usually much later we move into mystery, knowing we may not understand what God is up to in our lives but it is alright. Mystery is good and we just trust Him for even those things we can’t see or know the whys. As in Eph. 3:18 may we have power to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is His love and to know this love that surpasses knowledge that we may be filled with the fullness of God. Let us go on to know Him in deeper ways and grow in trust.
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