Devotions from Judy’s heart
Last night we went to Grant’s soccer game and it was fun to watch as they were all around 4 years old. Now as you can imagine, the game was not played to perfection as they are young and just learning the rules. They had a very tall big coach with a very patient heart. The kids fell down a lot but got up and continued, and enjoyed the time. They didn’t expect perfection from themselves, nor did their coach or most of the parents. (Only one dad on steroids hollered at his son and expected him to do well on his first time of.playing.) Why do we think we should live a perfect Christian life and not make mistakes? Of course we will! I am reading Richard Rohr’s book, “Falling Upward”, and he said, “We grow spiritually much more by doing it wrong than by doing it right.” That’s because we can’t hide our imperfection and know we need His grace. It causes us to be more forgiving of others too. When we fall or fail, we need not fall apart. The Pharisees had a hard time to grasp that as they were all about doing it right, especially before the eyes of man. Let us be like Grant falling down and getting up and enjoying the game, without pointing blaming others! “It is when I am weak that I am strong.” II Cor 12:10
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