Devotions from Judy’s heart
One day I went for a walk to the garden and the sun was shining and beautiful butterflies accompanied me etc. I just enjoyed it all! But on my way back as I was looking at the trees and clouds, I almost stepped on a snake. It was right on the road before me and had not been there before when I was on my way to the garden. I immediately thought of how we must be alert for the dangers the enemy puts before us. Just because something was safe before does not mean that it is now. We are warned in I Peter 5 to be watchful for the devil prowls around seeking someone to devour. We are to resist him and be firm in our faith so we can extinguish all the darts he sends at us. ( Eph. 6:16) He knows the things that trip us up so we are to be alert for he will use every tactic he has to cause us to fall. Each day I like to pray to put on the whole armor of God for myself and for our whole family. (The belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, shoes shod with the gospel of peace, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, and sword of the Spirit.) Let us be alert and stand against his schemes!
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