Devotions from Judy’s heart
I was reading from Ps. 16 today which is one of my favorites. Verse 8 says, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you are to go: I will counsel you with my eye upon you.” How open are we to God’s instruction through out our day? Sometimes we have our day so carefully planned out that we are not open to any changes He might make. At the Lake last weekend we had plans for a relative picnic on Saturday evening. When Al’s sister and I came home from the movie, we found out it was canceled due to wind and some of the gang out fishing. We had prepared food but had to change plans. Instead Al and his sister and I went to a little hollow clearing behind our sauna and had a wiener roast, just the 3 of us. It was a neat time of sharing and part of His plan for us. He has such good things in store for all of us, but we can miss them if we won’t receive His instructions and counsel. When we barrel through, insisting on our own plan we can mess up other people’s lives too. It is a freeing thing to hold things loosely and be ready for any changes God might make. His eye is always upon us!
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