Dear Ones,
Hope you have been enjoying this weekend. I am sending this to you early as we plan to go on the road home early tomorrow morning and  would appreciate prayers for a safe and well journey. We were blessed to be at Mark and Andrea’s church this morning and out to a Mexican restaurant; then an afternoon of more games and fun times together.Tonight is popcorn and more fun. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  Each day is a gift from God and also a day that the Lord has given us to know Him better and to seek His will. A good way to start the day is to praise and thank the Lord for He has kept us through the night and to ask for His directions for the day.
   I was reading in Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians and his desire for them is “to walk to please God” and to continue to do that more and more. He also says in I Thess. 3:12 (SV) “And may the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all as we do for you, so that He may establish your hearts blameless in holiness before our God and father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus.” At the close of his letter, he reminds them again to get along and to encourage one another, to do good, to pray without ceasing, to give thanks in all circumstances and not to quench the Holy Spirit. Think of how blessed each day would be if we practiced all that Paul was saying.
   When we were with Mark and Andrea’s pastor and wife, they were so open to the Holy Spirit and excited over what God was doing in the lives of the congregation. We loved hearing how many were getting words from the Lord that spoke to their hearts, healings, and changed lives. When we are open to the Holy Spirit, we have no idea what wonderful miracles of God will follow. Since we are not in charge, we are often surprised by what transpires as we yield to the work of the Holy Spirit. It’s no longer all about what we want but rather the will of God.
I had an e-mail today from someone who sensed God was telling her what to do and say to  group which was different than what she had planned. She knew afterwards that it was the right thing and there was beautiful fruit! 
   God wants to meet us where we are at, and the Holy Spirit uses the Word and others to speak to our life situations. May our focus be on Him and let each day unfold with a readiness to do His will.
  Challenge for today: Pray to be open to the Holy Spirit’s leading each day as you wake.
Blessings on your week and prayers and love, Judy