Devotions from Judy’s heart
Last night the grandkids put on a program for us and were dressed up in adult clothes. Ten year old Paige had on her mom’s dress and 4” heels so she had to be careful how she walked. Eight year old Lily had on her mom’s blouse and scarf and a frilly skirt. Four year old Grant had on a Bat Man outfit and all three of them performed for us. They were also interviewed with such simple questions as their favorite color to deeper ones as to the meaning of life. We laughed until we ached at their antics as we know they are just children and not the adults they are portraying. Sometimes perhaps we think we are more spiritually mature than we actually are. We want God to give us a meat (a big steak) when we are ready only for milk. Sometimes we show our immaturity by our carelessness with our words. Or we refuse to persevere in trials and want to get out of them as quickly as possible. James 1:4 says, “Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” We may fool others but the Lord sees us as we really are and knows what we are ready for. He is always desirous that we grow in His grace and mature, becoming more like Him.
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