Devotions based on Stephen Smith’s book, Soul Custody
We are told in Phil 2:12 to cultivate and complete our salvation with reverence and awe. ( AB) Action steps are ways to work out our salvation if we are serious about our soul care. Our culture says to work more do more etc but let us not be hijacked by people and messages of the world at the expense of our souls. Caring for our souls is a need in every season, every culture, and every soul. We should be careful to recognize warning signals that our soul gives us such as stress, depression, lack of joy strife, dryness, anxiety, preoccupation with daydreams, more time spent using technology etc. We may need to admit to God all the areas of our life that are out of control and ask Him to help. . We should also note the positive aspects of our soul which includes peace, contentment with life, spiritual aliveness, and exuberance about life. We can be inspired by preachers or our spouse can help us but no one can care for our soul like we can.
We must choose to be true to ourselves. Being true to our soul will look different than what that would be for another. What works for us may not work for someone else. But let us be intentional and explore the ways that are life-giving for us and stay with that. Then every so often we should evaluate our experiences, go on retreats, ask ourselves if we are making choices that bring us closer to Him. “We flourish and thrive when we give the soul what the soul requires to live.”
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