Devotions from Judy’s heart
Last night Lily was at her soccer practice and her really good friend fell down as she was tripped. She landed on her wrist and broke her arm. It was fortunate that we were babysitting Paige and Grant so Brenda could go to the practice and was available to accompany Maddie to the hospital, since her mommy wasn’t there. On the way to the hospital Maddie said to Brenda, “I wonder who accidentally tripped me and I feel so badly for her.” Later asked her daddy to pray for her. What a response! She could have been angry at the one who tripped her and tried to get even etc but instead she showed what was in her heart.
( “By their fruits you will recognize them.” Matt: 7:16). Things happen to us and we don’t need to look at whom to blame but call on the Lord for His help in each situation. May we rest in Him, knowing that He is ALWAYS there for us. Let us follow David’s example in such times as he calls out to the Lord in Ps. 141 “O Lord, I call to you; come quickly to me. Hear my voice when I call to you. …My eyes are fixed on you…in you I take refuge.”
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