Devotions from Judy’s heart
We can read verses of God’s desire to bless us but at times we may feel God is withholding or withdrawing blessings. But the truth is, as it says in Ps. 84:11, “No good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly.” He delights to give to us, his children! As parents we also love to give to our kids but sometimes we know it is good for them when they don’t get everything they want. Something may not be good for them, or maybe the timing is wrong and they are to wait. Some time ago I was shopping at Penny’s and saw a burgundy sweater that I loved but didn’t buy as it was regular priced ($50). I had bought something I needed and did not feel right to spend any more. Well, I popped into Penny’s last week for about 20 minutes and I spotted a rack of clothes for $4! You guessed it…the burgundy sweater was on that rack and I bought it. I just thanked the Lord and received it as a gift from Him and was soooo glad I waited. My joy was twice as full and the waiting was well worth it. There may be things in all of our lives that are not as we would choose. But God has good in store and one day we may know why He seems to be “withholding” or making us wait. Even the painful things we look back on can become fruitful in our lives, although it was not pleasant at the time. God is worthy of our trust and even if we don’t know until Glory the “whys” of things we go through, He is enough!!!
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