Devotions from Judy’s heart
In our veggie garden the rows are marked with the specific kind of seeds that were planted. When we read the onion marker, we expect onions to grow there and carrots to grow in the row marked carrots etc. Each row is different because of what was planted. It’s almost like the Body of Christ, as we are individually members of one another. If we are an onion, so to speak, we will not act like a carrot or beet. We were not meant to. As we read in Rom 12, we all have gifts that differ from one another and there are 7 mentioned there.( Prophet, server , teacher, exhorter, giver, leader, and mercy). People with the same giftings have similarities much like the same kind of seeds in the rows that are marked. But just like the different kind of seed in another row, the prophet does not come across in a group in the same way as the mercy person. We were meant to be just what He created us to be to add flavor and color to the Body, similar to the veggies in a soup or stew. The danger is that we try to become what we were never meant to be. An onion does not taste or look like a carrot and should be used for just the purpose it was grown for. Let us celebrate what He planted us to be and allow others to be what they were created to be!
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