Devotions from Judy’s heart
Often we may think we are in control and try to make our plans work. But it says in Prov.16:9: “In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.” On this holiday weekend we have been making plans but we can’t carry them all out, as we are dependent on the weather. We wanted to have an outdoor wiener roast but had to gage it according to the weather map which isn’t definite either. We hoped to have it after church but had to stay flexible as we didn’t know if it was going to rain and storm. But also in our daily spiritual life we need to stay open and flexible to catch the wind of the Spirit and go whatever way He leads us. That takes discernment and willingness on our part and an openness to His way verses our way. But He knows the beginning and the end and we see only partially and not far into the future….. and isn’t the bottom line that His ways are so much higher and better than our ways?
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