Dear Ones,
Hope you wake up to a day of flourishing. I plan to study, do some food prep and to go down downstairs for coffee and choc covered raspberries! 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
   Would we say our life is overflowing with hope and flourishing, even though there is so much chaos around us? I read what Dr. Rev. Mark Roberts from Fuller seminary had to say about such a life that is spoken of in Psalm 92:12 (ESV), “The righteous flourish like the palm tree and grow like a cedar in Lebanon.”
   I read that the palm trees are known for their long life and cedars grow up to 120 feet high and 30 feet in circumference. They are durable and solid and not going to be blown away by the winds of adversity. In other words, those who know the Lord will be strong and able to stand in His strength.
   I love the word flourish and to me a flourishing life would be one that is blossoming and fruitful, has purpose and full of peace and hope; it would be more than a satisfying life as it would be abundant and purposeful until our last breath.
   Who wouldn’t want a life like that? But so many look in the wrong places and come up empty and disappointed. No, it won’t be found in the abundance of things, or exotic experiences, or numerous accolades given us; it comes rather from a close relationship with the One who is Life, gives us life and sustains our life.
   Verse 13-14 (Amplified) says, “Planted in the house of the Lord they shall flourish in the courts of our God. (Growing in grace) they shall be full of sap (of spiritual vitality) and (rich in the) verdure (of trust, love and contentment).”
   As we get older, we can still have a fresh outlook and flourish. It is not an age factor but of trusting the One who gives us strength and vitality. Actually, I read that Palm trees don’t yield a lot of fruit until about 30 years of age and the older they get the more fruitful they become; they can bear up to 300 to 400 pounds of dates each year!
   Let us not be like potted plants that have shallow roots but let us be planted by streams of water with deep roots and using the gifts God has given us to bless others. As we do this, we will find our lives will flourish and fruitful!
  Challenge for today: Write down what  flourishing life would be for you and what areas need help?
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy