Devotions based on David Benner’s book, Soulful Spirituality
Life is a journey of becoming our true self in God. Spirituality can and should help us become all that we, as humans, can be.. “Any religion or spirituality that seeks to make us less than, more than, or other than human is dangerous.”
Our bodies connect us to the truth of ourselves, our world and others. We can’t distance ourselves from our bodies by retreating into the world of thoughts and beliefs. It is not a matter of just correct theology and beliefs. We need faith placed in the person of Christ. We may speak of a personal relationship with God but think that it is based on holding the right beliefs. Cherishing thoughts about God does not replace cherishing God, Himself. Spirituality is not just about practices either. We can read our Bibles and do all the right things but miss the relationship. Some go through life in a fog and miss the awareness of Him. “Religious practices that fail to make us truly alive and deeply human are the ones that restrict the wonderful and the extraordinary to the religious realm of life.” We can get so busy trying to be a good Christian that we miss His genuine presence. We can get caught up chasing spiritual blessings or insights that we have no inner space and stillness to be present to Him and to others. Let us make the spiritual journey toward deep, authentic personhood and become all that we can be. Each of us is unique and let us start where we are actually at and not where we think we should be.
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