Dear Ones,
Hope you are enjoying the day. This morning I cleaned the apartment and went down for coffee and choc covered raspberries. This afternoon we are having friends over for coffee.

Devotions from Judy’s heart
Our world is getting darker and darker as we see what is happening all around us. God is left out and sin is rampant. When the Apostle Paul wrote to the church in Corinth, it was also sin city in his day. Paul wanted to encourage God’s people to leave their sinful ways and be lights, reflecting God’s glory. He reminds the Christians in II Cor. 4:8-10 (God’s Word), “In every way we’re troubled, but we aren’t crushed by our troubles. We’re frustrated but we don’t give up. We’re persecuted, but we’re not abandoned. We’re captured, but we’re not killed. We always carry around the death of Jesus in our bodies so that the life of Jesus is also shown in our bodies.” He then goes on to tell them not to get discouraged and that their suffering is just momentary and will produce eternal glory. Even in our suffering, we are humbled and reminded of what Jesus suffered for us. We also keep in mind our ultimate goal and look beyond what is happening today. After watching the news, it is good to remember that this is not all there is. Even though things are falling apart on the outside, God is strengthening us on the inside and pouring out His grace. The Message translations also says He is preparing a lavish celebration for us one day and we will enjoy life with Him forever. I was reading today about Moses who reminded the people in Deut. 29 not to let down their guard or get side tracked but live life God’s way. It’s best not to let our focus be on our pain and struggles, but on the Lord and His power. We will discover God often uses those difficult things to demonstrate His power in us who are so weak in ourselves. We must keep in mind our ultimate goal and reward and the joy that lasts forever. Let us encourage one another, and remember what is ahead, waiting for us. Our lives on earth are like a drop in the bucket when seen in light of eternity. May we let our lights shine in the darkness!
Challenge for today: Look back on your life and all that God has taken you through, and give Him thanks.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy
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