Devotions based on Trevor Hudson’s book, Discovering our Spiritual Identity
The kingdom of God has come near and we are urged to repent and believe ( Mark 1:15). Repentance involves a complete turnabout of our mind and outlook that turns us in a new direction, changes our distorted attitudes, and gives our lives a new center. It is a turning toward Jesus and accepting the gifts of the kingdom that He offers us. As He changes our distorted attitudes which block us from living free and joy-filled lives, He gives us new vision. We begin to think differently about ourselves, about material things, about what is sacred etc. God wants to transform our whole lives! Repentance gives us a new center where God is at the hub of our lives. From early childhood we think that we are the center of the universe and it’s all about our desires and needs. But as our lives become part of His kingdom. He becomes the center of our lives. Belief also opens us to receive God’s gift of the kingdom. It means committing ourselves to Him in surrender. It means learning from Him how to live and entrusting ourselves to Him as Lord. This is not done as a one time thing but is a life time experience of shifting from self-centeredness to God-centeredness. We cannot rely on our own strength but we need His constant presence in our every day lives to live out the Kingdom.
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