Devotions from Judy’s heart
There are many things we don’t understand and will find answered in eternity, if it should matter to us then. One question we may have all asked and wondered is why loving good people have to suffer and others who do such evil things seem to go scott free. But even though it seems unfair, God has a plan and one day we will understand His wisdom. We probably all know people who are full of love and serve the Lord that live with chronic illnesses. Every day they struggle with health issues. I have a friend that has numerous health concerns that others are unaware of, but she never complains and thinks of ways to serve others. I found a very old devotional book by Billy Graham that is literally falling apart, and he writes about how people with good health are often miserable and some of the world’s greatest people have huge handicaps. For example, the Messiah was composed by Handel who suffered with paralysis on his right side and arm. Catherine Booth said at the end of her life that there wasn’t a day of her life that she can remember that she was free of pain. And Helen Keller with all her challenges could say, “I thank God for my handicaps, for through them I have found myself, my work and God.” We may all have questions to ask the Lord of the whys in our own lives or of those we know. When Jesus washed his disciple’s feet, the night he was betrayed, Peter resisted at first but Jesus responded by saying, “You don’t understand now what I’m doing, but it will be clear enough to you later.” John 13: 7(The Message) No, there are many things we may not know even in this life, like why certain people have to suffer so much or why a loved one was taken, but later we will know. But for now, let us have simple trust, knowing that the Lord is all-loving and all-wise.
Challenge for today: Thank the Lord for some handicap you have and ask Him to use it for His glory in your life.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy
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