Devotions from Judy’s heart
Yesterday I took a prayer walk and it was my first one for a while since I have been sick. Everything looked so lovely to me, especially all the white daisies and yellow road-side flowers. I felt like the Lord had prepared a beautiful walk-way for me and even had colorful butterflies accompany me. The birds provided music too. I noticed everything more clearly and thought every day should be like this. Isn’t it good to start each day seeking the Lord’s presence and recognizing that He has already prepared a path for us to walk on? There are surprises along the way, much beauty, and often some trials too. But He is with us so let us not miss Him in all that touches our lives. May He give us a new awareness of His presence and with that comes a gentle peace. I read from Ps. 141 today, “But my eyes are toward you, O God, my Lord.”
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