Devotions based on Juliet Benner’s book, Contemplative Vision
“Contemplative prayer is simply a receptive form of prayer in which we open ourselves to God in stillness and silence.” It is a time of being with God and just allowing the Holy Spirit freedom to move in our lives. This means we need to make space for God and practice being attentive to Him. It can be said that it is sharing time alone with a good friend. As we quietly listen to the Lord we will find that our lives get touched and transformed and we begin to see as God sees and respond as God would respond…. We acquire the mind, the eyes, and the heart of Christ. So often we are blind to God’s presence in the midst of our lives and are unable to see where and how God is working. The more we awaken to His love and presence, the more our clouded vision becomes clearer and pure. In one of my Renewal classes we had a special time as we all shared how we saw God in the events surrounding us and in our lives. He comes to us in so many ways and let us not miss Him.
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