Devotions from Henri Nouwen’s book, The Inner Voice of Love
Today’s devotion is about daring to stand erect in our struggles and pain. When we have loneliness, fears, or rejection we may get swept off our feet by these feelings. But we are called to acknowledge them and feel them while remaining on our feet. As we think of Mary, she stood under the cross and she suffered in her sorrow standing. Jesus said to his disciples about disasters to come, “When these things take place, stand erect, hold your heads high, because your liberation is near at hand.” Luke 2:28. We have to stand erect in our struggles and not yield to the temptation to complain, to beg, to be overwhelmed, or desire pity. As long as we remain standing, we can speak freely to others, reach out to them, and receive from them. When we speak and act from our center and invite others to speak from theirs, we find real community and friendship. God will give us the strength to stand in our struggles and to respond to them standing!
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