Devotions based on Juliet Benner’s book, Contemplative Vision
As I read this book I saw how spiritual sight is even more important than physical sight for without it we are limited in seeing God in our lives and world. If we go through life “blissfully unaware” we feel disconnected from God and ourselves. To be truly aware in life is to be truly alive. I want to be awake to God’s presence and see Him in everything, not just the good times but in the painful times as well. I believe God wants us to see through His eyes and to see Him in all of our circumstances. As we do this we will be living out of our center, where our heart is aligned with His. To be intentional about practicing awareness it helps to spend times in solitude and stillness with Him and open our hearts to what ever He wants to do in us. Life is never the same when we give everything to Him in surrender and we become full of joy. At times we might be surprised where we find Him but with clearer vision we will be alert to His presence. As we reach out to the world we not only see with His eyes but respond with His heart of compassion. May our eyes look to Him and as it says in Ps. 124:1-2 “To You I lift up my eyes…Our eyes look to the Lord our God, until He is gracious to us.”
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