Dear Ones,
Hope you are enjoying this day and experiencing His peace. I made choc chip cookies on a stick this morning and took down for our coffee time, as they have been asking for them lately
! I made starch free pizzas that we had for lunch, but I can’t say they as yummy as regular pizza.

Devotions from Judy’s heart
How do we discern what the Lord is up to in our lives? We all want to make good decisions but although some decisions may seem easy to make, it is not just about deciding with our intellect but to know what God is saying. Our false self wants to get in the way so we need to also listen with our heart and gut as well as our mind. I pray often for discernment as decisions need to be made and I seek to know how God is leading. There are times something doesn’t just feel right; even though I may not know why, my spirit is saying no. At such times, I like to wait and pray and ask for discernment. Sometimes we need input from others and God can give us spiritual directors that help us sort out things. It could be your pastor, a spiritual friend, and for Al and I, it is our spouse. We have a good friend who has taken Spiritual Direction classes and is called to be a spiritual director. She seems to know just the right questions to ask and listens well. Just recently her husband who is in his 80’s, has gone to his Pastor for spiritual direction and we are never too old to do that. A Spiritual director does not tell us what to do but they listen without judgment, ask questions and in the process we are helped to discern and to get in touch with what is underneath and identify our motivations. There are times the spiritual director may share their own experience but the focus is mostly on the directee. They are much like a sounding board. Sometimes the questions asked just help us become aware of what God is wanting to do in our life. When Al and I go on our walk each afternoon, we ask each other questions and try to help one another listen to the Lord. One question that Thomas Merton use to ask young novices, “What do you really want out of life? What’s stopping you from getting that?” Those are questions we need to ponder as we discover God’s call on our lives and grow in awareness of His presence. I know I desire to spend time in His presence and to recognize Him in every day events. Sometimes it is good to pause in what is happening and savor that moment, knowing He is present. I did that when I was with my former Bible Study group and went home feeling so blessed. God gives us deep desires and we need to pay attention. He has put within each of us all the gifts we need to pursue those dreams. When we are constantly on our phones and on social media, we can miss what God is up to in our lives. Let take time to stop, look, and listen throughout our day and respond to His grace.
Challenge for today: Ponder what God is up to in your life.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy
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