Devotions from Judy’s heart
Hope is a wonderful gift and we need to hang on to it and not give up when things in the natural don’t look good. Yesterday my hope started slipping in a minor way when I was expecting the Wildmen. Usually some guys come even before 8:30 and at almost 9 a.m. only 2 guys were here. I thought, “Oh no! What am I going to do with all this food?” My hope was diminishing. But by 9:30 there were 9 guys and the biggest eaters amongst them!! There may be big concerns in our lives that we don’t know what the outcome will be. But the important thing is that our hope is in Him who is so trustworthy and faithful. None of us know what the future holds and if we could see what was going to happen, like Paul said, it wouldn’t be hope at all. ( Rom. 8:24). Let us be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” (Rom. 12:12)
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