Devotions from Albert Haase’s book, Living the Lord’s Prayer
Christian love is expresses in so many ways: friendship, acts of kindness, sharing our time, talents or treasures etc.
Hospitality is one practical way to express love for our neighbor and reflects our love for our Father.
Part of hospitality is simply welcoming another sister or brother into the circle of our attention by welcoming words, handshake, hug, kiss, embrace etc. This we have felt and experienced personally at our new church. Al often remarks that they couldn’t be more friendly to us.
The early Christians addressed one another as brother and sister and greeted one another with a kiss.
We also can go through all the motions of hospitality and still miss the importance of offering our undivided attention.
We not only acknowledge someone else but accept them without judgment or criticism. Just like Jesus called unworthy Zacchaeus out of a tree or accepted the sinful woman washing his feet with her tears.
Let us ask ourselves, how do we express hospitality? Do we open ourselves up to others through love and graceful hospitality?
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