Recently John MacArthur accused the Southern Baptist Convention of theological error, in allowing women preachers to speak at the SBC’s 2019 annual meeting. “When you literally overturn the teaching of Scripture to empower people who want power, you have given up biblical authority,” said MacArthur.
On panel discussion after the convention, a moderator asked MacArthur and his fellow panelists to offer their gut reaction to one – or two-word phrases. When the moderator said “Beth Moore,” the female preacher who had spoken at the convention, MacArthur replied, “Go home.” Of course, it created a fire storm on the internet.
“Go home” implying that a women place should be in the home. But is this comment can apply to men as well.
Jen Pollock Michel got me to thinking about this matter of the home. Michael writes, “In the Bible, home has never primarily been a woman’s place…..Any church teaching that solely consigns women to the responsibilities of home proves exegetically paper-tin.”
She reminds us that, “Prior to the Industrial Revolution in the West, the spheres of work and home were not as discretely divided as today, with men leaving to earn the bacon, women staying to fry it. Homes were public places of industry and business as well as private residence.”
I have met men who either grew up on a farm or whose father ran a business out of the home, allowed the children to work right along side of their father This gave them a real sense of who dad was, as he related to them throughout the day. They got a good dose of Dad, for good and bad.
That is missing in our day. Dads go of the work and are away from the home for much of the time. Moms then fill in much of the home space for dad. It is generally accepted that the Industrial Revolution changed the perception of the father’s role in the family. He was now the “bread winner,” while Mom stayed at home and nurtured the children. Dad was absent.
Men, I remember well the time in my early marriage when I had no concept of “being home” as a young pastor. I was gun-ho on saving the world and being good to other folks. But I forgot my home. It was not my first priority. This was in the late 60’s and early 70’s. But when I was exposed to the clear teaching of Scripture on order in the home, the light came on for me.
I was deeply convicted. I was not loving my wife the way Jesus loved the church and I was not being the one and only father to my children.
So in my heart and mind, I had to “Go Home.” Or as Focus On The Family used to say, I needed to “turn my heart toward home.” I needed to first get my convictions straight and then practice those convictions.
Men, I realize that you can’t be at home similar to the good, old days. That is unrealistic. But, and hear me when I say, in your heart and mind you need to “go home.”
This is what it meant for me. First, home was my greatest priority. Second, I had to demonstrate this in my lifestyle. (Being there emotionally was the hardest for me). Third, this meant loving my wife the way Jesus loved the church and being emotionally and physically involved with my three kids. Fourthly, repenting of my failure to be at home emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Finally, humbly asking the Lord to help me “Stay at Home,”
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