Devotions from James Smith’s book, The Good and Beautiful Life
We were designed to be in fellowship with a loving and holy God. Our religion is not just to get us to heaven…no, it is to get heaven into us! If you remember this author from past devotionals, he talked all about having the right narratives. How do we see God? How do we see ourselves? Do we see ourselves as someone in whom Christ dwells, as sacred and valuable? If we do we will treat people differently too.
What we think determines how we live. The Spirit helps us change our narratives by leading us into truth, helping us in our practice of Spiritual disciplines, and binding us together in community. Others help us to see who and whose we are. Without the Spirit’s help transformation won’t take place in our lives.
Let us move forward with the assurance that we can and will be changed, and as we do those around us will see it and be inspired. May God change our minds, our hearts, and our lives, to change the world.
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