Devotions from Judy’s heart

Our three grandsons just found out that they have Convergence Insufficiency which is an eye problem. Their eyes don’t focus and work together all the time. There have been some symptoms, now when put together, explains some things we have wondered about. It is good news because now they have help by one of the 6 Specialists in the country. He will give them exercises that will help and it is so great that something can be done. It is also good news when God shows us things in our lives that have been holding us back. Yes, it can be something that needs correction and that news can change us if we are willing to acknowledge it in our lives. Jer. 15:19  “If you repent, I will restore you that you may serve me.” When we acknowledge our faults, our sin patterns, our bad attitudes, etc and repent ( 180 degree turn)) we are changed and He sets us free. Let us welcome the things He reveals to us!