Devotions based on James Smith’s book, The Good a
Devotions based on James Smith’s book, The Good and Beautiful Community
There is great freedom when it comes to forms of worship and I will just mention a few basic elements that have been found useful in the development of our relationship with God and others.
1.Greeting. Doesn’t it feel great to go to a place that greets us and seems to really want us? What is important is that we acknowledge each other’s presence, to know and be known.
2. Confession and forgiveness. If we are honest with ourselves and God we need a time and a place to confess our failures since we are not perfect. We may do this formally in written prayers or informally, allowing a time of silent reflection. How good it is to hear the wonderful words that we are forgiven.
3. Creeds, commandments and the Lord’s prayer. Creeds come from the Latin word meaning, “This I Believe”, and as we recite what we believe it establishes us as Christians and connects us to the body of Christ through the ages. They are statements the church was founded on.
4. Scripture and the sermon. The Bible is our common text and it unites us. When we hear preaching based on the scriptures it is a way God uses to bring comfort or conviction.
5. Communion. The meal is a reminder of the death of Jesus and all if its implications. We are unified for we are One Body and partake of the one loaf. We are reminded of the forgiveness made possible by Jesus death and that we are a reconciling community.
6. Singing. God has designed us in such a way that sound and rhythm inspire and motivate us. Music touches us at an emotional level and when it us used to offer praise to God it connects us to the Trinity and each other in deep ways.
7. Silence. We can sense the leading of the Spirit when we are still and pausing for a few moment of reflection so the Word of God sinks into our hearts and minds.
8. Offering gifts. Giving itself is an act of worship. We offer up our gifts to God and let go of the need to store up treasures for ourselves.
9. Benediction. These parting words encourage us to go forth with the blessing of God into the world and be His light.
All these elements of worship remind us that gathered worship is special, sacred and necessary in our lives.
nd Beautiful Community There is great freedom when it comes to forms of worship and I will just mention a few basic elements that have been found useful in the development of our relationship with God and others. 1.Greeting. Doesn’t it feel great to go to a place that greets us and seems to really want us? What is important is that we acknowledge each other’s presence, to know and be known. 2. Confession and forgiveness. If we are honest with ourselves and God we need a time and a place to confess our failures since we are not perfect. We may do this formally in written prayers or informally, allowing a time of silent reflection. How good it is to hear the wonderful words that we are forgiven. 3. Creeds, commandments and the Lord’s prayer. Creeds come from the Latin word meaning, “This I Believe”, and as we recite what we believe it establishes us as Christians and connects us to the body of Christ through the ages. They are statements the church was founded on. 4. Scripture and the sermon. The Bible is our common text and it unites us. When we hear preaching based on the scriptures it is a way God uses to bring comfort or conviction. 5. Communion. The meal is a reminder of the death of Jesus and all if its implications. We are unified for we are One Body and partake of the one loaf. We are reminded of the forgiveness made possible by Jesus death and that we are a reconciling community. 6. Singing. God has designed us in such a way that sound and rhythm inspire and motivate us. Music touches us at an emotional level and when it us used to offer praise to God it connects us to the Trinity and each other in deep ways. 7. Silence. We can sense the leading of the Spirit when we are still and pausing for a few moment of reflection so the Word of God sinks into our hearts and minds. 8. Offering gifts. Giving itself is an act of worship. We offer up our gifts to God and let go of the need to store up treasures for ourselves. 9. Benediction. These parting words encourage us to go forth with the blessing of God into the world and be His light. All these elements of worship remind us that gathered worship is special, sacred and necessary in our lives.
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