Dear Ones,
 Hope you are having a great day. This morning I made choc chip cookies on a stick and a couple casseroles and a trip to Aldi’s. This afternoon we have Bible Study and afterwards will see if we are going to walk outside or not. Another windy cool day but nice to see the sun. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
   Waiting is not always easy but something we have to endure in life. There are so many scriptures on waiting and also examples of those who had to wait. David said in Psalm 27:14 (ESV), “Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!” In the Hebrew the word wait means hope, look for, and expect and that gives us a clue of how we are to wait. When we wait patiently in hope, we know that in God’s timing, we will receive what He has promised.
  There are so many examples of those in scripture that had to wait. David had to wait many years to become King after Samuel anointed him. Just think of Joshua and Caleb waiting 40 years to get to the promise land. Or how about Sarah who waited until she was 90 to have a promised baby.
  I just had a 3 month wait to celebrate my birthday but it was worth the wait. Since it was my big birthday in August Al had told me I could do whatever I wanted to celebrate; if I wanted to go on a trip, get some big gift or whatever. After a long time of consideration, I said, I would just like to go out for steak with our good friends from the lake where we use to live. I had   seen family and most of our many relatives over the summer but had not had time to be with this couple. But on my birthday both Al and I were sick and ended up having a small steak that I just happen to have in our freezer, and just the two of us. When we got well, we tried to schedule other dates to celebrate but because of trips etc. plans fell through. Finally, it happened yesterday and because of the wait it meant even more to me. We have prayed for these friends and their family every day for many years and it was wonderful to fellowship and get a catch-up on all of them. I also had my delicious steak, presents, cake etc. and savored every minute of our time together. I loved my birthday celebration and it meant much.
   There are some things we wait for, that will be answered in Glory, when we receive new bodies in exchange for our frail and often sickly ones. But in the waiting timem may we grow in faith and patience, and trust the Lord in deeper ways.
   Challenge for today: Give the Lord a concern you have and wait in hopeful trust. ( read Psalm 62:5-8)
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy