Devotions based on Mark Buckanan’s book, Spiritual Rhythm
As we are in the spiritual Fall season let us be careful how we sow and not do it sparingly. When we sow generously we will reap generously and “enlarge the harvest of our righteousness. ”And this results with much thanksgiving to God.
When surveys are done about spiritual growth, it’s always those that give the most who grow the most. Those who give of their time, talents, and money have more satisfaction in their lives and in their experience with the Lord. Those that give the least complain the most and are often in a state of disappointment. “The churches loudest critics are usually the lowest donors and the least committed volunteers” Giving in all forms to the church is not so much a consequence of being happy with everything going on in the church. “People don’t’ give because they love the church so much; but love the church so much because they give.”
Jesus said where our treasure is, there our heart will be also. Heart follows treasure. Let us take care how we sow and do it generously! More tomorrow
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