Instead of words from Kenneth Boa’s book, I want to share a word from Judy’s heart. When I had devotions this morning it was made more real to me about how important it is to do everything for Him and for His glory. I started this morning making 4 loaves of French bread and cleaning the house for the upcoming retreatants. Then later picked berries and made pies etc. All of it seems so mundane but I had a new awareness that it can be all for Him. God is pleased when we have our focus on Him in all our doings. It made me want to put extra love into the pies etc.. My head has always known that we should do everything heartily as unto Him, but some how my heart is able to say “Amen” to it in a deeper way. Al and I spend many hours listening to people as they come to Canaan and somehow that seems more spiritual. But even the little things as preparing fresh bread, picking berries for fresh pies can be used of Him when it is done for Him. As you go about your day tomorrow, may the awareness of all you do for Him bring a smile to you as well as Him.
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