Dear Ones,
Happy Weekend to you! Hope you have time to relax and enjoy the day. Al is going to a breakfast meeting this morning with all the other fantasy football players. Fun! I think our website is running again, and you should have gotten the devotions for the whole week: but if it happens again go to website.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Now is the time to seek God and to draw closer to Him. Every day is an opportunity to know Him in a deeper way for the day is coming when, as the familiar song goes, “Every tongue will confess You are God, One day ev’ry knee will bow.” But now is the time to willingly surrender our lives to God, while we have the opportunity, and then to share Him with others. John says in I John 4:15-16 (The Message), “Everyone who confesses that Jesus is God’s Son participates continuously in an intimate relationship with God. We know it well, we’ve embraced it heart and soul, this love that comes from God.” People are looking for love but so often in the wrong places. There is a hunger in all of our hearts to know God, for He put it there; that hunger will not ever be satisfied with substitutes of other people or things. Some reach the top of the corporate ladder and realize that it leaves them empty; others are surrounded by friends, but still lonely for the One. Only God satisfies that longing we each have within us and one day we will run out of time to accept Him, so as the song goes why not “gladly choose Him now!” As we come to know Him, we will want to tell others so they can know real love too. We all do this in different ways for we are all different personalities and have various gifts. The Holy Spirit will direct us for He knows the heart of each person, and who is ripe and open. Just recently Al took a young man out for coffee that we have met on the Paul Bunyan trail where we walk each day. We always say hi when we see him and exchange a few words; but one day Al asked him if he would like to meet together. He said yes and really questioned why Al would want to do that. But Al just told him he would just like to get to know him and hear his story as they met outside at Caribou. Maybe down the line, as they continue to meet, Al can share the Lord with him but for now it is a chance to listen and be open to where he is at. May each of us seek the Lord daily and allow the Holy Spirit free reign to use us to win others for Him
Challenge for today: Seek to know God in new ways and ask for opportunities to share Him with others.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy
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