Devotions from Margaret Silf’s book, Wayfaring
Our society measures our worth by our achievements and even the religious structures tend to underscore this in more subtle ways. We need to recover the value of our Being. God calls us into a deeper awareness of the wonder and beauty concealed in the heart of our being. We must trust that God is becoming incarnate in our personal life story and that He is continually loving us into life, whether we think we deserve it or not. We need to embrace the truth of it. Our part is to be open and humble and let the truth be revealed to us. We are kind of like an agate stone. When the stone is cut, the layers are revealed and the crystals at the heart of our being. Often we prefer not to let the hard crust of our being be open and exposed. But if we do allow Him, the Godseed within us begins to grow into the unique fragment of Him that our lives are destined to reveal. Let us reflect today on what makes us feel alive. How have we been opened to God in ways that were not even of our own devising? Let us go forward knowing that we are known by God in all our brokenness, and loved beyond measure.
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