Devotions from Judy’s heart
“Before they call, I will answer; while they are yet speaking I will hear.” Isaiah 65:24 I was on my prayer walk a couple days ago and remembered I had forgotten to call in my order to my Schwan’s man. I was disappointed thinking we would run out of frozen yogurt long before he was scheduled to come again.( Al and I have frozen yogurt sundaes every evening!) I thought I had missed him since our previous Schwan’s man only stopped when I called in ahead. But much to my surprise, I heard his truck stop out front and he asked what I might want. I was so delighted and he had exactly what I needed on his truck. I thought of how the Lord knows all of our needs and loves when we call upon Him. He is so ready to hear and His answers are on the way before we even verbalize them. But perhaps sometimes we can be like little children who say, “ I don’t need your help, I will do it myself!” So the parent has to wait until help is asked for and then answer and give what is needed. Let us not hold back from calling out to the Lord and then remember to thank Him for the little and big things He sends…..Frozen yogurt is small compared to the wonderful things that He is waiting to give to us!!
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