Dear Ones,
Hope you are enjoying your day. We are home now after traveling over 3100 miles and we praise the Lord for the safe journey and wonderful time with family. Thank you for your prayers. God is so good! Last night we got to see our granddaughter play soccer and the team won in overtime so we went home celebrating.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Where do we place our confidence? In our quickly changing world today, many put their confidence in riches, and feel secure because they have a sizable bank account. Others place confidence in the political realm and having good policies. Some think it is in knowing influential people or having the right position. But all of these things fall short for they can be taken away at any time. No, our confidence is in the person of Jesus Christ and our hope in Him who will never disappoint us or fail us. I have been reading Paul’s letter to Timothy, his spiritual son in the faith. He had a special bond with him and gave him encouragement and instruction. He also gave guidelines about the church and how Christians should live. He warned him of those who fall into temptation by wanting to get rich and to watch out and avoid those who teach false doctrine that strays from what the Bible teaches. Instead, Paul tells him in I Tim 6:11-12a (God’s Word), “But you, man of God, must avoid these things. Pursue what God approves of: a godly life, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. Fight the fight for the Christian faith.” In Paul’s next letter to Timothy, he also warns him that in the last days things will get worse and violent. People will become arrogant and self-absorbed, and have no respect for what is holy. They will be contemptuous of parents, crude, brutal, and have no love for what is good. Further on in II Timothy 4:3-4 Paul says, “A time will come when people will not listen to accurate teachings. Instead, they will follow their own desires and surround themselves with teachers who tell them what they want to hear. People will refuse to listen to the truth and turn to myths.” Doesn’t that sound like our world today, and sadly even of our churches? People want to justify their life styles that are contrary to the Word and love pleasure rather than God. But let us wake up, and like Paul said, to pursue God and a life of faith and love. Let us put our confidence in Him that He will keep us even when things in our world seems to be falling apart and evil is rampant; our true security is found in trusting in Him. May we run hard and fast in the faith.
Challenge for today: Don’t focus on the evil about you but put your trust and confidence in the Lord.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy
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