Canaan’s Rest represents a quiet place “set apart” for the purpose of hearing God's voice, growing in intimacy with the Lord, and being renewed in soul and spirit.

Month: April 2023 (Page 2 of 3)

April 20, 2023

Dear Ones,
I am sending this out for tomorrow’s devotion since we will be leaving very early in the morning for Kansas. We want to get to our granddaughter’s soccer game and a week after she graduates she will be leaving for Kansas State to play soccer. Appreciate prayers for our travels and good weather.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  If someone asked you what you liked about your church, what would your answer be? Would you relate the popularity of the pastor, or the exciting worship with many instruments, or that children’s church is at the same hour etc? Or would you say that it is a place that you hear truth and sense the presence of the Spirit moving and have opportunity to serve and fellowship with others?
  There are ways that many churches have become like our culture today, trying to sell a consumer product rather than what really matters. It shows up that if worship isn’t just the way we like it with singing the newest songs, or the pastor doesn’t give super motivating sermons, we are off to another church and then maybe another and never find a place to get planted.
   Matthew Dickerson writes that church is not a consumer product that is to satisfy us and make us feel good. He shares how even Jesus had those followers who said His teaching was hard and difficult and they turned back from following Him. (John 6:60). Jesus didn’t change his message to be popular with the people but spoke truth. Jesus asked Peter if he was also going to go away as the many others but he responded in verse 68, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words (the message) of eternal life.” Jesus words are not always easy, and does not go along with our culture but they are spirit and life. It really doesn’t matter much about the trappings of the service, for it has to do with the openness of our hearts. Do we want to hear truth, grow in our faith, and worship the Lord in spirit? Instead of wondering if the service will be to our liking, let us ask what we can give to the Lord in worship and how we might serve others.
  Challenge for today: Go to church with an open heart to worship the King and learn more what it is to be His servant. 
Blessings on your day tomorrow and prayers and love, Judy  

April 19, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope you have a peace-filled day! Al is soon off to the dentist and later I will be going to my exercise class. This afternoon is crafts and tonight is Bible Study. In between we are going to pack the car as we leave for Kansas tomorrow morning. We want to get to Kurt’s in time to see Lily’s soccer game. Friday we are going to celebrate her graduation early!
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  We are surrounded by so much noise each day, as music is played loudly, phones are often ringing, and TV’s blaring etc. But in our noise-filled world how often do we go apart and find a quiet place…a place to regroup, a place to be still and a place to listen to the Lord’s voice? Some people are afraid of solitude for in those quiet times, we see the truth of who we really are. We get in touch with our ego and attachments and areas of our lives that may be out of balance and change is needed.
  I am reading John Michael Talbot’s newest book as I seek to know more how to be quiet before the Lord and to let go of my distractions and those things that put space between me and the Lord. Most of us are not like the desert fathers or the monks at the monastery that can spend large amounts of time in solitude, but we all can schedule times to go apart. That was the purpose of our retreat house, Canaan’s Rest, that we formerly had when we lived on the lake. It was frequented by pastors and other pilgrims desiring a quiet space to be with the Lord in solitude. Recently we reserved the guest room here and had someone come for 2 days of retreat. But perhaps it is good for all of us to take such times periodically to retreat with the Lord.
  Those times we spend in solitude, often are times that the muddy waters of our soul settle and we are able to see more clearly our own reflection and the truth of who we really; but we also see how much we are loved and where the Lord wants to take us next. It’s a time to be quiet and listen as we get rid of the garbage and let the agitated water of our souls settle. Then we see more clearly that our faces are more reflecting the likeness of the Lord.  “Come near to God and He will come near to you.” (James 4:8)
Let us be brave to want to seek the truth about ourselves and to know God in deeper ways!
Challenge for today: Find a new way to practice silence and solitude in your life.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

April 18, 2s023

Dear Ones,
Hope you are enjoying the sunshine and watching the snow melt! I am doing some food prep and soon going to the Dollar Store, and doing some packing.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
   We never know what each day holds when we awaken in the morning. But one thing we can be assured, there will be grace enough for whatever happens in our lives. There isn’t a problem that we will have in our day, that is too big for God. He has promised to meet all our needs according to His riches, so no matter what happens we can sink our faith and trust in Him. Paul said in Phil. 4:19, “My God will richly fill your every need in a glorious way through Christ Jesus.” Often times it is the unexpected things that rattle us and we need to quickly shift our focus upward and ask for His help.
   One of the things that seems to get to me is when my computer fails to function right and I know it’s going to take time and help to correct. There have been some minor things wrong with my computer for some time, like the “e” key that sticks and makes me go back and correct all the sentences I write. We have had good virus protection since I got my computer but yesterday a false virus protection tried to block my computer. I was not able to get to the programs I needed in order to write and we ended up going to the Geeks. After some time, a kind young man fixed it and even tried to repair the sticky key but was not able; they have to mail the whole computer in for such problems. Instead, he sent me a few blocks away to a “Computer Doctor” who took the key off and cleaned my whole keyboard and remedied the situation. I was so grateful and along the way Al got his questions answered as well.
   When God meets our needs, he uses all kinds of people and we need to receive help whoever He sends our way. I didn’t care how the Geek was dressed or if he had a good personality, but just appreciated that he could fix my computer. When we pray over a problem in our lives, we can’t be picky of who God will use. It may not be anyone we would choose but He knows best and has a desired outcome for what He wants to accomplish in our lives. He can do far more than we can imagine and whether a small problem like mine or a big problem going on in your life, nothing is too difficult for Him.
Challenge for today: When you waken, give the Lord your day and thank Him that He has everything under control.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

The Cross and the Crisis

I was gripped by a recent article in The Daily Citizen titled The Cross as a Crisis of Fatherhood.  We have just observed Holy Week. Never in my memory has our nation been so confused and conflicted about gender.  The struggle of gender identity has been transformed from preferences to the sudden rise of “trans” violence, bringing a whole new level of savagery to our nation. Then I read this insightful article about Jesus experiencing abandonment by his Father.  

The article ends with this: “We should remember this: Fatherhood is of deep spiritual consequence and Satan hates it.  No wonder it is under such attack, not just in the Cross on Good Friday, but in our culture and families today as well.”

On Good Friday, we observe a crisis in Fatherhood: “How do you wound a father more than killing his only, dearly beloved son?” In Matthew and Mark, Jesus’ last words were “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”  Just before Jesus breathed his last, Luke tells us, He “called out in a loud voice…’Father into your hands I commit my spirit.’” John simply writes, “It is finished.” 

In Matthew and Mark, Jesus does not use the intimate term “Father” but rather a more impersonal term “My God.” Why? “The Son, utterly forsaken by even His Father, declares it is finished and the world turns dark. A profound, mysterious crisis of Fatherhood. For the first time – and the last – in all eternity, the perfect intimacy between… Father and Son was severed in some profound way.”

Richard John Neuhaus explains, “Here is the cry of dereliction, the cry of abandonment, from the derelict, the abandoned one.”  He adds, “The Greek word used suggests that [Jesus] screamed with a loud cry, ‘My God, my God, for what reason have you forsaken me?'”  Dereliction describes the desperation of Jesus.  The Daily Citizen observes, “There is real relational pathos going on here on the cross.”

Neuhaus continues, “Like a derelict boat cast upon the shore, like a dog carcass lying by the roadside, here is something no longer of any account; it is forsaken, abandoned, thrown aside. Roadkill.”  When Jesus was in agony in the garden, sweating drops of blood, The Daily Citizen suggests, “At its heart, Christ’s profound agony and anxiety were likely rooted in a more intense pain: His impending separation from the Father.”

Satan believed he had achieved victory.  By “dividing the eternally loving Father and Son… the Evil One attacked fatherhood at its core.  And Jesus felt it viscerally.  It is contained in the Savior’s desperate last words.”  But we know the rest of the story: “A glorious union happened in the Resurrection and the Ascension.  Satan was not ultimately victorious.”  

Men, picture Jesus dying for you.  “…It was our weaknesses he carried; it was our sorrows that weighed him down… He was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins” (Is. 53:4-5 NLT). Today you might feel “forsaken, abandoned, thrown aside.”  In these nasty “gender wars” you might feel like “roadkill.”  Remember the enemy wants you to feel abandoned like Jesus. He wants to destroy your sense of manhood, especially if you are a father. 

Jesus endured relational pathos and forsakenness for you.  Satan gave it his best shot, thinking he had gotten rid of Jesus. But he never envisioned resurrection energy flowing through our bodies. Men, you are not abandoned.  Don’t believe the lie being perpetuated in our culture.  You have a loving Father in heaven, who came and rescued you from your loneliness, allowing resurrection power to reside in you. Claim it!   

April 17, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope you had a good weekend. Everything out my window is snowladen again! It snowed most of the day yesterday and we are hoping for warm sunshine to see the grass soon again. This morning I am going to Aldi’s and to my exercise class and later to do a little packing.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  In a few days we are going on a journey to Kansas to see our younger son’s family and next month we are going to North Carolina to see our eldest son’s family. The trips are long, especially to N.C., but we like road trips as we anticipate our time together with family. Likewise, We are all on a spiritual journey through life, and there are many choices we make along the way. Often there are delays and obstacles but we have to keep our eye on our destination. Since this is the most important journey we will ever make, hopefully we make the Lord our top priority and don’t come to the end of our journey with regrets. 
  When I was reading Michael Mangis’ book, Signature Sins, he shared an exercise he does to help him keep focused on the destination. He tries to picture himself as an old man near the end of his life. He asks himself what will be important to him then, and what will he regret? What will he be known for? We might ask ourselves the same questions for if we want to be remembered for our love or our faith in the Lord etc., some things will need to be let go of now. There might be new actions we can to put into practice if we want to deepen our relationship with the Lord and not get attached to the things of this world. We may need to be open to the new things He has for us and welcome changes in our usual routines. Our concern might also be for those we leave behind that we would make the Lord known to them. Our desire may be heightened to worship more, confess our sins quickly, and obey Him out of love, not duty.
  As I thought more about Mangis’ questions, I know there are things I need to change and other things I need to put into practice. Each of us will have a different list but it is important to let the Holy Spirit guide us and bring us into a deeper relationship with the Lord and keep our eternal destination before us. Jesus said in John 10:10, that He came to give us life abundantly that begins now and lasts for all eternity.
Challenge for today: Describe the person you hope to be someday and the person you are now.  Ask the Holy Spirit to help you become that person. 
Blessings on  your week and prayers and love, Judy


April 15, 2023

Dear Ones,
Happy weekend to you! There is a gentle rain as I look out my window and every thing looks so fresh. I just finished cleaning the apt. washing, and made meatloaf. This afternoon we are invited to an appreciation party next door at Assisted Living for the volunteers who help there. Since Al gives services there each month we will be going and I think we will be making sundaes. Emoji  
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  Today we hear often of the loneliness of our culture and how many people feel that they have no one that they can depend on or would notice their absence if they suddenly disappeared. How sad! We were all created not only to be in fellowship with the Lord but to be in relationship with others in community.
  If we grew up in a small town, it was like community for people knew us and our history and our quirks too. Mostly they were probably supportive of us and we felt accountable in many ways for they knew all about us. Most of us now live in the cities and we have to make efforts to find community where we can meet with others, appreciate and help one another and grow together.
   We have just celebrated Easter and what did the disciples do after Jesus’ resurrection but to gather together in community. They shared life together, prayed together, and probably asked questions of one another and became His church on earth. It’s wonderful when we also find a group where we can belong and grow together. We have been in several small groups over time and all of them quite different from one another; but it was a place to be honest and accountable, to share our gifts and receive the gifts of others, and to learn and grow in new ways.
  Before we even moved from the parsonage to our first home, we knew we would need community. We joined with two other Christian couples that also lived on the lake and met together every other week for many years. It was a place we could pray together, study together, could ask questions and receive discernment. When Al was considering retirement, we met one night as a clearing committee; we waited in silence and then we asked him questions. No one told Al what he should do but in the questioning, it became clear that, yes, it was time to retire. Other groups we were in we shared our spiritual journeys, our family lives, our areas of struggles etc.
  Christian small groups should b a place where we become more transformed into His image and deal with the things that hinder. It doesn’t mean we will automatically love everyone right away as God will use some of them to polish our rough edges. As it says in Prov. 27:17 (Message), “You use steel to sharpen steel, and one friend sharpens another.”
Challenge for today: Be open to joining a small group or starting a new one with the intent to grow.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy 

Aprill 14, 2023

Dear Ones,
Happy sunny weekend! Snow is pretty well gone! I put away our winter clothes yesterday so hope it is not too soon.This morning I just finished making cookies and veggie stirfry and this afternoon we have a short tutoring session with our Toyota dealer. She rated us a #10 for what we absorbed but I am quite she may have to change that number! 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  Today it takes more courage to stand up for the truth as it may cost us our job, friendships, being ridiculed and lied against etc. It seems like there are no absolutes any more as people speak out lies if it benefits their agendas and truth becomes relative. How do we know what to believe?
   We have to remember the Devil is a liar and it says in John 8:44 there is no truth in him for He is the father of lies. It also says in Rev. 21:8 that one day all liars be thrown into the fiery lake of burning sulfur. Even if lies seem to prevail for now, it is only for a time, for truth will triumph. Jesus is spoken of as the Truth, the Way and the Life and He said He came to earth to testify to the truth. Truth is important!
   I have several friends who are truth-tellers and I love that about them. They don’t sugar-coat things but speak the truth, even when it is not what would make life comfortable and easy. But they also live close to the Lord and desire to hear what He has to say. I value their words and their outlook on things.
   When we know the Lord, we have the gift of the Holy Spirit within us and He will speak truth to us. Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit when He went to be with His Father.  It says in John 16:13-14b (God’s Word), “When the Spirit of Truth comes, He will guide you into the full truth. He won’t speak on his own. He will speak what He hears and will tell you about things to come…. He will take what I say and tell it to you.”   
  Recently, I wondered if I had offended someone and wasn’t sure if I should ask them or leave it be. But I wanted to know truth and went to the person and felt relieved that no offense had been taken; that also silenced the words of the enemy that whispered words of condemnation to me.
  Truth sets us free and let us face truth that we may have power over the darkness that is so prevalent in our world today.
Challenge for today: Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you into all truth.
Blessings on  your weekend and prayers and love, Judy


April 13, 2023

Dear Ones,
It is another gorgeous sunny spring day and there are only small patches of snow left. Yes! I just finished making beef Stroganoff and soon Al will be home from men’s group and we will have coffee and donuts! Later we have Bible study and then a walk on the Paul Bunyan trail again. During the winter months we walk on Cypress that is always cleared but now the trail is open again! 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  As followers of the Lord, we are called to live a life of love and display a likeness to our Father who loves us most of all. It’s wonderful that His love for us does not depend on us doing it all right, or on our looks or accomplishments, but because He is Love. The night before Jesus’ death, He told His disciples, “Let me give you a new command: Love one another. In the same way I loved you, love one another This is how everyone will recognize that you are my disciples—when they see the love you have for each other.”  John 13:34-45 (The Message)
  Maybe at first glance we nod our heads and agree and don’t think that it is such a hard command, but putting it into practice often causes us stress. After all, Jesus didn’t say to love just those who are easy to love, who respond with gratitude when we serve them in some way; no, He asks us to love even our enemies and those who despitefully use us. Could be those who may politically be opposed to us or those whose lives are against the principles we hold as truth. That kind of love we can’t muster up on our own, and need His love first to be able to put that into practice.
   I’m sure you can probably think of someone right now who has tested your love for them and brought you to your knees to ask the Lord to give you His love for them. As I have shared in the past that we had a neighbor who never went to church, lived in a house that was so cluttered and full of junk that she had only a narrow path to get to the next room. But since we lived next door, we didn’t doubt that the Lord assigned her to us to love. She had only a sister who lived far away so she ended up spending holidays with us. The kids never fought to sit next to her for there was on odor about her, but we all took our turn. And God worked His love into us for her, and after praying for her daily, one night she went with us to a special meeting at church where the way of salvation was given. I think she received the Lord that night, but I can’t say her life style changed; but the Lord looks only at her heart.
  The Lord asks us to love others with His love, not to solve all their problems, but to point them to Him. We don’t get to pick and choose, but He does, and I have to say, He has never failed to also put His love into our hearts for them. We may wonder at first, but if we submit to His spirit, His love will be there.
Challenge for today: Seek to hear the Lord’s assignment of whose life He would have you touch.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy 


April 12, 2023

Dear Ones,
What a beautiful sunny day and snow is quickly melting and seems like spring is really here. I just finished making egg dishes and doing food prep and soon going to my exercise class. This afternoon is Crafts and then Bible Study tonight. Al is doing a communion service next door this morning. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  As I was having devotions, the last thing it said of Moses in Leviticus 16:34, “And Moses did as the Lord commanded him.” He obeyed! I must confess that it is hard for me to read the book of Leviticus, as there are so many laws and rituals that are given in great detail and if the people obeyed those instructions they were blessed; but if they disobeyed, they were not blessed as many even lost their lives, as Aaron’s 2 sons. Because of Jesus sacrifice on the cross, we no longer have to keep those rituals, but we have the commandments to guide us and other rules that we may be blessed.
    I think we have only to look at our own culture to see what happens when we disregard God’s rules and go our own way. Life gets very messy! We feel far away from God for He is holy and we are living in our sinfulness.  But when we receive His forgiveness and walk in obedience to the Lord, keeping His ways, we have a blessed life. He brings joy, even though we may go through difficult circumstances.
   When the Lord asks something of us, we may not always know the purpose of it at the time, but we are to obey rather than question. And it is to be prompt. We may know later the purpose of the action, but not always. Perhaps it is easier in a work situation to obey since it is our job on the line and a paycheck, but not as easy in a church related situation to be under someone’s leadership, especially if you are not in agreement. For example the monastery could not function without obedience, for who would otherwise show up on time for prayers, meals work etc?  We must all be humble and obey as it is His will for us. Let us not be complainers and seek to do our own will, but follow what the way of Jesus and humbly obey for the joy that that was set before Him.
Challenge for today: Live in humble obedience to the Lord and those He places over you. 
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

April 11, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope you are enjoying this nice day full of sunshine! I have been busy in the kitchen this morning doing food prep and making Oh, Henry bars! This afternoon we are trading our car in so will have to get use to new technology too. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
   Although we all sin daily, our sin patterns differ from one another and it is important to discover and admit our signature sins, as professor of psychology, Michael Mangis, calls them. We all have specific sin patterns that affect how we think, act, and relate, and they likely differ somewhat from others. But we might ask ourselves, what is the primary root of my sin? 
   The author confesses his signature sin is pride but the ways he struggles with it differ from others and is unique. Pride may come in forms like arrogance, entitlement, self-focus, self-absorption, conceit, narcissism etc.  After we name our sin, we need to take ownership for it if we hope to conquer it. We must be honest with ourselves and also seek to know how we come across to others. It is good to have a person close to us help us in acknowledging our flaws and it is great if you have a spiritual director. This person is like a spiritual guide and friend, who gives spiritual direction and carefully listens as we seek to know more of what is contained in our hearts. Their primary focus deals with a deepening relationship with the Lord.
  It still takes courage to spell out our signature sin and allow another so see deeply inside of us, often the very things we have tried to hide from others. But in naming the sin that we have clung to, half the battle is won as we desire to gain freedom.
  To help him, Mangis felt led to commit to confess his sin of pride every time he went to the Lord in prayer multiple times every day. He simply said, “Forgive my pride and teach me humility.” He was serious and God was faithful to show him more specifics of his hidden sin of pride. Of course, we have to ask ourselves is this the desire of my heart? Do I want to know and change? The Holy Spirit is very glad to show us how our sin has stolen so much from our lives and how to get freed of its power over us. Yes, we take time to mourn our sin but then we take time to heal and to praise Him for His grace and mercy to us. Gradually we become the same person inwardly that we express outwardly. No more masks!
  As I read about signature sins, I think I found mine for as I read the description I thought, that is me! That is only the first step in overcoming that sin, and I hope to journal more on this and have shared it with Al, who is my spiritual director. One day I may share with you too!
Challenge for today: Spend some quiet time with the Lord and dare to ask Him to show you your heart and changes that are needed in your life.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy


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