Canaan’s Rest represents a quiet place “set apart” for the purpose of hearing God's voice, growing in intimacy with the Lord, and being renewed in soul and spirit.

Month: November 2021 (Page 2 of 4)

November 20, 2021

Dear Ones,
Hope you are enjoying the weekend. So nice to have a sunny day and less wind for our walk. This morning I took out our Christmas decorations and cleaned, which takes much less time when you live in an apartment! Emoji  Tomorrow we go to Hackensack for Leif’s installation at St. Paul’s church. They are having  a brunch afterwards and we are looking forward to seeing old friends there as well. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Today, more than ever, we need a discerning spirit to know what is truth from what is false and misleading. The enemy is very much at work trying to deceive, especially Christians. He makes things sound good but has a twist in it so it is no longer truth. We desperately need the Holy Spirit to help us discern truth from error. He is our helper and it says in John 16:13 (God’s Word), “When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into the full truth, He won’t speak on his own. He will speak what He hears and will tell you about things to come.”
It is important that we read scripture so that the Holy Spirit can bring to our remembrance a word when we are in need. Sometimes it is a particular verse that stands out to us and gives us guidance for the way we need to go. It could be a hymn or praise song that all of a sudden comes to mind. Or at times it can be like a specific word and we recognize that He is giving us instructions. Maybe we have experienced a time when we felt we were not to do something that we had planned, and then later found that the Lord saved us from a terrible situation.
One such missionary had a tough learning experience. He and his wife were overseas and it was the last night before flying home. He had a strong sense that he should not go to the service that night, even though he really wanted to go. He told his wife that he felt God was saying to stay back, but at the last minute decided to go with her. When he got there, he still had a very unsettled feeling and after visiting with friends, he went back to the hotel. On arrival he knew why he was told not to go. Their room had been ransacked and suitcases dumped out, their passports and visas taken, jewelry gone, and computer tampered with. He was heartbroken for he knew the Holy Spirit had tried to tell him and he didn’t obey. It was a lesson he will not forget and is now more careful to listen and obey, even when he doesn’t understand the why. It made me think of the words of a song.
“Holy Spirit come/ Make my eyes to see/ Make my ears to hear/ Make my mouth to speak/ Make my heart to seek and my hands to reach out and touch the world with your love.”
Let us all invite the Holy Spirt to help us to see and hear and then to obey.
Challenge for today: Pray the words of the song and ask for strength to follow in obedience even when you may not be able to connect the dots.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy

November 19, 2021

Dear Ones,
Happy weekend and hope it is a relaxing one too. Today is our monthly Birthday party here at Northern Lakes so we will be going to pick up the cake in a few minutes. I’m also working on Christmas cards and want to get the overseas cards in the mail soon.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
I think we have all heard the phrase, “It is what it is!” I woke up this morning with those words going through my mind but then wondered what does that really mean? When I googled it, I found that it is an expression to characterize a frustrating or challenging situation that the person believes cannot be changed. In other words, it is something we have to deal with and accept, and is much like saying, “Whatever will be will always be.” Yes, it is good to not get frustrated by what we are going through and accept that it is the way that it is right now, but not necessarily how it will be in the future. Otherwise, we leave the Lord out of the equation. But the truth of the matter is that He can change our circumstances in the blink of an eye if He so chooses.
Maybe saying, “it is what it is”, helps us refrain from complaining but as Christians we can put a much more positive spin on it. Just now as I write, the moon is shining in my window and the stars are filling the sky and I think of our mighty God who made all of this. As David said in Psalm 8:3-4 (God’s Word), “When I look at your heavens, the creation of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have set in place—what is a mortal that you remember him or the Son of Man that you take care of Him?” The creator of the universe made us and cares for us, and will always make a way for us for He is full of mercy and compassion. Our situations can change suddenly for we are His and can rest our full trust in Him. Maybe we feel like a door has been slammed in our face, but we can be assured He will open another door for us in His perfect timing. The first time I heard, “It is what it is”, was by an elderly woman who was in a situation she felt was out of her control and was reconciled to the fact that it would stay the same. But today God has changed her circumstances and it is no longer an issue at all.
Let us be people of faith in our mighty loving God who can do all things, and we can say, “It is not what it was in the past for behold all things are new!”
Challenge for today: Be at peace in the present but live with faith for whatever the Lord may do in the future.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy


November 18, 2021

Dear Ones, 
Hope you are having a good day. It is very windy and cold out and it  almost blew my cart  away when I went to Aldi’s this morning. I also got downstairs for Donut Day. This afternoon we have our Bible study and the attendance and sharing has been so good. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
One of my heart’s desires is that I would live and walk in truth. David prays in Psalm 86:10-12 (God’s Word), “Indeed, you are great, a worker of miracles. You alone are God. Teach me your way, O Lord, so that I may live in your truth. Focus my heart on fearing you. I will give thanks to you with all my heart, O Lord my God. I will honor you forever.”
Every day we have a choice of choosing between God’s truth and the opposing perspective of the world, our flesh and the devil. In our Bible Study at church, we are studying “The Truth Project”. Truth is what is real as perceived by God. We hear such things today as “my truth” or “your truth”, which often is in direct opposition to the Bible. But Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life and there is no other way. When Jesus stood before Pilate and was asked about His kingship, Jesus answered, “For this purpose I have come into the world—to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.” (John 18:37-38)
It doesn’t matter what our opinion is or what we think is truth, if it doesn’t line up with the Word and what Jesus said, it is a lie. There is a huge battle today between God’s truth and the lies of the world. Our actions will display what we believe to be truth. When we sin, we are believing the lie and we live in illusion. 
Maybe we don’t think we lie, but how about the lies we tell ourselves. We might say to ourself that we are worthless and no one likes us or we can’t do anything right. Maybe we don’t believe God will forgive us for something we have done. The enemy will capitalize on those false thoughts and soon we are believing the lies and living in despair. But as it says in Romans 12:2, instead of copying the behavior of this world, we are to let God transform us into a new person by changing the way we think.
Let us be done with soaking up the lies that the enemy wants us to believe, and instead believe the truth of what Jesus says. The truth will set us free!
Challenge for today: When negative thoughts come to mind, dispel the lie and seek truth.  
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy



November 17, 2021

Dear Ones,
Hope you are enjoying the day! I have been busy doing Christmas cards and soon our friends from CA are stopping over as they are going to head homeward. Wonderful to see them. This afternoon is Crafts, our walk and then Bible Study at church.  
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Only God knows our hearts and only He knows what needs to be healed. We all are broken in various places of our lives and but we are not always aware. Those around us might be have clues as they could be the brunt of our exaggerated responses to often minor things.
Recently I went to the dermatologist for my yearly checkup and the nurse asked all the usual questions as she filled out my chart. She asked if I had any concerns of any place on my body and I told her no, none. My nose had healed nicely from the cancer taken out last year. Since I can’t see on my back, I had Al check that the night before. But when the Doctor came in and had me sit under the bright light with her examining eyes, she found a place on my face she had to zap and then did a  biopsy on a suspicious spot on my back. I don’t know yet if it is cancer, but I know if it is she will take care of it.
It brought to my mind how much that is like our heart concerns when we think we are just fine but the Lord sees deeply those things that need to go. If we hang on to hurts, they only deepen and get worse but how much better to get them cut out by the Master Physician.
As I read this morning from Proverbs 3, I have never thought of it in regards to inner healing but I think it may apply as well. Proverbs 3:5-6 (God’s Word), “Trust the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths smooth.”  Don’t we want to trust the Lord with our hearts, especially when we have been hurt by others and know that He is a safe place? He wants to smooth over those rough places instead of us reacting to the person causing the hurt. King Solomon went on to say in verse 7-8 (Message), “Don’t assume you know it all. Run to God! Run from evil! Your body will glow with health, your very bones will vibrate with life.” Our part is to trust the Lord with our heart and not to rationalize our behavior. We have to give up and admit our wrong responses and let him forgive and heal us and make our way smooth.
None of us want the cancer of sin to grow, but to get whole and vibrate with life!
Challenge for today: The next time you are tempted to blame someone else, ask God to search your heart and repent where needed so that healing can come.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy


November 16, 2021

Dear Ones,
Hope you wake up with a fresh start to the day. We are given a clean slate but are there things that are hard to  belive God has really forgiven? 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
I am glad that the Bible doesn’t sugar coat the lives of His saints, but also records their flaws and failings. Otherwise, we might all think there is no use, we cannot live up to God’s standard…which of course is true, we can’t…but we see and experience His grace poured out on us when we need it the most.
I think of some of the Jesus followers who failed miserably and yet went on to accomplish great things for the kingdom. Recently, in our S.S. Class we studied Hebrews 11 which is the Hall of Faith, people who trusted God and did great things like Abraham, Jacob, Moses Gideon, David, Samson etc. But we can also think how each of them blew it in many ways and God forgave them.
The important thing is that when we fail, and we do, that we go to the Lord in repentance and ask for forgiveness. I was reading from Psalm 79 today and the Psalmist prays in verse 8-9 (The Word), “Reach out to us soon with your compassion, because we are helpless. Help us, O God, our Savior, for the glory of your name. Rescue us, and forgive our sins for the honor of your name.”
He is always, always, ready to forgive us and has also promised to cast those things in the sea of forgetfulness. But we may find that the enemy often brings up our faults and shortcomings of the past and reminds us of how we have blown it. We must be quick to not make that our focus but begin thanking the Lord for His grace and mercy instead. When we berate ourselves and feel condemned, the enemy brings discouragement to us. We should rather give praise to the Lord that He has already forgiven our sin and forgotten it and set us free.
When sins of the past come to mind, let us picture the Lord throwing our sins into the sea of forgetfulness and be assured that He remembers them no more!
Challenge for today: Memorize Isaiah 43:25 and carry it with you!
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy


We Are Restless

Mere Orthodoxy interviewed Ben and Jenna Storey about their new book, “Why We Are Restless: On the Modern Quest for Contentment.”  While restlessness has always been a part of the human condition, the authors point out it has taken on “a distinctive and particularly troubling character in modern times.”

Augustine said famously, “our hearts are restless until they rest in you.”  His restlessness is contrary to modern restlessness, which the authors say is more like “agitated motion without direction.” Augustine was searching for ultimate meaning and purpose in God. In our day, it is simply assumed that we cannot find fulfillment in God. We are suspicious of that idea…

The modern mind “seeks diversion from itself, rather than attending seriously and persistently to existential questions,” such as “Who am I?” and “Why am I here?”  Could this be why we are unhappy? The book focuses on “the restlessness of the mind that tries and fails to find happiness in a distinctly modern way. The focus is on self – not on building a relationship with the transcendent God.

The authors coin the term “immanent contentment” to represent a view of “happiness with no center – a pleasantly various kind of happiness.”  If we limit life to “the immanent frame” it will fail on this delusion.  In contrast, Augustine’s search for happiness was what Jesus called “the one thing needful” (Luke 10:38-42). Happiness is found outside of self.

The authors hold, “If we’re honest with ourselves both about the depth of our miseries and the height of our aspirations, we begin an anguished quest” for answers to the longings of the human soul.  Too much attention to the immanent needs in our life distract us from “the fundamental question of why we find ourselves on this planet.” 

The authors hope readers of their book will “learn to exchange pointless busyness for a pointed quest.”  “We need,” they stress, “to be more ruthless about the question of how we commit our time, separating serious things that deserve our attention from distractions that might be pleasant enough but are not the answers to the question of a life.” 

Men, we are restless because we have a longing for God. James Houston reminds us, “The unsatisfied longing for God is what drives human beings above all else.”  Augustine noted, “Longing is the heart’s treasury.”  He went on to say, “The whole life of the good Christian is a holy longing. What you desire ardently, as yet you do not see…by withholding of the vision, God extends the longing; through longing he extends the soul, by extending it he makes room in it…Let us long because we are to be filled…that is our life, to be exercised by longing.”

Men, I encourage you: taste, feel, experience, and cultivate your longing for God. Don’t be afraid of your deepest desires and passions. That is how we are wired. We have been lied to and tricked by the enemy, to either neglect or disavow our deepest desires. Open your heart to God. Don’t just think about God; express your deepest longings to him. Ask the Lord to help straighten out the tangled mess you may have made of your passions.

Years ago, as I began to befriend my deepest longings, I found much comfort in the Psalms. They express the full range of desire before God. For example, in Psalm 42:1-2 we read, “As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.”  Remember: He longs as well for relationship with you.

November 15, 2021

Dear Ones,
Hope you had a wonderful weekend. We have more snow and it is beautiful. Today I am sending this out early to also ask you to join me in prayer for Grace who will be going to surgery about the time you receive this. She has had pain in her neck for some time and hopefully today’s surgery will bring relief. Then this afternoon 2 friends from CA and 3 from MN who I have known from childhood are going to meet together. Such fun! We all went to the same church growing up and remained friends all these years. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Friends are important in our journey through life and truly a gift from God. They are sent to walk with us through hard times, to listen to our hearts, to support us and of course point us to the One who loves us and can handle all our problems. Today a very good friend of ours is having surgery on her neck and I woke in the night to pray. Al and I will also pray throughout the day for her surgery and recovery, and for her to sense God’s presence right with her. Because of COVID, her husband could only leave her off at the hospital door and then go home to wait, so we pray that the nurses are being used of the Lord to meet her needs.
We are all meant to be the Lord’s hands to others and I’m sure we can remember those who were there for us when we went through hard times and joyous times. I read today how Moses was in need of support when Israel was at war with the Amalekites.  Moses, Aaron and Hur went to the top of the hill during the battle. When Moses held his hands towards heaven, the Israelites would win but as soon as he lowered his hands they would begin losing. So, the Lord used others to support him. It says in Exodus 17:12-13 (God’s Word), “Eventually, Moses’ hands felt heavy. So, Aaron and Hur took a rock, put it under him, and he sat on it. Aaron held up one hand, and Hur held up the other. His hands remained steady until sunset. So, Joshua defeated the Amelekite army in battle.”
We are all to be like Aaron and Hur who encourage others and hold their hands up so they don’t get weary and want to quit. We do this in many ways and in scripture we are told to serve and care for one another through love, and bear each other’s burdens.
As a clergy couple when we went to a new church, it wasn’t long before it became evident who those members were that would hold up our hands. We all have that need and God will bring into our lives those He has chosen to do that. But let us also be quick to see the needs of others and be willing to steady their hands.
Challenge for today: Thank someone who has been there for you in the past and also ask God to use you to be like an Aaron or a Hur.
Blessings on your week and prayers and love, Judy

November 13, 2021

Dear Ones,
Hope you are enjoying the weekend and time to get refreshed. Kurt and Bo came by this morning so we got to hear about their time at the Silver Chateau. God’s timing was perfect as they just finished painting th cabin before the snow and rain came.  After they left I went to Women’s Bible study at church on the book of I Timothy. We enjoy our afternoon walks but yesterday was windy and cool and not another soul on the Paul Bunyan! 
Devoitons from Judy’s heart
Our God isn’t a God that is hiding from us and doesn’t want to be found; He wants us to know Him and to seek His will in our everyday lives. But we are often unsure of His will, especially in the big decisions we have to make, like who we are to marry, are we to move or take a new job or go to the mission field etc. They are important decisions that may influence the direction of our lives in a certain way, and we at times are left feeling anxious.
But as I was reading Ann Spangler’s devotional book, she brings up the point that we are often more motivated by fear than wanting to glorify God. We might want to be in control of the future so we can find success rather than achieving God’s purpose. That seems to be more about us just trying to find a comfortable life, rather than asking, “Am I doing your will, O Lord?”  Spangler also asks the question if there is more than one way to do God’s will; or is there only one choice and God plays hide and seek with us?  No, the Lord wants to be found! He wants to reveal His will to us.
Perhaps there are many ways the Lord achieves His purpose and we are not always sure of what that is. Like we studied in our S.S. class on Sunday morning about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, they weren’t sure if the Lord was going to deliver them from the fiery furnace of if their lives would be spared. But they said in Daniel 3:17-18 (ESV), If this be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of your hand, O king. But if not, be it known to you, O King, that we will not serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up.” God is sovereign and even though they didn’t know what God was going to do they trusted. Either way they were in God’s hands and He would get the glory.
When we are faced with decisions and pray, sometimes the Lord simply closes the door like a job opening that someone else receives. We may be disappointed at the time but later look back and see He has led us on a better path. So let us not get stressed when we are seeking His will but know He will provide us with just the right guidance that we need.
Challenge for today: Seek His will in your life and ask that your life would bring glory to Him.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy

November 12, 2021

Dear Ones,
Happy weekend to you!! Happy winter also, as we have snow! Beautiful snow though. This morning I made Mexican pies, and Al’s cookies and cleaned the apartment. I’m sure we will enjoy our walk this afternoon in the fresh snow!
Devotions from Judy’s heart
What a surprise this morning to wake up to behold a beautiful white landscape out my window. I usually get up early before other lights go on at our apartment complex, and when I sit at my desk I look out on our courtyard. Today there was an unexpected sight that awaited me as everything was all covered over white with snow, and in the lamp light, it was gorgeous. My first thoughts were of a gospel hymn you probably know and have sung.
“What can wash away my sin/ Nothing but the blood of Jesus/ What can make me whole again/ Nothing but the blood of Jesus/ Oh precious is the flow, that makes me white as snow/ No other fount I know/ Nothing but the blood of Jesus.”
The verses go on to say that there is nothing else that can atone for our sins, not even the good things we have done. Only Jesus blood for He paid the sacrifice to pardon us and becomes our hope and peace.
But sometimes we have a hard time believing our sins are washed away and it may help for us to confess our sins, not just to God, but to confide in another Christian brother or sister. It says in James 5:16 (Message), “Make this your common practice: Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you can live together whole and healed.” Just this morning I read about how author Keith Miller struggled with sin in his life and asked a priest to hear his confession. The priest who lived 500 miles away agreed and in preparation for this time, Keith wrote down all the people he had wronged and all his flaws. He read them to the priest out loud and afterwards waited for a response, with his head hung low, expecting the hammer to fall. But there was silence and when Keith finally looked up, he saw that the priest was weeping. The priest confessed that those things were on his list as well and both men experienced God’s forgiveness as they made confession and shared honestly with one another.
May each of us know in our hearts that we are forgiven, washed white as snow.
Challenge for today: Confess your sins to the Lord, and when led, share with another mature Christian.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy

November 11, 2021

Dear Ones,
Hope you are having a peace-filled day. This morning I made cookies on a stick and went ot Aldi’s and downstairs for donuts. This afternoon we have our Bible study here and it continues to grow. PTL!
Devotions from Judy’s heart
How is our obedience barometer? Do we act quickly when the Lord tells us to do something, or do we wait until we have more information before we decide if we will do what He is asking of us?
I am blessed by a gal in our Bible study group that acts immediately when she becomes aware of a need and is prompted by the Holy Spirit to meet it. Maybe someone is struggling and she is the first one to offer help and prayers and words of encouragement. I’m sure there are times for each of us when we don’t respond to what the Lord is asking of us and we feel convicted afterwards. Sadly, I know there are times I have gone to bed at night, knowing I missed an opportunity and needing God’s forgiveness.  God wants our obedience and for us to act in faith. Sometimes when God speaks to our hearts, we want to see more of the picture first before we obey. It can be compared to our GPS system. We don’t get the instructions until we start moving and then we get each step one by one. Sometimes we may argue out loud with the GPS and say this isn’t the right way to go. Where are you taking me? But usually, we end up exactly at the right place by following the guidance.
Abraham is a wonderful example of someone who listened and obeyed. He was told to leave home and everything familiar to go where the Lord would lead him. He didn’t have much to go on, but simply that God would bless him and make of him a great nation and in him bless all the families of the earth. (Genesis 12) Wow! And he went! And God blessed him!
God could tell us to leave our corporate position with all the perks and go to a foreign country to serve him.  Would we obey? Or He could tell us simply to make a make a hearty meal for a family who is battling sickness and would we respond? Sometimes it is in obeying in the little things that makes it easier to obey in the big things that come along. But it takes trust to really believe God has our best in mind and that He will take us through whatever He asks of us to do. As Paul says in Eph. 6:6, may we do the will of God from our hearts!
Challenge for today: Ask the Lord to help you be sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and follow in obedience.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy


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