Canaan’s Rest represents a quiet place “set apart” for the purpose of hearing God's voice, growing in intimacy with the Lord, and being renewed in soul and spirit.

Month: May 2021 (Page 2 of 3)

May 21, 2021

Dear Ones,
Happy weekend to you! The sun is peeking out now and clouds disappearing. Hope it is this way tomorrow as we go to a graduation party etc. This morning I cleaned the apartment and wrote letters etc. This afternoon I am getting my hair cut before we go on our walk.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Do we view ourselves as one of God’s beloved or as one who is a failure? Many live by assumed identities, viewing themselves as what others have unfavorably spoken of them. Maybe we have been told we will never amount to anything like our father, or are lazy like our mother or stupid and useless. When we accept these lies as truth, it colors how we view ourselves and influences how others see us. It is important that we renounce these judgments of others on our lives and to forgive those who have spoken these untruths. Then we can declare how God sees us and how we need to see ourselves. I read this morning from Ann Spangler’s devotional the story about Chaffetz Chayyim who was a well-known rabbi. He was traveling to give a lecture one evening, and on the train, he asks the man sitting across from him where he is going. The man replies that he is going to hear the greatest sage and saint in the Jewish world today- Chaffetz Chayyim. (He is unaware that he is right there in front of him) The rabbi, Chaffetz himself, was rather embarrassed at such praise, and responded that other people say that this man is really not such a great sage and certainly not a saint. The passenger slapped the rabbi in the face and said to him, ”How dare you disparage such a great man!” Of course, that man was shocked when he later discovered that evening that he had indeed sat across from this great sage and that he had slapped him. Later, after Chaffetz’s speech, the man rushed to find him and begged his forgiveness. But the rabbi said that it was he who needed forgiveness as he had learned a great lesson. He said he had been teaching people that it is wrong to speak disparaging of others but he had now learned it is also wrong to speak that way about oneself. It is true we are not to speak ill of others but we fail whenever we speak negatively about ourselves. We need to accept how God sees us and believe our worth in His sight. He sees us as someone He loves, a new creation in Him and as His temple where His Spirit lives. (I Cor. 3:16) Like the song goes, “I am covered over with the robe of righteousness that Jesus gives to me…. When he looks at me, He sees not what I use to be but He sees Jesus.”
Challenge for today: Accept others as God made them but also accept yourself as He sees you. 
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy

May 20,2021

Devotions from Judy’s heart
I love spending time in the produce section of the grocery store and filling my cart with fresh veggies and fruits. I know how healthy they are for us and strengthen our bodies, and we eat an abundance of them each day. But more importantly I wonder how fruitful we are for His kingdom; does the Lord see big grapes on our vines or are they baren? When I grew up our family went to the cabin, sometimes for the whole summer, and on the Point near where we swam were grapevines. The vines became loaded with grapes and my mom would make grape juice and grape jam for our pancakes that were made on a wood stove. But over the years those vines have dried up and there are no grapes at all there now and only a few dried up vines. How sad! We are branches and need to be connected to the vine or we will dry up like the ones at the lake. They aren’t good for anything now since they are all shriveled up. What a picture for us of the need to stay connected to the Lord in a vital way. We are to live in God and for Him to live in us in order to produce fruit. He sends the sunshine and rain and nurtures us and then is glorified when we bear fruit. We can’t do it on our own and we have to stay attached to Him so we can receive all that we need to be fruitful. In John 15:8 (God’s Word) Jesus said, “You give glory to my Father when you produce a lot of fruit and therefore show that you are my disciples.”  He went on to say we are chosen to produce fruit that would last. Separated from the Lord we can’t produce anything, and like the vines we wither. When we launch out on our own, our reliance is on ourselves and will fail.  So we must be joined to the Lord and live in Him and make ourselves at home in His love. As we do this, fruit will naturally come forth. It will be evidenced in our answered prayers, our joy and love,  and sharing Him with others. May we bear much fruit and bring glory to God.
Challenge for today: Spend some time in the Word and ask the Lord to make you into a fruitful vine.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy



May 19, 2021

Dear Ones,
Hope you are enjoying this day! This morning I made cookies and got some exercise before my Fitbit class as I cleaned Al’s study while he had men’s group. This afternoon I am going downstairs for the craft time before our walk on the trail. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
We can’t fix ourselves and need to lay our lives down before the Lord so He can do a deep work in us. His way leads to the cross where we humbly surrender ourselves and find real peace. The process is not always quick or without pain and He uses many ways to get us to the point where we die to ourselves. God knows where to probe and cut and sometimes we resist when He takes away a desire or strips us of a relationship, or we go through a painful circumstance. But He is only cutting away the rubbish of our selfishness and pride so we can come to the place of real wholeness and peace. It’s important not to resist how He wants to bring all this about for He knows the best way for each of us. I am going through a physical process now that seems very much like this spiritual process. When I went to the dermatologist, she put me on Fluorouracil which is used to treat precancerous lesions and skin cancers. I have had many skin cancers on my body from my youthful days in the sun, and this ointment she ordered for me is to use on my face. It says that it kills atypical, rapidly growing cells while allowing healthy skin to survive. That sounds good but I am in the middle of a 4 week process of using this ointment that causes my skin to get inflamed/scabbed/and blistered at first. And if that wasn’t enough, I have to use it on my lips as well and each day they seem to be getting bigger. I am sensitive to light during this time and have to wear a large hat to shade my face when I walk.  When I have the ointment on, others ar not to touch my skin until it is washed off. At the end of 4 weeks, if I can last, my skin may be pink for some time but should be healthy skin.  Spiritually it is much like God’s transformation process in us as He cuts way those things that hinders our closeness to Him. We have to surrender ourselves to let Him do the work and during that time it can be messy and painful. We might say, “That’s enough” but then we won’t get rid of those spiritual cancers that will cause serious problems. It is an individual process as each one should keep their hands off of what God is doing. Others may have different troublesome spots from ours and the Lord will deal with them. It is mostly done out of the bright light of others as it is a hidden work. But after the process of cutting away that which is hindering our life with the Lord, we may say as Peter in I Peter 4:10 (ESV), “After you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ. Will Himself restore, confirm, strengthen and establish you.”
Challenge for today: Submit to God’s knife and let Him do a deep work in you.
Blessings on  your day and prayers and love, Judy

May 18, 2021

Dear Ones,
Hope you are enjoying this beautiful sunny day! Can’t wait to get outside. This morning I made egg dishes, a cherry cheesecake, and a veggie dish. We hope to have friends coming this afternoon after she has a procedure done at the hospital. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
The Lord wants to unite His church and bring us together to display His power and His glory. Of course, the enemy is using every means to divide us and to cause divisions between Christians. It is so common place today to hear words like us and them, as people place others in groups according to sameness…what political party one is in or if they got the vaccine, or their view of end times etc. This should not be! We don’t all think alike for the Lord speaks to us in unique ways and we are to follow how He leads our individual lives. Our oneness is found in the Lord. The times are getting darker and we need to unite as never before to become one body who is willing to stand together against the powers of darkness. Al is now leading a Bible Study here at our apartment complex and we come from varied backgrounds but all with love for the Lord. We don’t have to agree on every bit of doctrine but on the important issues we can stand firmly together. When we are humble and open, we can learn much from one another for the Lord has many expressions and works in mysterious ways many times. I received a beautiful bouquet of flowers from our son for Mother’s Day; there were flowers of various kinds and many different colors all blending together. The beauty of the bouquet is in the variety of flowers and each flower’s uniqueness. Even the smallest flower makes a difference and fits in. God wants us all to harmonize and live in peace with one another; that means appreciating the uniqueness of others and not demand they think just like us.  We are called to be peacemakers and Jesus told the crowd in Matt. 5:9 (ESV), “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.” Also in Psalm 34:14 (God’s Word) King David says, “Turn away from evil, and do good. seek peace, and pursue it!” We are to pursue peace as far as that is possible and it begins with those closest to us.  Isn’t it good we are all different for we will be amazed at all we can learn from one another, things we would have otherwise missed. Let us be peacemakers and unite with other Christians to become a strong force for His kingdom.
Challenge for today: Reach out to someone unlike you and ask questions and seek to understand
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy


May 17, 2021

Dear Ones,
Hope you had a wonderful weekend. Love this warmer weather! This morning I made 2 spaghetti pies and went to Aldi’s and my exercise class.This afternoon we are going several places, including Culvers for ice cream Emoji, and then our walk. 
Devotions from Judy’s  heart
Next Sunday we are going to be receiving a large group of new members into our congregation and it is an exciting time for all of us. They come bearing gifts that God has given them that will enhance the Body of Christ in many ways. Each one is a special gift that adds to the beauty of the whole Body and will bring glory to the Lord. I reflect back on when we received our two adopted grandsons from Korea into our family. There are no words for the joy and love we felt. The family of God is like that in opening our hearts to the new ones that are added to His family. And as wonderful as that is, we also know that there are unhealthy churches that have caused deep hurts in many of God’s people and gone on to bring a split. I was reading an article by Karen Rhea, a Bible Study leader, speaker, author; she writes about the pain and hurt in many churches over sometimes trivial things and other times over painful experiences but yet seldom over theological differences. Even though we know the Lord, we can be critical, gossipy, argumentative and combative. She and her husband resigned their positions and left their church over an issue and began staying home Sunday mornings. (before Covid) They missed their friendships with others and home groups and worship times for a period of over four months. One day her husband sat down by her and shared the scripture he had gotten for several days that spoke to him. Heb. 10:23-25, “Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another-and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” They were convicted and knew they needed to forgive the ones who caused them pain. When they forgave and opened up to God’s healing power in their lives, they were able to go back to church to worship and get involved again. The enemy will try in any way he can, to bring division to the Body of Christ and to magnify our hurts and keep us apart. But after we have grieved, we are called to forgive and to move forward. It could mean going to another church but we all need to be in a place we can be encouraged and spur one another on towards love and good deeds.
Challenge for today: Be inventive in encouraging others in the Body of Christ and forgive any hurts that have been done to you.
Blessings on your week and prayers and love, Judy

Normative Male Alexithymia

What does “normative male alexithymia” have to do with us?  It is a cultural attempt to name the difficulty men have putting their emotional experience into words.  Our ancestors would have joked about the need to label a characteristic that has been a part of the male makeup since the beginning of time.  Remember: even Adam failed in his communication with Eve when he was silent after Satan had tempted her (Gen. 3:1-10). 

I found this term in the May edition of Harper’s Bazaar, in an article entitled, “Men Have No Friends and Women Bear the Burden.”  The subtitle states, “Toxic masculinity – and the persistent idea that feelings are a ‘female thing’ – has left a generation of straight men stranded on emotionally-stunted islands, unable to forge deep relationships with other men.  It’s women who are paying the price.”

What got my attention was this: “It’s women who are paying the price.”  The article cited research from Brené Brown: “Whereas women experience shame when they fail to meet unrealistic, conflicting expectations, men become consumed with shame for showing signs of weakness… having hard conversations that involve vulnerability is something men often try to avoid.”  The article’s author noted, “Women continue to bear the burden of men’s emotional lives… For generations, men have been taught to reject traits like gentleness and sensitivity, leaving them without the tools to deal with internalized anger and frustration.”  

This article can be compared to one’s wife waving one of those beach flags indicating the surf is rough today – so proceed with caution.  When my wife waves the flag, I need to engage lovingly and wholeheartedly – and not avoid the warning.  I hope you can agree that too many wives carry more of the emotional load in their marriages.  Here are some takeaways from this article for Christian men.   

First, don’t be like Adam, who didn’t utter a word in his fateful moment with Eve.  Men, it is downright messy at times to dialogue with our wives.  You will usually feel on the short end of the discussion.  But you need to stay with it. Being “quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger” can be helpful (James 1:19). 

Second, admit that many of us are straight men stranded on emotionally-stunted islands.  Good models have been hard to find. But we can make a difference by asking God to make us tough and tender. “…Guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life” (Prov. 4:23). 

Third, cultivate male relationships.  One of the best ways to become emotionally involved with your wife is to get emotionally involved with other men.  Do yourself a favor and get into a men’s group that practices transparency. That will help you learn to share your emotions with your wife.  She will bless the group for “cracking” her man open.

Fourth, reject the label “toxic masculinity.” Yes, some men are toxic, but don’t allow the label to cloak you in shame.  Be committed to being a man who has both the Lion and the Lamb in his tank (John 3:29-30).  God can make you capable of deep, caring emotions when they’re needed. 

Finally, remember this from Leanne Payne: “To ask a man to become relationally aware, without being first of all secure in his maleness, is to ask a man to be less than a man.  It is in some way asking a man to act like a woman without first knowing what it is like to be a man.  A man must be sensitive from the heart of a truly secure man.” Amen to that!

May 15, 2021

Dear Ones,
Hope you are enjoying the weekend. It is a gorgeous sunny day! The house has a wonderful aroma since I put in a pork butt roast in the crockpot early this morning and could hardly wait for dinner. Later this afternoon we are going to the Soup Kitchen and help prepare a meal and groceries for those in need. Our church does it once a month. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart 
We all need encouragement and affirmation as we go through life. Somehow, we want to know we make a difference and our time on earth brings glory to God but also blessing to others. When Al and I are out on the Paul Bunyan trail we often walk part of the way with a couple we met who have become our friends. The four of us greet others along the trail who may be walking, on bikes, skateboards, roller blades etc. What we have begun doing is clapping for them when they whiz by and it is fun to see the expressions on their faces. First it is surprise but then they usually break out in a thank-you-smile of acknowledgment. They feel noticed and appreciated as they go on their way. Some even thank us. Affirmation is important, first of all that we know we matter to God, but also that we matter to others. We can go to the Word to read so many words of affirmation from the One who loves us unconditionally. Our voice is heard by Him whenever we call and He even knows our thoughts and our weaknesses too. He gives us positive affirmation as no one else can fully do. He calls us His chosen treasure, His very own, and in Psalm 139 we are told we are remarkably made. He watched all the stages of our life since our conception and calls us His new creation (II Cor. 5:17). He has great plans for us and says in Jer. 29:11(ESV), “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” We can also be used to speak words of affirmation into the lives of others that can impact them but we must be sure they are in alignment with scripture. It’s good to receive positive words but the bottom line is that we are totally dependent on the Lord, and not our own strength and gifts. Each day we have a choice if we want to receive God’s affirming words to us and at times, we might want to speak them aloud. Maybe we wake up feeling tired and grouchy but instead we say the affirming words, “This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.” Or we feel left out and we can affirm that we are His beloved and He is ours. As we speak His affirming words, we will find He draws us closer to Him in intimacy.
Challenge for today: Take an affirming scripture with you throughout your day.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy

May 14, 2021

Dear Ones,
Happy Weekend!! Thank you for prayers for Donald as his surgery went well and they did everything they needed to and he will be going home. PTL!! Big answer to prayers. This morning I cleaned the apartment, did food prep and wrote letters. It is raining now but everything looks so fresh and green again. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Surprise! This morning as I opened the blinds and looked out my window, the tree that has looked almost dead all winter is now full of white blossoms that appears almost like popcorn. It seems like the change took place overnight and is now a thing of beauty. Think of all the gardeners who are itching to get out to plant gardens and dream of nutritious veggies and beautiful flowers. Today I read how author, Ann Spangler, had a very small yard but once planted all kinds of veggies and berries and lots of tomatoes in her raised garden. It wasn’t long before she realized that the tomatoes were taking over and were so thick that the other veggies couldn’t thrive. She compared her garden to our hearts and how we need to give it space and nourishment if good things are going to grow. When our lives are crowded with a plethora of even good things, it chokes out time with the Lord and our relationship with Him suffers. We were meant for close fellowship and to bear fruit and that takes space and time for prayer, feeding on His word, for resting in Him etc. If the enemy can’t get us one way, he will cause us to become so busy that our time with the Lord is choked out and we won’t bear fruit. I loved to garden and in our church in Brunswick I had a very large one. The first year, the senior group helped me plant it and then they drove by often to check on it. One gardener said I had the cleanest garden in the county but it took much of my time. Although I had to weed it and tend it, I found it was also a time I could pray and enjoy God’s presence. Some plants needed thinning, others pruning and some needed to be tied to stakes to climb. So, it is with our spiritual gardens, the weeds need to go, other unnecessary or harmful things have to be cut back and sometimes we need encouragement from others who are solid in their walk of faith. Patience is required as we can’t go out and pull up a plant to see how fast it is growing. God gives the growth and our part is to be rooted and grounded in Him and the growth will naturally take place. Consequently, we can live in hope for we know that only by remaining in Him will we produce much fruit. Apart from Him we can do nothing. (John 15:5) So let us tend our spiritual gardens and grow, grow, grow!
Challenge for today: Ask the Lord if He would have you plant something new in your spiritual garden.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy

May 13, 2021

Dear Ones,
An early good morning to you! About 7 this morning Donald is having surgery for melanom and please pray for him. This is the father of Kurt’s business partner. This afternoon we have our second Bible Study in our community room and it is so good we can resume them again.  
Devotions from Judy’s heart
I just finished reading Eugene Peterson’s book on Psalms called “Answering God”.  What I noticed was the Psalms are really prayers answering our God who has already addressed us. Of course, we may not always understand what He is saying to us at the time so we need to listen carefully. Most of the Psalms are complaints by hurting people calling for help and it seems strange to call this The Book of Praises. But if we follow the Psalms to the last word and final goal, they all end with praise. It is the finished product. Like Peterson says, “All prayer, pursued far enough, becomes praise.”  Now it may not happen immediately and sometimes it takes a life time but it does end in praise for those who know Him. Knowing the end shapes our journey through life and helps us in our day to day living. So often when I am reading the Psalms there is a lament and a description of pain or doubts etc. but then right in the middle often comes words of praise. “But I have trusted” or “I will rejoice and sing to the Lord”. When awful things happen and we think of the ultimate end, we can actually sing praises also. One Psalm, and one Psalm only however, is titled Praise. It is Psalm 145 and David wrote it and uses the form of acrostic, the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. But there is no lament, no complaint it is all praise and everything from A to Z. And isn’t that just like our lives as His children? It doesn’t matter what we suffer or go through in this world for one day, it will all end in praise. Our hearts hurt when we see our loved ones suffer and are helpless to relieve it, or maybe we are the ones in pain; but gradually be may find our prayers finally turn into praise. I memorized Psalm 91 when we were going through a hard time in one of our churches, and it was a constant message to me of God’s strength and comfort for me. But it wasn’t until we got to our next church that I could actually praise the Lord for all that He carried us through and could see His purpose. All of our prayers reach for praise even if it takes a while to get there. Like Peterson said, “The end of prayer, all prayer, any prayer is praise.”
Challenge for today: Ask the Lord to speak to you as you sit in quiet with one of the Psalms and then respond to Him.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy 

May 12, 2021

Dear Ones,
Hope you are having a good day. This morning I made choc bars and shopped and went to my exercise class. This afternoon I have Creative crafts and hope to get to Kohls. I received a prayer request to pass on to you for Donald, an 86 year old man who is having melanoma surgery tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. He has cardiovascular problems also, so please pray for him! 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
I think we would all agree that there is so much darkness in our world and it seems to be getting darker all the time. Things that use to shock us, are getting to be almost common place and even accepted. But that should not be. More than ever, we need the Light of His presence to invade the darkness of our world. Light is important to me and I love light! The first thing I do in the early morning before having my devotions is to open our blinds and watch for the sunrise. We were blessed to have an end apartment so we receive more light because of the extra windows. For a very short time, while in California, we lived in a cottage with overhanging trees that blocked out the light. We had to put the lights on even during the day. When Al got a job at the church a few weeks later, we moved into the top floor of an apartment the church owned and had light on all sides of us. What a difference!   Jesus is the light of the world and He came to dispel the darkness and calls us also to be light bearers. He said in John 8:12 (ESV), “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” Those who haven’t received the Lord walk in darkness and we can’t expect them to act like children of light. They are spiritually blind and need to be awakened and gain spiritual sight. Our part is to let our lights shine and God wants His love to shine brightly through us. Let us not be only Sunday Christians that compromise and don’t act any different than those in the world. God is calling us to more, to make a difference, to act different, to have different priorities. He says that we should stand out as stars in this evil world. (Phil. 2:15) Stars are used as navigation tools and light up the sky; they also express God’s power and wisdom. We are called to be stars and light bearers that show the way, bringing peace and hope because of His love that empowers us. Let us not conform to the world but be full of the Holy Spirit, letting His light shine through us.
Challenge for today: Ask the Lord to dust the world off of you and that you would shine brightly for Him.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy
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