Canaan’s Rest represents a quiet place “set apart” for the purpose of hearing God's voice, growing in intimacy with the Lord, and being renewed in soul and spirit.

Month: November 2020 (Page 2 of 4)

November 20,2020

Dear Ones,
Hope you are enjoying the day. Waiting for the sun to show it’s face but hasn’t happened yet. This morning I made individual egg dishes and cleaned the apartment and studied. Hope to get shopping and a walk this afternoon. Sadly they closed down the community rooms so people can’t meet together as they usually do every day. Emoji
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Connections are important and we are finding that out more and more, especially during this COVID time. We use to be able to call someone on the spur of the moment to meet for lunch but now we must think first if it is safe or if the restaurant has shut down. We can text and do face time, but it is not the same as getting a hug from a loved one in person. Our son came to see us on his way to the Silver Chateau this week and how much better is that than a text message. We have many inventive ways of staying connected with others but how about our connection with the Lord? We don’t need any electronic devices for we can talk to Him anytime and anywhere and can spend time in His presence at leisure. Just think of how rich our lives can be when we nurture that connection throughout the day, just speaking to the Lord as we do our best friend. We can be ourselves, with honesty and openness about anything and everything. It is so freeing to be able to share whatever is on our hearts and know He completely understands. My Bible opened to Psalm 103 today and in David’s words I was reminded of all that He has done for us….”He is the One who forgives all your sins, the one who heals all your diseases, the One who rescues your life from the pit, the One who crowns you with mercy and compassion, the One who fills your life with blessings so that you become young again like an eagle…He is compassionate, merciful, patient, and always ready to forgive.” And so much more! David concludes with a heart full of praise. How can our lives be more like that, telling the Lord everything and letting our hearts spill over with praise? When we ask the Lord to be the center of our lives, and not just on the periphery, we can speak to Him from our hearts all the time. We can be open and tell Him our frustrations, our sorrows and pains, and we can ask Him for whatever we need at the time. So often Jesus asked others before He healed them, “What would you like me to do?” We also, can be specific with the Lord and share all our needs and then trust that He will do for us what is best. Let us connect with Him all throughout our day and then not forget to praise Him from a heart of love and gratitude.
Challenge for today: Begin your day telling the Lord you love Him and want to connect throughout the day.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy


November 19, 2020

Dear Ones,
Hope your day is filled with peace. The house is filled with aroma as I made stew in the crockpot this morning. We enjoyed helping last night at the Soup Kitchen and each car was given a box and two big bags of food that was put in their trunks. Other workers served hot soup to them right at their car windows. So many needy people and so many opportunities for us all to be His hands and feet. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
None of us know how much time we will have here on earth and we must make the most of our days. When I sent out my devotional yesterday and shared about how we look at death, I did not know that it would be my aunt’s last day on earth. In the afternoon her daughter who has been lovingly caring for her texted me that it would be a good time to pray for her. Since my aunt had many coming to say their good-byes, we didn’t want to interrupt those times, so Terry would let me know when the time was good. I usually asked the Lord to lead me to a scripture to give to Marcia before I called and yesterday it was clear to me that I should share Psalm 23 which is often said at funerals. After giving the Psalm, both Al and I prayed for her and we were aware that her time was near. Later last night I got a call from her daughter, that her mom was now with the Lord. We talked about her life and heaven and although sadly we will no longer be with my aunt here on earth, she is in her eternal home. We are left with wonderful memories and her example that will live on. Growing up I spent a lot of time with her and always felt she believed in me and anticipated the best in me. I will remember her as one who loved well, was warm hearted and filled with kindness, accepted others where they were at, and a bringer of encouragement. She practiced what Paul wrote about in Eph. 4:32 (God’s Word),” Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one God in Christ has forgiven you.” There was no generation gap for her as she loved the smallest to the oldest and related to them. She was around others at Assisted Living who were afraid of death but she often told us she was not afraid to die for she would be with the Lord and loved ones. My aunt’s life was lived in love and ended well and I ask the question, what will others remember of us? We have only one life to live and will it be lived in sharing God’s love with others, helping them to find the Way while there is still time, and serving in the many ways He prompts us. Let us use each day as an opportunity to love the Lord more intimately and extend His kingdom.
Challenge for today: Say YES to whatever you feel God is nudging you to do today and do it with His love!
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

November 18, 2020

Devotions from Judy’s heart
We will not live forever! We all know we will die someday but nearly everyone tries to avoid this truth and does many activities to prolong life as long as possible. Just think of all the advertisements that tell us about a magic drug, a workout regimen, or right diet that will help us live longer. I read an article by Todd Billings who wrote, “The End of the Christian life.” He says we should stop waging war against mortality and instead learn to embrace and give thanks for our finitude. We may assume that if we don’t think about the end, we will be more content in the present. But Billings says, “As strange as it seems coming to terms with our limits as dying creatures is a life-giving path.” Right now, my 94 year old aunt is getting ready to go home and family is surrounding her and saying their good byes. It makes death more real to me as well. As we prayed for her, I could only imagine that thin veil that lies between this life and the life to come, and soon she will be with the Lord. It happens that most of us make efforts to avoid thinking about death until a loved one is dying or a pandemic happens. All of a sudden, we see clearly that we are not in control and gain a new perspective on our present life. Billings has had to also face death himself as he was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer at 39 that is incurable. He asks in his book if death is an enemy or a friend, and he responded by saying both. The apostle Paul wrote of death as our last enemy but it is also our friend for as we accept our death, it becomes an opportunity to grow closer to the Lord. We are in a culture that denies death but as Christians what is ahead and waiting for us, makes everything else pale. Our life doesn’t end in death but goes on for all eternity. As David prayed in Psalm 23(ESV), “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me….and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” The best is yet to come so let us not live under the fear of death but count it as a gift.
Challenge for today: Spend some time reading scriptures about heaven.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

November 17,2020

Dear Ones,
Hope you are enjoying this beautiful sunny day. I was able to take off my bandage today and was shocked by how it looked…I have a long way to go for healing. I sent in 2 required pictures to my Dr. and she later called and said my nose is healing as expected.Emoji will have to keep it covered for a while. This morning I baked starch free cookies and went to Aldi’s. Do pray for my aunt as she is getting nearer to the end. My cousin held the phone up to her ear last night and we prayed for her and will continue.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
I just finished reading Harbinger II by Jonathan Cohn and wish you could all read it to help make sense of what is happening in our country today that lines up with scripture. We are experiencing exactly what God said would happen if we continue in our ways that violate His commands. Way back in April 30, 1789, after George Washington was inaugurated, he dedicated our nation to God and then said, “that the blessings of God would never remain on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right, which Heaven itself has ordained.” As we all know our nation has disobeyed what God commands and seems to be in a similar place as the Israelites in the Old Testament. God sent judgment upon them to try to turn them back to Him from the worship of idols and sacrificing their children etc. Sadly, America has killed 60,000,000 babies which is unimaginable, and their blood does not go unrecognized by God.  Just as Jeremiah prophesied the coming of pestilence and plague, it is likewise happening to us right now. Cohn describes us as a proud and defiant nation that seems to have lost all sense of right and wrong. God is calling our nation to return. Our only hope is found as it says in  II Chron7:14 (ESV), “If my people who are called my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, Then I will hear from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land.” When our country was torn up in Civil War, President Lincoln set forth a day of prayer on April 30,1863, in hope that prayers would be heard, that God would pardon our national sins, and that restoration would begin for our divided country. The very next day on May 1, 1863 the turning point of the war took place!  Doesn’t that sound like what we need now? Prayer changes things and we have been given so many warnings and signs that we need to repent and turn back to God. Our days are numbered. Let us return to Him and pray America’s lamp will burn brightly again with the fire of God.
Challenge for today: Spend some time in prayer for our nation to return to God.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

November 16, 2020

Dear Ones,
Hope you had a great weekend. It is nice to be inside looking out on fresh snow we had this morning. I like to cook and bake on  snowy days and made 3  G.F. spaghetti pies this morning. I also wrapping a few prizes. Tomorrow I get to take my big nose bandage off and wash my hair! Emoji
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Are we really grateful or do we take things for granted and become complainers? Isn’t it easy to think of how much better life could be if…we had more money, or if someone treated us better, or if we our circumstances were different? I was reading an article by Sharon Jaynes on how gratitude changes everything! Like Paul said in I Thess. 5:18 (The Message), “Thank God no matter what happens. This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live.” We don’t need to wait until things change in our lives for us to suddenly feel thankful, but we can begin right now by simply giving thanks. It doesn’t have to do with circumstances or feelings; but one thing we will discover is that as we begin to praise Him our gratitude lenses change and we see things from a higher perspective. I love to follow the life of King David as he seemed so real with his feelings and would describe them in detail to the Lord. Often, he was fleeing for his life and even though his circumstances were less then ideal, he would switch over and begin praising the Lord. What resulted was that he begins to feel better, and he remembers God’s power and sees God’s glory shining through his situation. Today I read Psalm 42 and the Psalmist says he wonders if he will make it, and he tearfully tells God how he feels down in the dumps. But after describing his situation he switches gears and said he will fix his eyes on God and begins rehearsing God’s promises and goodness and power. Soon he has a smile on his face and he is full of praise. We also can begin praising God even before our situations get resolved, and even though we don’t know what will happen. When we praise Him for who He is and what He’s done, our picture of Him gets bigger and our problems smaller.  Let us be grateful and praise the Lord from whatever place we are in at this moment, for He is worthy of praise.
Challenge for today: Spend some time just thanking God for who He is and His blessings in your life.
Blessings on your week and prayers and love, Judy

The Problem of Virility

Here is more insight from Alastair Roberts.  He notes our society has difficulty with male virility because of what he calls, “gender-integrated environments.”   How  do we deal with the male libido?  “When historically male spaces become gender-integrated,”  maintains Roberts, “men must tone themselves down in practically every realm of life.”  Men then become stunted, needing to repress their natural strengths. 

Male virility left repressed will leave men undeveloped and starved for meaningful expression.  Roberts believes, “many men feel an unmet hunger within themselves and perhaps also a sense of shame at their emasculation.” Men become “unhealthy, repressed or impotent” when they must restrain themselves in ever “collapsing distinctions” between the sexes. “Men can’t become men by spending the overwhelming majority of their time in contexts where women are heavily represented,” Roberts warns. 

Roberts assumes the following  – “When we integrate the sexes throughout society and lose meaningful and productive realms of all-male or all-female society….men and women become stunted and we experience a sort of self-alienation…Virile masculinity takes up space and makes it difficult for women to occupy that space on equal terms.”

Masculine virility was loud and clear as I listened to “sports talk” radio on our long road trip to North Carolina recently.  The passion, excitement and seriousness with which the hosts and the audience dialoged about college and pro football was intense.  With all the critical issues in our culture, sports talk seems to be  the one place where men seemed free to express their passion.  There was fire in the belly for their teams and favorite players.   

I wonder about the “fire in the belly” of the men who read this blog.  Do you have the experience of Jeremiah when he said, “…his word burns in my heart like a fire.  It’s like a fire in my bones!  I am worn out trying to hold it in!  I can’t do it! (Jer. 20:9 NLT)?   Do you know your voice as a man or do you feel impotent in your expression?  The Palmist expressed it this way, “The more I thought about it, the hotter I got, igniting a fire of words’ (Ps 39;3 NLT).    

If you are a follower of Jesus, God’s word is within you.  God told Ezekiel to eat a scroll.  “Son of man, eat what is before you, eat this scroll…..” (Ezk. 3:1).  So he opened his mouth and God gave him a scroll to eat.  God told him, “Son of man, eat this scroll I am giving you and fill your stomach with it” (3:3).  God gave John the Apostle a little scroll to eat.  “”Take it and eat it.  It will turn your stomach sour, but in your mouth it will be as sweet as honey” (Rev. 10:9).

When we read about the stomach, you can be sure that both Ezekiel and John had digested what God wanted them to know.  It became a part of who they were.  Each man will express his virility, because of the word of God is within him, in a unique way that fits a man’s story and journey.  Don’t let anyone silence your voice.  It will lead to indigestion and emasculation.   

Remember Paul’s words to young Timothy.  “This is why I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you when I laid my hands on you.  For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-control (II Tim 1:6-7 NLT).  We need to hear this word, so as to not be intimidated or silenced.    



November 14, 2020

Dear Ones, Hope you are having a good weekend and staying well. This morning I made zucchini fries and did lots of other food prep and cleaned the apt. I am  staying home tomorrow and going to go to church online since my nose is so big  and my hair not washed for 5 days with 3 more days to go. I might scare people!! EmojiDevotions from Judy’s heart Are there times we wonder if God has heard our prayers and question why He hasn’t answered yet? Even Habakkuk said in Hab.1:2, “How long, Lord, must I cry for help and you do not answer?” He felt like God wasn’t stepping in and doing something about the sinfulness going on in Judah. The truth is that God answers every believing prayer, but not necessarily the way we would always desire. Sometimes He says yes, but other times He says no or wait. When we studied prayer in our Bible study group we saw a yes answer when King Hezekiah was dying and cried bitterly, asking God for a longer life. God answered with a yes and gave him 15 more years.  But Jesus Himself prayed to the Father with loud cries and tears that the cup of suffering would pass from Him but he also said not as He willed but only the Father’s will. His  answer was a no for it was part of the Father’s plan that Jesus suffer and die for us that we might have salvation. Sometimes God’s answer is a wait answer. I have always loved the story of David when he was fighting against the Philistines. The first time God told him to attack right away but the next time the enemy came against him he was told to wait. He was to circle around and then wait for the sound of marching in the mulberry trees. (I Chron.14:15) David was obedient and waited until he heard the sound in the trees; he then struck down the enemy and victory was his. It’s rather like that for us. With each request we have we need to ask for His will and listen for his answer. It may come in many different ways, but He always answers. We need to accept whatever that is and know that His answer is the best and always on time. Challenge for today: Pray in faith and trusting and as you wait patiently for His answer. Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy

November 13, 2020

Dear Ones,
Hope you are having a wonderful day! Another day of sunshine but not warm enough to melt the snow. This morning I made individual egg dishes and then did more Christmas cards. I am reminded of so many people who have enriched our lives through the years as I am writing cards. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
There is so much evil and chaos in our world today and seems like things are keep getting worse. Some time ago I remember pastors saying this would happen as the darkness would get darker and the light would get brighter….and that Christians would stand out as lights against the darkness of the world. It is happening now and Paul said to the Christians in Ephesians 5:8-10 (NRSV), “For once you were darkness, but now in the Lord you are light. Live as children of light—for the fruit of the light is found in all that is good and right and true. Try to find out what is pleasing to the Lord.” He goes on to say that we must be careful how we live and make the most of the time for the days are evil. When Al and I pray together every morning we often pray that we can be lights right where the Lord has put us; our desire is to make a difference and that our actions would reflect that we belong to the Lord. All around each of us are opportunities to let our lights shine and we must guard against hiding our lights under a bushel and becoming just like the world. Paul writes to tell us we are to be different for we don’t have to go to great lengths to find pleasure since we have found the One who gives full life that satisfies our deepest hunger. We have found the pearl of great price and don’t have to go searching in all the wrong places. Sadly, our lives don’t always express that, and at times our lights may seem to dim. But we were never meant to blend in to the world but rather to stand out as His lights in a dark world that needs the Lord.  It is usually dark when I begin my devotions each morning; but I still open the blinds so I can see the sun rise gradually and splash its light on the trees outside my window. Let us have our blinds open to His light and then go out into the dark world and shine brightly for Him.
Challenge for today: Put aside those things that dim your light, and then go forth and shine, shine, shine!  
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy 


November 12, 2020

Dear Ones,
Hope you are enjoying the day. It is so beautiful out my window with all the fresh snow. This morning I did food prep and then don’t groan, but I started my Christmas cards and like to have them done by Thanksgiving.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Some little things can become big things! We must be careful and listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit when He gives us warnings and heed them. I was made more aware of this just recently with my nose job! Not long ago I had my annual appointment with my dermatologist. She zapped me in quite a few places and then I mentioned that occasionally I had what looked like a very tiny zit on my nose and would bleed. When she took a closer look, she decided to biopsy it and later I was told it was cancer. Really? That little tiny thing? Still when I went to Bemidji to have the Moh’s surgery done, I told the nurse I felt kind of foolish to come with such a little thing on my nose as I don’t like to go to the Doctor unless I am really sick  and have tried everything else first. She proceeded to tell me about how I would need stitches and even a flap taken from elsewhere on my nose to fill in the gap. Along the way she showed me in the mirror what had now become a long incision after the cancer was removed and the stitches in place.  And to top it off there was the huge bandage of protection to be kept on for a week, with care not to get wet. To me it was like a living parable of what happens when those little temptations come and we yield to them. The enemy wants us to think something is harmless and won’t make any difference but if we persist, it can turn into something big with and costly to our spiritual lives. If left without God’s intervention, we can experience dire consequences that is costly to our relationship with Him. How much better to call out in repentance to the Great Physician who will then do the needed work to remove what is harmful from our lives. Then after a time of removal and clean up comes healing as God insulates us in His love to protect us from such wounds again. May we come to Him, and receive His forgiveness and grace; as it says in Psalm 97:10 (ESV), “O you who love the Lord, hate evil! He preserves the lives of His saints and delivers them from the hand of the wicked.” Let us not yield even in small ways to temptation for it can cause on avalanche of trouble!
Challenge for today: When you are tempted, quickly call out to the Lord for His help to resist.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

November 11, 2020

 Devotions from Judy’s heart
There is no limit to God’s forgiveness! Isn’t that the most wonderful news? No matter what we have done, if we are truly repentant, He will not only forgive us but also forget that we ever did it. There are times as I am busy working and thoughts of regrets come to my mind. Why did I say something insensitive or do something thoughtless, or was disobedient to how God was directing me? Even though I have asked God for forgiveness and the persons concerned, those negative thoughts come again. Yes, the Lord has already forgiven me but the enemy loves to bring up things of the past and tries to accuse me again. Maybe we all have that problem at times, for Satan uses accusations to rob us of our peace. We need to reject his lies and instead do what David did in Psalm 51; he first confessed it was really God he had sinned against and asked for His mercy and forgiveness. He then asks for a fresh start and begins to praise the Lord. In verse 15-16 (The Message) he says, “Unbutton my lips, dear God: I’ll let loose with your praise. Going through the motions doesn’t please you, a flawless performance is nothing to you. I learned God-worship when my pride was shattered.” Praise is the perfect response to receiving forgiveness. The more we learn to do that, the more we seem to get our joy back. Just as David wanted to be close to God again, let us also deal with our sin that puts a wedge between us and Him. After we humbly confess our shortcomings, we can unleash praise to Him and watch what happens… we feel restored again, cleansed, close to the Lord, and open and reaching out to others with forgiveness. May we not hide our sin but be open before the Lord, confess when we do wrong, and seek forgiveness.
Challenge for today: Spend some time asking the Holy Spirit to search your heart and confess all sin that He reveals to you.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy


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